摘要: 我国钢铁生产突飞猛进,高炉生产在各方面取得了显著进步,但在资源和能源利用率及环保等方面还有很大差距。本文以成本最优为目标,提出了高炉优化配比模型,该模型可快速、准确计算出满足目标要求又兼顾降低资源消耗和减少环境污染的优化配比方案。比较了应用高炉优化配矿模型前后的炼铁成本、矿石单耗和吨铁炉渣量等数据。结果表明,高炉优化配比模型的应用,降低了吨铁生产成本,节约了资源,减少了排放,取得较好的经济效益和环境效益。
abstract: with the steel production developing by leaps and bounds in our country改诗, blast furnace has achieved remarkable progress in various aspects,笑看风尘 but it also has the very big gap in the utilization rat of resources and energy and environmental protection. in this article, it puts forward the optimization ratio model of blast furnace according the target of the optimal cost, and it can calculate the optimization ratio scheme of meeting the goal request and also considering reducing resource consumption and environmental pollution. it compares the data of the cost of pig iron千年的轮回, the consumption of ore and the quantity of bla
养殖珍珠st furnace slag which is from before and after of applying the optimization ratio model of blast furnace. the results show that it reduces the cost of tons pig iron能力训练, economizes resources空调制热图标,数据统计表 reduces the emissions, and obtains better economic benefits and environmental benefits becau of applying the optimization ratio model of blast furnace.