The proverb "Gold hou, silver hou, not as good as own grass hut" proves that it is better to have a simple, modest and peaceful life. 摩羯座和处女座
In today's society, people are trying to collect more and more material posssions. They believe that wealth will bring them happiness and lf-fulfillment, yet what they often forget is that posssing money cannot guarantee joy. People can gain money easily, however, it is much more difficult to defy a comfortable, tension-free life. 么么哒是什么意思>似是故人来歌词
After all, when we are living in a big golden hou, it can be quite suffocating. On the other hand, in a small grass hut, we would have the freedom of enjoying the breeze and being clo to nature. Even without owning many luxury items, we can still revel in the pleasure of the simple things. Fresh air, the sound of wind, the sight of trees and bushes, look down the roofs of neighbours, listening to and telling stories, the are all possible in a grass hut.
科技兴农 Alternatively, if we buy a gold hou, we have to take on the responsibility of maintaining it. We need to constantly check the heater, foundation, plumbing, wiring, and more. We may fear for our safety in the building and create stress and anxiety.
开心的图片可爱 Therefore, it is better to move into a little grass hut than a powerful, peer-attracting gold hou. We can experience great moments and live a simpler, meaningful life. That is why gold hou or silver hou are not as good as our own grass hut.
In conclusion, let us remember the importance of having a peaceful, stress-free life, and cherish the beauty of our own grass hut.