
更新时间:2023-05-27 02:20:20 阅读: 评论:0

表示物体发出的声音 (下列象声词多数既是名词又是动词)
bang; bump; clatter; crack; crash; thud; thump
The lid of the box fell shut with a bang.纵使悲凉也是情
He fell off the bed with a bump.
We heard the clatter og sb washing dishes coming from the kitchen.
The branch broke with a crack.
The dishes fell to the floor with a crash.
There was a thud as the sack fell to the floor.
The book landed on the floor with a thump.
clang; clank; clink; jingle; ring; tinkle
the gates clanged shut.
the clank of chains
Their glass clinked.
The coins jingled in the pocket.
窃读记原文He hit the empty tank and it let out a ringing noi.
The little bells tinkled.
bang; boom; roar; rumble
The firework wenet off with a loud bang.
There was a loud boom as the bomb exploded.
The roar of an explosion
Thunder rumbled across the sky.
crackle; sizzle
a log crackled on the fire.
The bacon sozzled in the frying pan.
微弱 低沉的声音
murmur; rustle
the murmur of the stream
leaves rustled in the breeze.
机器 车辆等发出的声音
bleep; buzz; hum; tick; whir; whine
You will hear a bleep when you push the button.
The shaver buzzed.
I can hear the clock ticking.
The refrigerator hummed softly in the corner.
The vacuum cleaner was whirring in the room.
The whine of the engine grew louder.
钟 喇叭发出的声音
chime; hoot; honk; ring; toll
The clock chimed six.
Drivers hooted/ honked their horns.
The phone’s ringing.
The church bells tolled.
bubble; gurgle; plop; splash; squelch
The soup was bubbling on the stove.
Why does the plumbing in this hou gurgle in the night?
the plop of frogs jumping into the water   
The boy fell into the pool with a splash.
The mud squelched as he walked across the field.
creak; screech; squeak
the creak if wheels
The loudspeaker screeched.
If you don’t oil the hinges, they will squeak.
knock; knocking; rap; rapping; tap; tapping; patter; rattle
I knocked on the door. 
There was a violent rapping at the door.
The rain patters against the window.
A branch from the tree outside tapped against the window.
There is sth rattling inside the machine. 
bees buzz. 蜜蜂嗡嗡叫。
Birds chirp. 小鸟唧喳叫。
Cats purr. 猫发出咕噜声。
Chickens cluck.. 鸡咯咯叫。
Cows moo. 牛哞哞叫。
Dogs growl. 狗嗥。
Donkeys heehaw. 驴子叫。
Ducks quack. 鸭子嘎嘎叫。
Frogs croak. 青蛙哇哇叫。
Gree cackle. 鹅咯咯叫。
Hors neigh. 马嘶鸣。
Lions roar. 狮子吼叫。
Magpies chatter. 喜鹊唧唧喳喳。
Mosquitos hum. 蚊子嗡嗡叫。
Owls hoot.  猫头鹰咕咕叫。
Snakes hiss. 蛇发出嘶嘶声。
Wolves howl. 狼发出长嚎
1、狮子(lion: roar, howl;
2、老虎(tiger: roar, howl;
3、豹子(panther: howl
4、大象(elephant: trumpet;
5、豺(jackal: howl
6 、狼(wolf: howl
7、狗(dog: bark,yap,yelp,bay,howl,growl,snarl,whine
8、狐(fox: bark, yelp
9、猫(cat: mew,miaow,miau,meow,meou
10、鼠(mou: squeak,cheep,peep
11、猪(pig: grunt, whick, aqueak
12、野猪(swine: grunt
13、公猪(boar: grim
14、熊(bear: buzz, growl
15、无尾猿(ape: gibber,gueriet
16、猴(monkey: screech, gibber, chatter, snottier, jabber, howl
17、骆驼(camel: nozzle, grunt
18、鹿(deer: call, bell, bellow
19、牛(cattle: cow, bleat
20、公牛(bull: bellow, low
21、母牛(cow: low
22、小牛(calf): bleat
23、水牛(buffalo: boo
24、羊(sheep, goat: baa, bleat
25、马(hor: neigh,whinny,nicker
26、驴(ass,donkey: bray, hee-haw
27、兔子(rabbit: mumble
1、青蛙(frog croak   
2、蟾蜍(toad shriek
3、蛇(snake, rpent
4、蜜蜂(bee buzz,hum,bumble,drone 
5、黄蜂(wasp hum
6、蟋蟀(cricket chirp(chirrup)
7、甲虫(beetle drone, boom
8、蚱蜢(grasshopper chirp
9、蚊子(mosquito hum,buzz,drone
10、苍蝇(fly hum,buzz,drone
1、公鸡(cock crow
2、母鸡(怎么看电脑系统hen cackle, cluck
3、小鸡(chicken cheep
4、火鸡(turkey gobble   
5、鸭(duck quack
6、鹅(goo cackle,hiss,creak,gaggle 
7、鸽子(dove, pigeon coo,crood,croud,croodle, 
8、鹌鹑(quail curkle   
9、鸠(stock-dove murmur
10、斑鸠(turtle-dove wail 
11、天鹅(swan chant,cry   
12、乌鸦(crow,raven caw,croak
13、白嘴鸦(撞南墙rook caw
14、鹧鸪(partrige call   
15、鹦鹉(parrot prat,squawk
16、孔雀(peacock tantle,scream
17、云雀(lark sing 
18、红雀(linnet chirp ?
19、喜鹊(magpie chatter,clatter
20、麻雀(sparrow chirp
21、夜莺(nightingale warble,pip,jug,jug-jug
22、画眉(mavis guaver
23、布谷(cuckoo cuckoo
24、鹤(stork coniat 
25、白鹤(crane whoop Z0ad
26、燕(swallow chirp,twitter
27、海鸥(gull): mew
28、鹰(eagle scream
1、金属磕碰声 当啷 clank,clang
2、形容金属的响声 当当 rattle
3、金属、瓷器连续撞击声 丁零当啷 jingle,jangle,cling-clang
4、鼓声、敲门声 咚咚 rub-a dub,rat-tat,rat-a-tat
5、脆响的(关门)声 吧嗒 clik
6、敲打木头声 梆梆 rat-tatrat-at 
7、重物落下声 咕咚 thud,splash,plump   
8、东西倾倒声 哗啦 crash,clank 
9、风吹动树枝叶声 飒飒 sough,rustle
10、树枝等折断声 嘎巴 crack,snap 
11、不大的寒风声 瑟瑟 rustle
12、踩沙子、飞沙击物或风吹草木 沙沙、飒飒 rustle
13、飞机螺旋桨转动 呼呼 whirr ?
14、雨点敲击房顶 噼里啪啦 patter 
15、水流动声 拔拉 splash,gurgle 
16、物体受压 嘎吱 creak 喀嚓 crack.snap
17、溪水、泉水流动声 潺潺 murmur,babble,purl
18、液体、沸腾、水流涌出或大口喝水声 咕嘟 babble,gurgle
19、重物落地声 扑通 flop,thump,splash,pit-a-pat
20、笑声、水、气挤出声 扑哧 titter,snigger,fizz
21、雷声、爆炸声、机器声 隆隆 hum,rumble,roll
22、汽笛或喇叭声 呜呜 toot,hoot,zoom 
23、油在锅里 滋滋 sizzle
24、鞭炮爆炸声 噼啪 pop 
25、脚踏楼板声 登登 clump

1、狮子(lion roar, howl; 
2、老虎(tiger roar, howl;
3、豹子(panther howl
4、大象(elephant trumpet;
5、豺(jackal howl
6 、狼(wolf howl
7、狗(dog bark,yap,yelp,bay,howl,growl,snarl,whine
8、狐(fox bark,
9、猫(cat mew,miaow,miau,meow, 
10、鼠(mou squeak,cheep,peep "
11、猪(pig grunt, whick, aqueak
12、野猪(swine grunt
13、公猪(boar girn 
14、熊(bear bruzz, growl 
15、无尾猿(ape gibber,gueriet 
16、猴(monkey screech, gibber, chatter, snutter, jabber, howl
17、骆驼(camel nuzz, grunt 
18、鹿(deer call, bell, bellow
19、牛(cattle cow,bleat
20、公牛(bull bellow,low
21、母牛(cow low
22、小牛(calf): bleat
23、水牛(buffalo boo 
24、羊(sheep,goat baa, bleat
25、马(hor neigh,whinny,nicker 
26、驴(ass,donkey bray, hee-haw
27、兔子(rabbit mumble


1、青蛙(frog croak
2、蟾蜍(toad shriek
3、蛇(snake, rpent
4、蜜蜂(bee buzz,hum,bumble,drone 
5、黄蜂(wasp hum
6、蟋蟀(cricket chirp(chirup)
7、甲虫(beetle drone,boom
8、蚱蜢(grsshopper chirp
9、蚊子(mosquito hum,buzz,drone
10、苍蝇(fly hum,buzz,drone


1、公鸡(cock crow
2、母鸡(hen cackle,cluck
3、小鸡(chicken cheep
4、火鸡(turkey gobble
5、鸭(duck quack
6、鹅(goo cackle,hiss,creak,gaggle 
7、鸽子(dove,pigeon coo,crood,croud,croodle, 
8、鹌鹑(quail curkle
9、鸠(stock-dove murmur
10、斑鸠(turtle-dove wail 
11、天鹅(swan chant,cry
12、乌鸦(crow,raven caw,croak
13、白嘴鸦(rook caw
14、鹧鸪(partrige call   
15、鹦鹉(parrot prat,squawk
16、孔雀(peacock tantle,scream
17、云雀(lark sing 
18、红雀(linnet chirp
19、喜鹊(magpie chatter,clatter
20、麻雀(sparrow chirp
21、夜莺(nightingale warble,pip,jug,jug-jug
22、画眉(mavis guaver
23、布谷(cuckoo cuckoo
24、鹤(stork coniat
25、白鹤(crane whoop Z0ad
26、燕(swallow chirp,twitter
27长细比计算公式、海鸥(gull): mew
28、鹰(eagle scream


1、金属磕碰声 当啷 clank,clang
2、形容金属的响声 当当 rattle
3、金属、瓷器连续撞击声 丁零当啷 jingle,jangle,cling-clang
4、鼓声、敲门声 咚咚 rub-a dub,rat-tat,rat-a-tat
5、脆响的(关门)声 吧嗒 clik
6、敲打木头声 梆梆 rat-tatrat-at 
7、重物落下声 咕咚 thud,splash,plump
8、东西倾倒声 哗啦 crash,clank 
9、风吹动树枝叶声 飒飒 sough,rustle
10、树枝等折断声 嘎巴 crack,snap 
11、不大的寒风声 瑟瑟 rustle
12、踩沙子、飞沙击物或风吹草木 沙沙、飒飒 rustle
13、飞机螺旋桨转动 呼呼 whirr
14、雨点敲击房顶 噼里啪啦 patter 
15、水流动声 拔拉 splash,gurgle 
16、物体受压 嘎吱 creak 喀嚓 crack.snap
17、溪水、泉水流动声 潺潺 murmur,babble,purl
18、液体、沸腾、水流涌出或大口喝水声 咕嘟 babble,gurgle
19、重物落地声 扑通 flop,thump,splash,pit-a-pat
20、笑声、水、气挤出声 扑哧 titter,snigger,fizz
21、雷声、爆炸声、机器声 隆隆 hum,rumble,roll
22、汽笛或喇叭声 呜呜 toot,hoot,zoom 
23、油在锅里 滋滋 sizzle
24、鞭炮爆炸声 噼啪 pop 
25、脚踏楼板声 登登 clump


Song Hark, Hark! 歌:听啊!听!
Hark, Hark! 听啊!听!
Bow-woo. 汪!汪!
The watching dogs bark! 犬在门前狂吠!
Bow-woo. 汪!汪!
Hark, Hark! I hear 听啊!听!我听见
The strain of strutting chanticlear 伸颈的雄鸡
Cry,Cock-a doodle-doo. 喔喔啼
ping pong
Argh! 表示极度的沮丧和失望.
Ah! 羡慕,满意
Aha! 满意,愉快,胜利
Ahem! 唤起注意
Alas! 遗憾,悲痛,不幸
Bah! 轻蔑,厌恶
Brrr! 寒冷
Blech! 吃到或 看到一些另人反感的东西时的反应.
Blah! !表示不喜欢,不赞成.
Boom! !形容巨响.
Crash! 哗啦一声,形容物体相撞的声音.
Darn!(Darn it!) 愤怒,失望
Eek! ! 表示恐惧.
Eww! !尝到,闻到或看到令人反感的东西时的反应.
For goodness sake! 惊奇,害怕
Gad! 惊奇,不赞同
Gee! 惊奇,赞美
God!(Good god! Great God! 惊奇,恐惧
Geez! 天哪.表示气愤和难以置信.此为感叹词 Jesus 的委婉说法.
Gosh! 哎呀!表惊讶.
Grrrrr! 格噜..表示生气的幽默用法.是幽默地模仿了动物被激怒时发出的声音.
Gulp! 不好!糟了!表示坏事即将发生.说这个词时,通常很小声.
Good gracious! 惊奇,恼怒
Goodness! 惊奇,害怕,恼怒
Hi ()
Hush ()
Hem ()
Heaven forbid! 惊奇,害怕
Heaven help me! 惊奇,害怕
(Good) Heavens! 惊奇,害怕
Help! 求助
Hey! 废旧物品手工惊奇,喜悦,疑问,或唤起注意
Hmmm! 思考
Ho(a)! 惊奇,满足,喜悦或唤起注意
I-I-I-I-I! 呀呀........!难以置信.读作: eye-y'eye-y'eye-y'eye-y'eye!
I’ll be darned! 惊奇
Jesus(Christ)! 不满意,失望,痛苦,惊恐
Kaboom! !!表突然发生的爆炸声.
Look out! 警告
Mmmm! 品尝满意
Mercy! 惊奇
Mercy me! 惊奇
My! 惊奇,羡慕
My,my! 惊奇
My goodness! 惊奇,害怕
My word! 惊奇
Ow! 哎哟!表示疼痛.
Oh! 惊奇,诧异,害怕,疼痛
Oh, boy! 激动,惊奇,惊喜(男女都可说)
Oh, dear! 惊奇
Oh,my! 惊奇,羡慕
Oh, no! 害怕,惊奇,失望
Oho! 惊奇
Oh-oh! 遇到不顺心的事
Ouch 疼痛
Ow! 疼痛
Oh, well! 无可奈何
Pew ! !表示味道难闻.
Phew! !表示极度焦虑之后,如释重负.
Piuck! !尝到,闻到或看到令人反感的东西时的反应.
Pow! !!形容突然的袭击.
Psst! 唤起注意
Say! 唤起注意,或想起什么
Shit! 愤怒,厌恶,沮丧
Sigh! !!表示无奈和失望. 说的时候,轻轻的,无可奈何的!
Smash! 哗啦!形容物体猛烈撞击,造成破碎或损坏.
Thwack! !形容物体相撞发出急促的声音,但没有造成破损.打耳光就可以用这个滴.呵呵.
Thank God! 宽慰,感谢
Thank goodness! 感谢
Tsk-tsk! 不赞同
Tut-tut! 不满,不耐烦
Ugh! 厌恶
Unbelievable! 惊讶
Wham! !描述快速移动的物体突然撞击在景致的物体上时所发出的声音.
Whew! 表示经理极度焦虑后的极大安慰.
Whoa! !!用于阻止对方的行动.
Whoops! !突然想起要做某事带撇的字
oops! 哎呀!表示发生意外. 撞到别人时可以用哦.
Whoosh! 呼的医生,嗖的一声.描述物体快速移动发出的声音.
Watch it! 警告
Watch out! 警告
Well! 惊奇,宽慰
Well, I never! 惊奇,愤怒
Well,well! 惊奇
Whoopee! 高兴
Wow! 诧异,惊讶,羡


1.Crack! The stick broke in two.

2.Only the venliator in the cellar window kept up a cealess rattle.

3.Round the corner of Croscent Bay, between the pile-up mass of broken rock, a flock of sheep came pattering.


1.The cock in the yard crowed its first round. 

2.He felt as if he must shout and sing, he emed to hear about him the rustle of unceasing and inmumberable wings.


3.They splashed through the mire to the village.

1.The logs were burning briskly in the fire.

2.“Impartinent!” snorted Imalds.


3.Then a dog began to howl somewhere ina a farm hou far down the road--a long, agonized wailing, as if from fear.


I ldom opened my door in a winter evening without hearing it; Hoo hoo hoo, hooner hoo, sounded sonorously, and the first three syllables accented somewhat like how deardo; or sometimes hoo hoo only. "zb7+ B F 
声音名称 响声 英文
1、金属磕碰声 当啷 clank,clang
2、形容金属的响声 当当 rattle
3、金属、瓷器连续撞击声 丁零当啷 jingle,jangle,cling-clang
4、鼓声、敲门声 咚咚 rub-a dub,rat-tat,rat-a-tat
5、脆响的(关门)声 吧嗒 clik
6、敲打木头声 梆梆 rat-tat,rat-at
7、重物落下声 咕咚 thud,splash,plump
8、东西倾倒声 哗啦 crash,clank
9、(跳)风吹动树枝叶声 飒飒 sough,rustle
10、树枝等折断声 嘎巴 crack,snap
11、不大的寒风声 瑟瑟 rustle
12、踩沙子、飞沙击物或风吹草木 沙沙、飒飒 rustle
13、飞机螺旋桨转动 呼呼 whirr
14、雨点敲击房顶 噼里啪啦 patter
15、水流动声 拔拉 splash,gurgle
16、物体受压 嘎吱 creak
喀嚓 crack.snap
17、溪水、泉水流动声 潺潺 murmur,babble,purl
18、液体、沸腾、水流涌出或大口喝水声 咕嘟 babble,gurgle
19、重物落地声 扑通 flop,thump,splash,pit-a-pat
20、笑声、水、气挤出声 扑哧 titter,snigger,fizz
21、雷声、爆炸声、机器声 隆隆 hum,rumble,roll
22、汽笛或喇叭声 呜呜 toot,hoot,zoom
23、油在锅里 滋滋 sizzle
24、鞭炮爆炸声 噼啪 pop
25、脚踏楼板声 登登 clump

本文发布于:2023-05-27 02:20:20,感谢您对本站的认可!



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