(Determi ners in Noun Phras)
一、限定词的定义(D efinin g the notionof “determiner”)
限定词不同于修饰语(modifie r)。限定词是用来表示名词短语中中心词(head noun)(68页)是特指(specifi c referen ce)还是类指(generic referen ce),是表示确定数量(definit e quantit y)还是不确定(indefin ite quantit y)数量,是指称部分还是整体,起限定作用的一类词。修饰语只是在语义上增添名词中心词的“描绘”信息,使之更具体。因此限定词通常是必不可少的,而修饰语一般是可有可无的;限定词只能位于名词前,而修饰语很多则可以位于名词后,特别是形容词短语作修饰语时;限定词无短语成分,形容词等修饰语有短语成分。
True or fal?
Determiners are words that are ud to describ e head nouns in noun phras.(68页-71页)
(1)A deer can stand as soon as it is born.
(2)Thousan ds of visitor s come to this muumevery year.
慢速voa(3)The old and the young sometim es find it hard to underst and each other.
(4)All the first three winners in the game were Chinese.
(5)This company decides to pay the workers by the hour.
(6)Come and e us whenever you have any time.
(7)To tell you the truth, I do not like either color very much. (8)I have to read all the books for my cour.
请说出上面各句中的名词短语有哪些,注意其中的限定词。二、限定词的类型(T ypes of determiners)(69页)
(一)冠词(article s):还可分为三类:定冠词(Definit e Articl e):the;不定冠词(Indefin ite Article):a, an;零冠词(Zero Articl e)。网络研修计划
(二)物主限定词(posss ives):包括物主代词(Posss ive Pronoun):my, your, his, her, our, your, their, one's, its以及名词属格(Generic Noun):Tom’s, my mother’s。
(三)指示限定词(demonst rative s):在语义上和定冠词有紧密联系,用来指明所指物的数量以及与说话人的距离远近。定冠词几乎总是非重读的,而指示词却常常需要重读。指示限定词包括:this, that, the, tho, such。
(四)量限定词(quantif iers):指明名词的数量,还可细分为四类:全部(inclusi ve)(all, each, every, whole)、大量(large quanti t y)(many, much)、适量或少量(moderat e or small quantit y)、任意量或否定量(arbitra ry/negativ e member or amount)(any, either , no, neither)。
(五)数词(numeral s):包括基数词(cardina l numeral s)、序数词(ordinal numeral s)、倍数词(multipl icativ e numeral s)(twice, three times…)和分数词(fractio nal numeral s)(one third, two thirds )。基数词在语义上和量限定词相近,不同之处在于基数词提
除了上述五类,还有疑问限定词(what, which, who)和关系限定词(which, who)。
三、限定词在名词短语中的排列顺序(order of determiners in a noun phra)(69-70)
根据限定词在名词短语中所处的位置,限定词又可分为三种:前位限定词(predete rm iner s)、中位限定词(central determiners)和后位限定词(post-determiners)。
前位限定词有:1、all, both, half; 2、倍数词doub le, twice, three times等;3、分数词one-third, two -fifths等。
中位限定词有:1、定冠词和不定冠词;2、物主限定词(物主代词和’s属格名词);3、指示限定词;4、不定数量词(some, few, no, any, every, each, either, neither);5、疑问限定词和关系限定词。
后位限定词有:1、基数词;2、序数词(包括一般序数词n ext, last, past, another, additio n al, further);3、封闭数量词(clod-systemquantif iers)(few, fewer, veral, most, more, many, much, little, less,
何应钦least);4、开放数量词(open-systemquantif iers)(plentyof, a bit of, a lot of, lots of, a great deal of, a number of以及bag s of, heaps of等)。(73页练习5)
关闭省电模式(跨类限定词:such, what, many)
(9) The volunte ers came from all the thirty-two provinc es, municip alitie s and regions.
(10) In all your four ntenc es the singula r form is accepta ble, but not the pluralone.
(11) All the last few days we have been prepari ng for the qualify ing test.
1、前位限定词是相互排斥的,在一个名词短语中的中心名词前只能有一个前位限定词,如:all both sides, all half apple, all double h ours都是不正确的说法。
2、中位限定词也是相互排斥的。如:the every book, his some books 就不对。
He will stay here for the first 3 days of the month.
Where will you be duringthe next few weeks?
I have two more hats than he does.
Many such regulat ions are also applica ble to us.
Another such disaste r and he will be ruined.
I’llbehereforanother five/few weeks.
The last two pages are missing.
The two last pages are missing.
(Which is wrong?)
The last two pages of this book are missing.
创造辉煌The two last pages of this book are missing.组织能力杨三角
(Which is wrong?)
The condlast page is missing.
The last condpage is missing.
True or fal?
Functionallyspeakin g, determiners can be subdivi ded into pre-determiners, central determiners and post-determiners.(71页)练习(见课本)
1. each既可用作形容词,又可用作代词,在句中可以作定语,主语、宾语、同位语、状语等。