
更新时间:2023-05-26 19:58:23 阅读: 评论:0

1、What do National Semiconductor,Maxwell Hou Coffee,Deloitte&Touche,and Hearst Magazines have in common?All the organizations are headed by moreover,according to a recent study by Catalyst,a national nonprof it organization assisting women in business,more than 80 percent of Fortune 500 companies have at least one woman on their boards of directors,up f rom 69 percent two years earlier.Despite all this,there is evidence that women are not commonly f ound at the executive level.No f ortune-500 company has a female CEO;women executives are extremely underreprented in some industries,such as manuf acturing,engineering,and f inancial rvices;and respons to the Catalyst survey show that six in ten women believe women suffer discrimination in pursuing executive business positions.
Industry experts have pointed out veral blocks to women's progress up the corporate ladder.Among the blocks are the prejudiced notions of women that some men in managerial positions still bring to the recruiting process.In addition,becau women are of ten excluded from the inf ormal network outside the of f i ce-for example,by not being given ason tickets to sporting events and by not being invited to play golf-they miss out on the opportunity to build relationships.Other blocks include diff i culties in balancing career and family(women are still the primary caregivers in our society),lack of gen
eral management experience,reluctance to travel,and unfriendly corporat e cultures that drive women away bef ore they are ready f or executive positions.
2、Lance Armstrong is thirty-three years old and is one of the best athletes in the world.Scientists say his body operates better than the average person.For example,his heart can beat more than two hundred times a minute.It pumps an extremely large amount of blood and oxygen to his legs.
Edward Coyle,head of the Human Perf orm ance Laboratory at the University of Texas in Austin,tested Armstrong f ive times f rom 1992 until 1995.Each time,the cyclist rode a f ixed bike f or twenty-f ive minutes with the work rate increasing every f ive minutes.
Scientists measured Armstrong's perf ormance against the amount of oxygen he breathed.Doctor Coyle discovered an 8%increa in Armstrong's muscle power.Doctor Coyle suspected Armstrong might have developed more of a certain kind of muscle during his ven years of training. Doctor Coyle also discovered that Armstrong was able to reduce his body weight and body f at bef ore his Tour de France victories,This enabled him to increa his power in relation to his body weight by18%.Doctor Coyle says the results of the study show that long-term training has more of an effect on athletes than scientists thought.
Lance Armstrong is unique in another way.In 1996,when he was twenty-f ive,he discovered he had cancer of the testicles,which had spread to his lungs and brain.Armstrong received chemical treatment and veral operations on his brain.Af ter he recovered,he began training again in 1998.The next year he won his f irst Tour de France race.Many people who have survived and are living with cancer believe he is a hero.
A college education is an investment in the f uture.But it can be a costly one.The college Board estimates that the costs at a f our-year public college in the United States incread 10%this past school year.That was less than the 13%increa the year bef ore,but still much higher than the inf lation rate.Public colleges and universities still cost a lot less than private ones.
Financial aid of ten helps.But f inancial experts advi parents to start college savings plans when their child is still very young.
All f i f ty states and the District of Columbia of f er what are called 5-29plans.The plans are named af t er the part of the federal tax law that created them in 1996.States u private investment companies to operate the majority of the programs.
Every state has its own rules governing 5-29 plans.Some of the plans are free of state taxes(州税).A
nd all are not required to pay federal taxes.However,the government could start to tax withdrawals(取钱)in 2011 if Congress 5-29 plans include investment accounts that
increa or decrea in value with the investments
they contain.Families must decide how
aggressively they want to put money into stocks,or
other investments.
Another kind of 5-29 plan lets parents begin to pay
f or their child's education in advance and long
bef ore their child starts college.This kind of
savings program is called    a prepaid tuition
plan.The money goes into an account to pay f or an
education at a public college or university in the
family's home state.
3、There is progress toward a possible treatment
f or lun
g dias suc
h as SARS(vere acut e
respiratory syndrom e).Rearchers have learned
more about how the SARS virus works:it interf eres
with a system in the body that us enzymes to
control blood pressure and f luid balance.Scientists
say the virus attaches to an enzyme known as
ACE-two,The virus blocks the enzyme,permitting
f luid to enter the lungs.
A team from Europe and Asia report ed the f indings
in Nature Medicine.Doctor Jof Penninger of the
Institute of Molecul ar Biotechnology in the
Austrian Academy of Sciences was the major
writer of the report.The discovery could lead to a
new means of treating not just SARS but also other
dias that can cau lung failure.The include
avian f lu and inf luenza in humans.
The f irst cas of SARS were discovered in
Guangdong province,in southern China,in
November of2002.SARS was not identif ied as a
worldwide threat until March of2003.The dia
spread to 26 countries,most of them in the
Asia-Paci f ic area.An estimated 8000 people had
SARS.More than 770 of them died,or about 10%,a
relatively high rate.
The World Health Organization warned people not
to travel to aff ected areas.The crisis hurt
international travel and business.The WHO says
the dia stopped spreading by July of 2003.As a
result of SARS,the health agency got new powers
to act bef ore a government officially announces a
1、The large American energy rvice
company,Enron,f ailed a f ew years ago.
问题:①T passage mainly discuss two cas of
Enron's top of f i cials.
②According to the government,Mr.Cauy
misud his knowledge of accounting to cheat
investors and others.
③What did Richard Cauy claim?He is innocent
becau he did everything according to the
④According to the passage,one common feature
of the two cas is that both Mr.Cauy and
Mr.Fastow had done illegal things f or their own
benef its.
⑤It can be inf erred f rom the passage that the tw o
cas f ound to be cloly connected.
2、For any given task in Britain there are more
men than are needed.
问题:①According to the passage,the argument of
jobs between unions is ttled by means of
providing more job opportunities.
②What is the author's attitude towards the British
way of lif e and work?Neut ral.
③By "appear to be choosing leisure over goods
"in the last paragraph,the authors means that
Britons prefer enjoyment to productivity.
④It can be inf erred f rom the passage that Britons
won't increa productivity at the cost of their
⑤By using the examples in Paragraph 5,the author
pleasant place.
3、A major sociological theory known as
symbolic interactionism of f ers some important
insights into how men and women are taught to
f ill different roles in society.
问题:①According to the passage,if one is
given a certain message about himl f or
herl f time and again,he or she will f ind it
believable and then behave accordingly.
②Cooley's concept of looking-glass l f can
help us understand how men and women are
taught to perf orm different social roles.
③The word "intimidated" in paragraph 2 is
clost in meaning to f rightened.
④The author's purpo of writing this article is
to show the inf luence of messages and
communication on people's behaviors.
⑤What is the author's attitude towards the
theory of symbolic interactionism?Approving.
4、Surprisingly,no one knows how many
children receive education in English
hospitals,still less the content or quality of that
问题:①The author points out at the very
beginning that not enough is known about
hospital teaching.
②What can be inferred f rom the l atest
survey?Only one-f ourth of the hospital have各有所短
f ull-time teachers.
③Even i f hospital teaching is of any help,a
teacher usually just keeps the children f rom
idling around.
④What do children in hospital usually do in
order to catch up with their school work?They
turn to their schoolmates f or help.
⑤W e can conclude from the passage that the
author is concerned with the prent state of
hospital teaching.
5、Jan, 6 issue-The weather outside was
icy,but inside,250journalists were gathered in a
Manhattan off ice complex to e the latest
schemes f or rebuilding the World Trade Center
site.Last week was the f ir st hope that
something good f or the city could emerge from
September 11.
答案:①The world "bungled"in Paragraph 2
can be best replaced by spoiled.
②The international competition f or new
designs of World Trade Center was extrem ely
f i erce amon
g designers around the globe.
③the passage is mainly about the schemes f or
rebuilding the World Tread Center site.
④It can be inf erred from the passage that in
the schemes,the designers try to of fer more
ways of escaping in ca of an emergency.
⑤According to the passage,the most decisive
factor in the competition lies in how to treat
the street level and underground.
6、A soccer referee suspended f or scoring a
goal while taking charge of    a game has
resigned af ter being f ound guilty of bringing
the game into disrepute by the Esx County
Football Association.
答案:①According to the passage,savill hit the
headlines becau what he had done was
against the law.
②What is the meaning of the word
"disrepute"in Paragraph 1?Bad f ame.
③What does the word "it"in Paragraph 3 ref er
to?The referee's goal.
④Savill resigned becau he didn't expect the f ootball
association to suspend him.
⑤Which of the f ollowing is true according to the passage?What
Savill had done was quite rare among referees.
7、A Census Bureau survey relead Thursday shows a college
graduate can expect to earn $2.1million working f ull-time
between 25 and 64,which demographers call a typical work-li f e
答案:①The phra "students on the margins"in Paragraph 2 most probably ref ers to students who don't know whether higher education can have great inf luence on their earnings.
②Most of Malecek's classmates are trying to get the most rewards from the money they have paid.
③We can learn f rom the passage that college graduates in different majors usually get paid diff erently.
④The best title f or this passage would be The Eff ect of Education on Lif etime Earnings.
⑤The result of the Census Bureau's survey ems to be rough. 完型填空:
1、Most people are aware that outdoor air pollution
can damage their health,but many do not know that
indoor air pollution can also aff ect health
signif icantly.Environment al Protection Agency studies
indicate that indoor levels of pollutants may be 2-5
times,and occasionally more than 100 times,higher than
outdoor levels.
There are many sources of indoor air pollution in any
houhold.The include combustion sources,products
f or home cleanin
冰激凌英语怎么说g and maintenance,personal care,or
hobbies;central heating and cooling systems and
humidif ication devices;and outdoor air pollution.
Immediate effects may show up af t er a single exposure
or repeated exposures.The include irritation of the
eyes,no,and throat ,headaches,dizziness,and
fatigue.Such effects are usually short-term and
treatable.Sometimes the treatment is simply eliminating
the person's exposure to the source of the pollution,if it
can be identif ied.Symptoms of some dias may also
show up soon af ter exposure to some indoor air
Certain effects are similar to tho f rom colds or other
viral dias,so it is of ten diff i cult to determine if the
symptoms are a result of exposure to indoor air
pollution.For this reason,it is important to pay attention
to the time and place the symptoms occur.If the
symptoms f ade or go away when a person is away f rom
home and return when the person returns,efforts should
be made to identif y indoor air sources that may be
possible caus.Some effects may be made wor by an
inadequate supply of outdoor air or f rom the
heating,cooling,or humidity conditions prevalent in the
2、Amongst the most popular books being written
today are tho which are usually classif ied as science
f i ction.Hundreds of titles are published every year and
are read by all kinds of people.Furthermore,some of the
most successf ul f ilms of recent years have been bad
on science f iction stories.
It is of ten thought that science f iction is a f airly new
development in literature,but its ancestors can be f ound
in books written hundreds of years ago.The books
were often concerned with the prentation of some
f orm of ideal society,a theme which is still of ten f ound
in modern stories.
Most of the classics of science f iction,however,have
been written within the last hundred years.Books by
writers such as Jules V erne and H.G Wells,to mention
just two well-known authors,have been transl ated into
many languages.
Modern science f iction writers don't write about men
from Mars or space adventure stories.They are more
interested in predicting the results of technical
developments on society and the human mind;or in
imagining f uture worlds which are a ref lection of the
world which we live in now.Becau of this their
writing has obvious political undertones.
In an age where science fact f requently overtakes
science f i ction,the writers may f ind it diff icult to keep
ahead of scienti f ic advances.Tho who are suff ici ently
clear-sighted to e the way we are going,however,may
provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the
problems which society will inevitably conf ront as it
tries to master its new technology.
3、One of the most important f eatures that distinguish
reading f rom listening is the nature of the
audience.Since the writer of ten does not know who will
read what he writes,he must attempt to be as clear as
possible.Time can be taken to plan the piece of writing
so that it is eventually organized into some sort of
logical quence of events or ideas.When we
speak,however,we norm ally have very little time to
plan what we intend to say.Since we are actually
addressing our audience f ace to face we may omit some
of the inf orm ation we believe our audience shares.And
the more f amiliar we are with our audience,the more
inf orm ation we are likely to leave out.In any ca they
can always stop and ask a question or ask f or
clari f ication if we have l ef t out too much.A
reader,however,cannot do this but can at least
attempt comprehension at his own speed;that is to
女性更年期一般在什么年龄say,he can stop and go backwards or f orwards,ref er
to a dictionary or just stop and rest.When we listen
we may have to work hard to sort out the speaker's
thoughts by referring backwards and f orwards
while the speaker continues.As the speaker
struggles to organize his thoughts,he will u
f illers,he will still make mistakes and repeat what
he has already said.His speech will be characterized
by a limited range of grammatical patterns and
vocabulary and the u of idioms to convey some
general meaning quickly.It should be clear,then,that
the listener has to take an active part in the process
by ignoring the speaker's repetitions and
mistakes,and by eking out the main idea
inf orm ation through recall and prediction.To keep
the process going smoothly he also has understood
without actually interrupting.
1、The abstract is usually the f irst ction of an academic rearch paper,coming af t er the title and bef ore the introduction.
2、According to their f ormats,inf ormative abstracts can be classi f ied into two kinds:standard abstracts and structured abstracts.
3、Reduced Abstract(缩略性摘要)'s
f ormat:purpo+methods、results、conclusions.
4、V erb Ten in Citations(引文当中的三种突出形式):inf ormation prominent、weak author prominent、author prominent.
5、A ntence of rearch questions generally consists of three parts:signal word、missing inf ormation, and rearch topic.
6、Purpo:Y ou may write the statement of purpo f rom one of the f ollowing two orientations:①the orientation towards the report itlf;②the orient ation towards the rearch activity.
7、V alue:It can be written f rom two alternative points of views:value in theory or value in practice.
8、The main parts of the method(方法) ction are procedures and materials,which describes the steps ud in your study and the materials employed at each step.方法包含的内容:Overview i f the
Experiment(also called study Design)、population of sample、Location、Restrictions or limiting Conditions、Sampling Technique、Procedures、Materi als、V ariables、Statistical Treatment.(1、2、6、7必须要有)
9、The procedure is the description of the steps you f ollowed in conducting your study.
10、Results:So,this ction prents the f indings of the study in both f igures and text.
11、Different Types of Results(数据的不同表现形式):There are generally three diff erent types of results that you may need to report,depending on the kind of study you do:Comparison、Tendency and Relationship.
12、The last major ction of the experimental rearch report is usually titled discussion (sometimes called "conclusions"). 13、Acknowledgements(致谢) are mainly ud to express the author's indebtedness to tho other than(除了) authors who have helped in the rearch by offering any uf ul materials,specimen,technical know-how,suggestions,or f inancial aid to the author. 翻译
1、Y ou shouldn't have been f ollowing him so cloly;you should have kept your distance.(你应该与他保持距离)。
2、All the key words in the article are printed in bold type in order to attract readers' attention.(以便吸引读者的注意)。
3、In recent years much more emphasis has been put on (更注重)developing the students' productive skills.
4、He thought he could talk Mr.Robinson into buying some expensive equipment(购买一些昂贵的设备)。
5、Y ou should have been more patient with tha t customer(当时要是对那位顾客更耐心些);I'm sure that lling him the watch was a possibility.
6、The shop assistant was dismisd as she was charged with cheating the customers.(被指控欺骗顾客)。
7、They always give the vacant ats to whoever comes f i rst.(最先来的那个人)。
8、At the special ceremony where the new graduates received their degrees(毕业生接受学位的),my heart began to race and my mind went blank.
9、No sooner had he won the champion(他刚一获得冠军) than he told the good news to his parents.
10、By the time you get to New Y ork,I would have lef t f or London(将已经动身前往伦敦了)。
11、If this can't be ttled reasonabl y,it may be necessary to resort to f orce.(诉诸武力)。
12、The traditional approach to dealing with complex problems(处理复杂问题) is to break them down into smaller,more easily managed problems.
13、His business was very successf ul,but it was at the cost of his f amily lif e.(以他的家庭生活为代价的)。
14、Doctors warned against chewing tobacco as a substitute f or smoking(作为吸烟的替代品)。15、The lecture which lasted about three hours was so tedious that the audience couldn't help yawning(听众忍不住打哈欠)。
1、Descriptive Abstract(说明性摘要的定义):A descriptive abstract indicates the type of inf orm ation f ound in the work.It merely identi f ies the areas to be covered in the report.It is an extended statement of purpo or scope,but makes no judgments about the work,nor does it provide results or conclusions of the rearch.
2、Evaluative abstract(评论性摘要的定义):Its primary purpo is to analyze the accuracy, completeness, uf ulness, appeal,and readability of an article.The evaluative abstract emphasizes the writer's asssment of the original work.
3、Inf ormative Abstract(报道性摘要的定义):An inf ormative abstract summari zes the entire report and gives the reader an overview i f the f acts that is laid out in detail in the paper itlf.It prents and explains brief ly the main points of the article,including the background,purpo,methods,results and conclusions,etc.
4、A standard inf ormative abstract in its complete f orm usually consists of the f ollowing parts:(摘要的构成内容):Background(研究背景):Introducing the prent situation of the rearch.Purpo(研究目的):Stating the task,the problem to be solved,or thesis of the rearch.Methods(研究方法):Describing the principles,subjects,materials,technology,methods or procedures of the rearch.Results(研究结果):Prenting the data,effects or properties obtained f rom the rearch.Conclusion(研究结论):Providing the solution or answer to the problem raid by the purpo;giving recommendations or predictions on the basis of the results.
5、研究报告的定义以及研究报告和文献回顾的区别:An experimental rearch report is a paper writ
ten by a rearcher or rearchers to describe a study that has been completed.Both the rearch report and the literature review describe rearch.While a literature review us publications to survey rearch done by others,a rearch report provides an in-depth f irsthand description of a single rearch project completed by the author.
6、Keywords(关键词的定义和功能):Keywords are the most important words and phras reprent ative of the theme of the rearch report and f requently ud in the paper.The f unction of keywords is to f acilitate the inf ormation retri eval and emphasize the gist of the paper.
7、Introduction(序论的功能和组成部分):The introduction is the f irst major ction of the experimental rearch report. It rves as a direction to readers,giving them the outlook they need to understand the detailed inf ormation coming in later ctions.The introduction generally consists of f ive parts:Background(背景):General statements about a f ield of rearch to provide the reader with a tting f or the problem to be reported.Literature review(文献回顾):More speci f ic statements about the aspects of the problem already studied by other rearchers.Rearch question(研究问题):Statements indicating the specif ic subarea that needs to be f urther investigated.Purpo(研究目的):Speci f ic statements giving the purpo or objectives of the study. V alue(研究意义):Statements giving    a value or justif ication f or carrying out the study(optional).
8、Order of Citations(引文的顺序):Depending on diff erent purpos and contents,citations in a literature review can be arranged in veral di fferent ways.Y ou can arrange them in order f rom general to specif ic,that is,f rom tho most distantly related to your study to tho most cloly related.In a literature review describing the history of rearch in an area,you may arrange your citations in chronological order—what happened
f irst is mentioned f irst.
9、Result(结果的定义和三个组成部分):The results ction is the"core"of the experimental rearch report.While the accompanying text interprets the dat a and helps the reader to f ocus on the most important aspects of the results.The text usually consists of three main inf orm ation elements:①Location of dat a:statements that speci f y the f igure(s)where the results can be f ound.②Results:statements that explain the meaning of data or other f indings.③Interpretation:statements that give reasons f or certain results or explain their signif icance. 10、Results and Data(结果和数据的区别):Results are different f rom data although we of ten simply refer to data as results.Data are facts in a f orm of numbers obtained from experiments and obrvations. Results are general statements that interpret data.If data stand alone,readers may not understand the meaning ref lected by them.
11、Discussion(结论的组成部分):A reference ti the purpo or hypothesis of the study. An answer to the rearch question developed in the Introduction. A review of the most important f indings,whether or not they support your original hypothesis.④Comparison with the results of other studies.⑤Possible explanations f or or speculations about the f indings.⑥Limitations of the study.⑦Implications of the study(in theory or in practice).
⑧Recommendations f or f uture rearch and practical applications.

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