Post 80s and Generation X
(sample with few connection words)
Our generation, the Post-80s, was born in the decade of 1980 to 1990. across the ocean in North America, Generation X refers to tho born in the 1960s and 1970s. emingly unrelated, the two generations are similar in their life experience, work attitude and family values.
Born into baby-boomer families, both the Post-80s and Generation X have had the loneliest childhood in the history and have spent more time watching TV than any other generations. Under the influence of the numerous negative social events and soap operas, they have come to expect a whole lot for nothing.
things in common会议暖场音乐 are their work attitude and family values. Both generations despi the slave-away work attitudes held by their parents and are willing to jump ship at the sight of a better opportunity. They both believe that there is life after work. As for family life, they vow to stay longer with their kids so that their kids will not feel as lonely as they ud to.
蹦迪的地方叫什么 Post-80s and Generation X 凯末尔differ in that while the latter hold a rather gloomy view of the world, Post-80s, growing up in modern China, has been characterized by its optimism for the future, newfound excitement for consumerism, and acceptance of its historic role in transforming modern China into an economic superpower.不争气的眼泪
安徽国税局官网>收到的玫瑰花束怎么养 Post-80s and Generation X, though born in different periods of time and growing up in different countries, share a lot in their life experience, work attitude and family values but differ in their view of the world.
Post 80s and Generation X
(sample with adequate connection words)
Our generation, the Post-80s, was born in the decade of 1980 to 1990. While across the ocean in North America, Generation X refers to tho born in the 1960s and 1970s. Though emingly unrelated, the two generations are similar in their life experience, work attitude and family values.
Born into baby-boomer families, both the Post-80s and Generation X have had the loneliest childhood in the history and have spent more time watching TV than any other generations. Under the influence of the numerous negative social events and soap operas, they have come to expect a whole lot for nothing.
Other things in common are their work attitude and family values. Both generations despi the slave-away work attitudes held by their parents and are willing to jump ship at the sight of a better opportunity. They both believe that there is life after work. As for family life, they vow to stay longer with their kids so that their kids will not feel as lonely as they ud to.
Despite the vast similarities, Post-80s and Generation X also differ in that while the latter holds a rather gloomy view of the world, Post-80s, growing up in modern China, has been characterized by its optimism for the future, newfound excitement for consumerism, and acceptance of its historic role in transforming modern China into an economic superpower.
更改用户名To sum up, Post-80s and Generation X, though born in different periods of time and growing up in different countries, share a lot in their life experience, work attitude and family values but differ in their view of the world.