
更新时间:2023-05-26 16:21:28 阅读: 评论:0

392 飞机库 hangar (or shed)
393 应⼒集中点 hard spot
394 硬⽊踏格 hard wood grating
395 舱⼝纵向衬梁 hatch carline (or carling )
396 帽架 hat rack
397 帽形防挠材 hat stiffener
398 牵索绞机 hauling winch
399 锚链管孔磨材 haw bolster
400 1)航向⾓ 2)迎波⾓ heading angle
401 舱⼝缘⽊ head ledge (or ledge)
402 热落差 heat drop
403 加热装置图,暖⽓配置图 heating plan
404 放热 heat relea
405 重巡洋舰 heavy cruir
406 重物起重船 heavy lift crane ship
407 螺旋齿轮 helical gear
408 ⼈字艇底板(⼩艇) herringbone planking
409 ⾼合⾦钢 high alloy steel
410 ⾼压 high pressure
411 ⿇布盖 holland cover
412 钩头螺栓 hook bolt
413 马⼒ horpower
414 热风 hot blast
415 热抽 hot drawn (or drawing)
416 热板 hot plate
417 船[体]梁 hull girder
418 船体剖⾯模数 hull ction modulus
419 增湿器 humidifier
420 液⼒起重机 hydraulic crane钢笔字帖楷书
421 液压缸 hydraulic cylinder
422 液⼒锚机 hydraulic windlass
423 ⽔上飞机 hydroaeroplane
424 氢[⽓]焊接 hydrogen welding
425 ⼿积法 hand lay up method
426 测[深]锤索 hand lead line
427 ⼿锯 hand saw
428 快捷运输船 handy carrier (H.C.)
429 港⼝设施 harbor facilities
430 锐棱 线 hard chine
431 1)硬化钢 2)淬⽕钢 hardened steel
432 谐波放⼤器 harmonic amplifier
433 舱⼝ hatch (or hatch way)
434 舱⼝压条扣 hatch batten clip
联想重装系统435 舱⼝缘围 hatch coaming
436 顶浪 head a
437 热影响区[域](焊接) heat affected zone
438 热交换器 heat exchanger
439 加热系统 heating system
440 重甲板船 heavy decker
441 重油 heavy oil
442 ⾼波,巨浪 heavy a
443 倾侧⽔舱 heeling tank
444 舵轮 helm wheel
445 1)⾼频率发电机 2)⾼周波产⽣器 high frequency generator 446 ⾼压涡轮机 high pressure turbine
447 ⾼张⼒钢,⾼拉⼒钢 high tension steel
448 ⾼钛系[焊条] high titanic type
449 铰炼双壳型钻油船 hinged catamaran type drilling ring 450 铰链盖 hinged cover
451 卷索⿎ hoisting drum
452 舱 hold
453 舱肋⾻ hold frame
454 空⼼门 hollow door
455 钩形嵌接 hook scarf
456 1)漏⽃ 2)开底泥驳 hopper
457 横线,⽔平线 horizontal line
458 ⽔平推⼒ horizontal thrust
459 软管连接阀 ho connection valve
460 医院船 hospital ship
461 调湿器 humidisitat
462 1)界限速率 2)峰速(浪) hump speed
463 从动装置(操舵) hunting gear
464 散步甲板 hurricane (or promenade) deck
465 飓风灯 hurricane lamp
466 液⼒离合器 hydraulic clutch
467 ⽔翼船 hydrofoil boat (or craft)
468 断续电点⽕ hammer spark (or make and break) ignition 469 ⼿钻 hand bore
470 ⼈⼒添煤 hand firing
471 ⼿柄 hand grip
472 ⼈⼯添煤 hand stoking
绝代双骄江玉燕473 ⼿扳螺丝攻 hand tap
474 表⾯硬化 hard facing
475 右满舵 hard starboard
476 谐波运动 harmonic motion
477 哈维法硬化钢 Harveyed steel
478 舱⼝⾓隅 hatch corner
479 舱⼝缘围壁 hatchway trunk
480 舱⼝梁 hatch web
481 舱⼝楔 hatch wedge
482 锚链孔处艏部 haw
483 管集箱板,管头箱板 header plate
484 ⽔头,⽔位差 head of water (or water head)
485 厕所(军舰) heads
486 热容量 heat capacity
487 热能 heat energy
488 丝极电流 heater current
489 1)加热布置 2)暖汽布置 heating arrangement
490 1)预热⼝[焊接] 2)加热孔 heating gate
491 1)绝热材料 2)保温材料 heat insulating material
492 传热率 heat transfer rate
493 提锚 heave anchor
494 重货 heavy cargo
495 重[负]荷[使]⽤ heavy duty
496 船倾差(罗经) heeling error
497 叶⾼⽐ height ratio of blading
498 螺旋齿 helical teeth
三本公办院校499 氦 helium
500 舵⾓指⽰器 helm indicator
501 ⾼⾼潮 HHW (= higher high water)
502 ⾼升程阀 high lift valve
503 上吸⼝ high suction
504 ⾼压直流发电机 high tension D.C. generator
505 铰链,合叶 hinge
506 铰[链]接合,铰[链]接头 hinged joint
507 吊机引擎 hoisting engine
508 起吊眼板 hoisting pad
509 挡锤,顶锤 hold up hammer
510 舱井 hold well
511 1)⾕,波⾕ 2)空⼼ hollow
512 凹⾯翼断⾯ hollow-faced blade ction
513 空⼼轴 hollow shaft
514 ⾃燃位号灯 Holmes (or rescue, or lf-ignition) light
515 挂帽钩 hat hook
516 ⽔平向弯曲 horizontal bend
517 ⽔平焊接,横[向]焊接 horizontal welding
518 热油滤器 hot filter
519 船壳整顺 hull fairing
520  装,船体装置 hull fittings
521 船体强度 hull strength
522 增湿 humidification长方形的特点
523 液⼒煞 hydraulic brake
赵本山怎么了524 液压测功计 hydraulic dynamometer
525 液压泵 hydraulic pump
526 液压铆接 hydraulic riveting
527 流体动⼒分量 hydrodynamic force component
528 酸咸度 hydrogen ion concentra- tion (PH)
529 湿度计 hygrometer
530 烧球点⽕ hot bulb ignition
531 横接合,横接头 horizontal joint
532 硬补 hard patch
533 舱⼝盖板 hatch board
534 锚链孔 haw hole
535 三股索 hawr laid rope
536 帆顶⽿索 head earing
537 事务长 head steward
538 ⼼材 heart wood
539 1)加热器 2)暖炉 heater
540 热回收 heat recovery
541 [船⾝]起伏 heaving
542 ⼤铸件 heavy casting
543 ⾼碳钢 high carbon steel
544 ⾼歪斜螺桨 high skew propeller
545 ⾼潮 high water
546 ⾼低潮 HLW (= higher low water)
547 滚齿机 hobbing machine
548 ⼿提[货舱]灯 hold lantern
549 ⽔平接头,⽔平联结器 horizontal coupling
550 开槽横焊接 horizontal groove welding
551 ⽔平 缘板 horizontal margin plate
552 船体电流 hull current
553 船体延伸型钻油船 hull extension type drilling rig
554 船体重量 hull weight
555 湿度 humidity
556 液压弯曲机 hydraulic bender
557 液⼒联结器 hydraulic coupling (or transmitter)
558 流体动⼒学 hydrodynamics
559 氢脆化 hydrogen embrittlement
560 ⽐重计,浓度计 hydrometer
561 ⽐重测定法 hydrometry
562 铝镁合⾦材料 hydronalium
563 亲⽔性 hydrophilic
564 铰[链]接合,铰[链]接头 hinged joint
565 ⼿提计程仪 hand log
566 连接材 harpin
567 舱⼝梁吊索 hatch beam sling
568 舱盖板承 hatch rest
569 舱⼝活动梁 hatch web beam (or shifting beam, or hatch beam) 570 锚链孔材 haw timber
571 头戴式⽿机 head phone
572 热含量 heat content
573 ⾼压加热器 high pressure heater
574 1)保温材料 2)热绝缘体 heat insulator
575 艉壳板 heel plate of shell (or hoop plate)
576 螺旋⾯ helicoidal surface
577 ⿇ hemp
578 赫(周/秒) hertz (HZ)
579 ⾼速切⼑ high speed cutter
580 上吸⼝阀(海⽔阀) high suction valve
581 ⾼温腐蚀 high temperature corrosion
582 ⾼氧化钛系焊条 high titanic oxide type electrode 583 铰链门 hinged door
584 甲板覆盖物固定具 hold fast for deck composition 585 聚⽔舱 holding tank
586 甲板磨⽯ holy stone
587 匀质货 homogeneous cargo
588 安全钩 hook with safety tong
589 ⽃式挖泥船 hopper dredger
590 ⽔平抓紧范围 horizontal holding range
591 捻缝凿 horsing iron
592 热⽓⼲燥 hot air asoning
593 加热折缘机 hot flanging machine
594 热轧 hot rolling
595 热⽔暖⽓法 hot water heating
596 液压设备 hydraulic plant
597 疏⽔性 hydrophobic
598 提灯 hand lamp
599 链孔盖 haw buckler
600 1)帆顶[部] 2)⽔头 3)落差 4)扬程 head
601 热负荷 heat load
602 热处理 heat treatment
603 重吊杆 heavy derrick boom
604 螺旋⾓ helical angle
605 希腊验船协会 Hellenic register of shipping (HR)

本文发布于:2023-05-26 16:21:28,感谢您对本站的认可!



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