P E T D a t a s h e e t
Sheet Properties
Excellent transparency and brilliance.Outstanding chemical resistance.
Suitable for food contact applications. Complies with FDA and BGA Regulations.High impact and breakage resistance.Thermoformable. No pre-drying required.
Excellent fire resistance. Low non-toxic smoke generation.
Recyclable. Environment friendly. Burns without releasing dioxins into the atmosphere,
or toxic substances which may contaminate landfills.Reduces sound transmission.
Thermal Stability
Articles manufactured with this product should not be expod to continuous u at over
65°C, according to the application.Weathering
The ultraviolet component in solar radiation caus most plastics to degrade.
This degradation depends on the exposure conditions, i.e. the actual duration of the ex-posure, the angle of the sheet with respect to the incidence of the solar radiation, and the temperature, humidity and intensity of the radiation (geographical coordinates). Degradation is apparent by progressive yellowing, a decrea in light transmission and a loss of mechanical properties.
PET sheet is not protected against the effects of weathering, though the material itlf does
posss a certain resistance to weathering conditions and may thus be ud for outdoor applications in which the sheet is not permanently expod to such radiation.
郑雄伟葡萄沟教学设计For external applications where the sheet is subject to ultraviolet light, a stabilid product,
PET-UV is recommended. PET-UV is protected on both sides of the sheet and has a limited warranty for 10 years.
In external applications, both protection films must be removed immediately becau, if they
are expod to sunlight, they can be permanently bonded to the sheet.Chemical resistance
PET is generally resistant to most acids, alcohols and salts as well as plasticizers.PET is also resista
nt to hydrocarbons such as xylene, mineral oil and petrol.The resistance to aliphatic hydrocarbons is limited.
Similarly, PET is also resistant to chemical attack by acid rain, diel exhaust fumes and salinated air. Aromatic compounds show a variety of reactions.
Food contact and medical u
PET complies with the requirements of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration, USA) and the
BGA (Bundesgesundheitsamt, Germany) standards for contact with foodstuffs.PET is odourless and neutral in taste.
PET is suitable for u with foodstuffs and medical applications.PET can be sterilid with gamma rays or ethylene oxide.
Security glazing
Machinery protection毕业论文总结
Articles for food and health u
Vending machines
Point of Purcha displays无志空长百岁
(*)Test conditions: Total immersion during 1 year at a temperature of 23°.