Elementary-Dif?cult Customer(B0001)
A:Good evening.My name is Fabio,I’ll be your waiter for tonight.May I take your order? B:No,I’m still working on it.This menu is not even in English.What’s good here?
A:For you sir,I would recommend spaghetti and meatballs.萝卜英文
B:Does it come with coke and fries?
祖父的园子教学设计A:It comes with either soup or salad and a compli-mentary glass of wine,Sir.
B:I’ll go with the spaghetti and meatballs,salad and the wine.
A:Excellent choice,your order will be ready soon.
B:How soon is soon?
A:Twenty minutes?
B:Y ou know what?I’ll just go grab a burger across the street.
Key Vocabulary
still working on Phra not yet completed,need
more time
would recommend Verb suggest complimentary Adjective free
go with Phra to choo,pick
grab Verb get quickly Supplementary Vocabulary
waitress Noun female rver at a
restaurant or bar
fast food Phra food prepared and
rved quickly impatient Adjective uncomfortable waiting,
wanting to go
fancy Adjective nice,expensive,up-
casual Adjective relaxed,not dressy
Elementary-Calling In Sick(B0002)
A:Hello,Daniel speaking,how may I help you?
B:Hi,Daniel,Julie here.
A:Hi,Julie,how are you?
B:Actually,I’m feeling quite ill today.
A:I’m sorry to hear that.What’s wrong?
B:I think I’m coming down with the?u.I have a headache,a sore throat a runny no and I’m feeling slightly feverish. A:so you’re calling in sick?
B:Y es,I was hoping to take the day off to recover. A:OK,then.Try and get some rest.
Key Vocabulary
was hoping phra to kindly expect calling in sick phra report that you will not
go to work becau you
are sick
coming down phra getting,acquiring quite ill phra very sick
how may I
phra Polite o?er to help help you?
Supplementary Vocabulary
make it into
phra go to work
sick day phra day o?becau you’re
impolite Adjective rude
permission common
symptom common
gular a sign,indication
Daily Life-Hotel Upgrade(C0003)
A:Good afternoon.What can I do for you?
B:I’d like to check in plea.I have a rervation under the name Anthony Roberts.
A:All right R.O.B.E.R.Oh,Mr.Roberts we’ve been expecting you…and here is your keycard to the presidential suite. B:But there must be some mistake;my rervation was for a standard room.
A:Are you sure?Let me double check.
B:Y eah…Here,this is my con?rmation number.
A:Y ou’re right Mr.Roberts,there ems to be a mix-up,unfortunately we’re overbooked at the mo-ment. B:So…
A:Not to worry.We’re plead to offer you a compli-mentary upgrade.
B:Presidential suite baby!
Key Vocabulary
check in principle好听的群名
tive register at a hotel or airport
under the name phra name ud for the rer-
rervation common
common noun,sin-gular an approval,veri?ca-tion
common noun,sin-gular confusion
complimentary upgrade phra
free improvement of
quality overbooked
Supplementary Vocabulary
check out verb pay and leave a hotel booking
common noun,sin-gular rervation
common noun,sin-gular hotel employee that
helps guests
deluxe room
common noun,sin-gular
hotel room,better than standard
receipt common
gular paper showing payment details
The Of?ce-I need an assistant!(C0004)
A:...like I told you before,we just don’t have the re-sources to hire you an assistant.
B:I understand that,but the fact is we’re under-staffed.
A:The timing is just not right.The economy is bad, and it’s too risky to take on new staff.
B:Y eah,I guess you’here’s an idea,what if we hire an intern?She would take some of the weight off my shoulders. A:She?
B:Y eah,you know,a recent graduate.She could give me a hand with some of the projects and we could keep our costs down.
A:That let me e what I can do.
A:Tony,I’d like to introduce you to your new assis-tant.
B:OK,great!Let’s meet her!
C:Hi,I’m Adam.
喝酸奶会胖吗Key Vocabulary
resources common
understaffed Adjective not enough people to do
the job
the timing is just not right phra
it is not a good time now weight off my shoulders phra
remove pressure
stress give me a
that sounds reasonable
phra is OK
Supplementary Vocabulary
principle verb,in?ni-tive hire
overworked Adjective working too much short staffed Adjective
not enough people to do the job cut costs phra reduce spending overstaffed
having too many em-ployees
Daily Life-Cut In Line(C0005)
A:I can’t believe it took us two hours to get here.The traf?c in New Y ork is unbelievable.
B:Y eah,but just relax honey,we’re here and we’re going on vacation.In a few hours we’ll be in Hawaii,and you’ll be on the golf cour.
A:Oh no!Look at that line!It must be a mile long!
There’s no way I’m waiting for another two hours. don’t...
C:Hey man,the end of the line is over there.
C:No riously,I was here?rst,and you can’t cut in line like this.
A:Says who?
C:I do!
A:So sue me!
Key Vocabulary
unbelievable Adjective incredible,amazing relax principle
calm down
be a mile long phra is very long
cut in line phra move in front of some-
one waiting in line there’s no way phra it’s impossible
Supplementary Vocabulary
traf?c jam phra many cars not moving
胰腺炎是怎么引起的on the road
a few hours from now phra soon,in a couple of
form a queue phra to get in line jump the