课 题 | 第二讲 英汉语言对比与翻译 | 需4 课时 |
教学 目 的要 求 | 要求学生理解并掌握英汉语言的差异及其翻译 | |
教学重点 | 英汉语言的差异 | |
教学难点 | 英汉语言差异所造成的双语转换的难点 | 教案编写日期 |
8月27日 | ||
教 学 内 容 与 教 学 过 程 | 提示与补充 | |
I. Practice: 请将下列句子译成汉语: 1.I suppo that if a man has a confud mind he will write in a confud way, if his temper is capricious his pro will be fantastical, and if he has a quick, darting intelligence that is reminded by the matter in hand of a hundred things, he will, unless he has great lf-control, load his pages with metaphor and simile. 【译文】我想,如果一个人思路不清,写起文章来也会杂乱无章;如果他性情多变、喜怒无常,他的文章也会充满奇思妙想;如果他思路敏捷,能由眼前之事联想到上百件事,除非他有很强的自我约束力,他的文章就会满篇是比喻联想。 2.I sincerely hope that your congratulations will be matched by your collective endeavour to ek a just and practical solution to the problem which has bedeviled the United Nations for so many years. 【译文】我们诚恳地希望,你们在表示祝贺之后,能作出相应的共同努力,以便寻求一个公正可行的办法,来解决这个多年来一直困扰着联合国的问题。 3.They often do not realize that bribery in various forms is on the increa in many countries and, in some, has been a way of life for centuries. 【译文】他们通常没意识到在很多国家,行行色色的贿赂行为正日益增多。在某些国家,这已成为人们几百年来的生活方式。 4.Culture to him, as to the Orientals, with whom he lived so much and sympathized so deeply, was an affair of the spirit and of mind not to be measured by material progress, or, even by the arts. 【译文】他心中的所谓文化,与人的精神心灵有关,不能用物质的丰富,甚至艺术文明来衡量。他跟东方人交往很久,也同情东方人;在东方人心目中,文化也是如此。 wps加水印5.With Asia’s economic meltdown rattling the Beijing leadership, Zhu and his colleagues now have a powerful argument that China must get its own hou in order to prevent meddling by the International Monetary Fund or other outsiders. (China: Zhu is Taking a Broom to the Bureaucrats) 【译文】亚洲经济出现的问题使北京领导层感到紧张,朱镕基和其他领导人现在更有理由相信,为了防止国际货币基金组织和其他的外部干涉,中国必须把自己的事情办好。 2.2英汉词汇表达对比 1.That woman walks the streets. 【译文】那女人是个街头女郎。 2.Bill is taking his bird to the pictures tonight. 【译文】比尔今晚要带他的“小鸟”去看电影。 3.He is not so ill but he can come to school. 【译文】他还不至于病得不能上学。 4.She is at home in English. 【译文】他英语很棒。 5.He and he alone could control the situation. 【译文】他,只有他,才能控制局面。 6.It is raining cats and dogs outside. 【译文】外面下着安胎饮倾盆大雨。 7.It is not half bad for a beginner. 【译文】就新手而言,这是相当不错的了。 8. Don’t make light of their design. 【译文】别轻视他们的方案。 9.He is a foreign-language student. 【译文】他是学外语的学生。 10.I came to the university this day 25 years ago. 【译文】二十五年前的今天,我来到这所大学。 11.We’ll be there this time next month. 【译文】下个月的这个时候,我们将到那儿。 12.I’m something of a carpenter. 【译文】我能作些木工活。 13.Xiao Gao is anything of a gentleman. 【译文】小高有点儿君子的风度。 14.He is nothing of a musician. 【译文】他全无音乐家的风范。 15.We sang the old year out and the New Year in. 【译文】我们以歌声辞旧迎新。 2. 3 英汉句法结构对比 1.That region was the most identifiable trouble spot. 【译文】那是个是非之地,大家都看得出来。 2.I clod my eyes and said a prayer of thanks before putting the car in gear and returning to the highway. 【译文】我合上双目,感谢上苍,然后挂挡上路。 3.The station chief would have to be clo to the director, a member of the inner circle. 【译文】这位站长就得接近董事,因为董事是核心集团的成员。 4.This place is really beautiful, and many people bring their wives and families out here to live. 【译文】这地方实在漂亮,所以许多人都把自己的家小搬来居住。 5.The music world and the world at large became poorer places on April 8, when Marian Anderson, the greatest alto from Philadelphia, died at 96. (按照时间顺序) 【译文】今年4月8日,来自费城96岁高龄的伟大女低音歌唱家玛丽安 · 安德森逝世,噩耗传来,世界各地,尤其是音乐界人士,无不为之黯然伤神。 6.This preface must necessarily by short and modest, for I cannot claim to be an expert in painting, merely an ardent lover of the art. (按照逻辑顺序) 【译文】我在绘画方面谈不上有所专攻,只是热爱这门艺术而已,因此要为这部画册作序,只能三言两语谈一点肤浅的看法。 7.He accomplished this by getting rid of the irons with which his wrists and ankles were shackled, cutting through a double grille of oak and iron bars, descending twenty-five feet by a knotted sheet and blanket, and climbing a twenty-two-foot wall.(按照空间顺序) 【译文】他砸开了手铐脚镣,弄断了双层的橡木栅栏和铁条,用系在一起的床单和毯子从25英尺高处跳下,爬过了22英尺的高墙,终于逃了出来。 9.This man fished alone in a small boat; just like the protagonist of Ernest Hemingway’s the Old Man and the Sea, and endured a struggle just as epic, but lost the battle and his life. (按照搭配需要) 【译文】此人驾一叶扁舟,跟海明威小说《老人与海》中的主人公一样,独自一人出海打鱼,历经了史诗般可歌可泣的搏斗之后,最后败下阵来,连性命都丢了。 10. She had spent a sleepless night, and rising early had stood, wrapped up, at her window, with the cool air blowing on her face, to watch the dawn. 【译文】他一宿无眠,早早起身,披上毯子,迎着拂面的凉风,凭窗眺望黎明。 2. 4 英汉句意表达对比 1.Failure to greet a person you recognize or to answer a greeting given to you is an unkindness to the other person, and very bad manners. 【译文】不给人打招呼或是不回应别人的招呼,便是失礼、不友好的表示。 [错译1] 你会发现,对失败而言, 伟大的人会以平和的语气回答你, 而对其他人, 他们则会无礼且不热心的给你以答复。 [错译2] 你确定自己欢迎一个人失败了或回答一个赠与以欢迎也失利是对他人很不友善的, 也是很坏的方式。 2.It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to China in January. 【译文】我原先打算在今年一月访问中国,后来我不得不推迟,这使我深感失望。 3.Now Jane is delighted to get her diploma. For twice she had wanted to quit school, but she changed her mind with the help of her teacher. 【译文】现在珍妮很高兴拿到毕业文凭。当初她曾两次要退学,不过在老师帮助下,她后来改变了主意。 4.He saw advertid in the local newspaper 写给同学的信a teaching post from a school not far from where he lived. (宾语后置) 【译文】他从当地的报纸上看到一则离他住的地方不远的一所学校征聘教师的广告。 5.Have to be tough with you, I know that. Talking nicely is just waste of time. 【译文】我知道你这小子吃硬不吃软,跟你说好听的没用。 6.Although they were promid better housing in the North, some families were forced to live in overcrowded and unhealthy quarters. 【译文】虽然他们获得保证,在北部会有更好的住房,可是很多家庭仍不得不住在拥挤不堪,卫生条件极差的地方。 7.The most valuable in life is life; the greatest necessity in life is study; the greatest pleasure in life is work, while the most important in life is friendship. (Stalin) 【译文】人生最宝贵的是生命,人生最需要的是学习,人生最愉快的是工作,人生最重要的 8.All the problems can be solved by ourlves when we u our brain. 【译文】只要我们开动脑筋,所有问题我们都可以自己解出来。 9.The modern nuclear family was rooted in the desire to live happily in a more equal marriage, where the raising of children and investment of both parents in the children’s lives were guaranteed by bonds of friendship between the parents, which were bad on rational love. 【译文】现代核心家庭渴望享受更平等的婚姻关系所带来的幸福生活。在这样的家庭里,父母间由于理性的爱所带来的友好关系保证了他们能共同抚养孩子和共同在孩子身上投入。 10.A labor inspector took the Disney organization to court this week, contending that the company’s dress and appearance code—which bans moustaches, beards, excess weight, short skirts and fancy stockings— offends individual liberty and violates French labor law. 【译文】一位劳工问题督察员本周将迪斯尼公司告上了法庭, 他声称公司的着装规定——不准蓄胡须,不准体重超标,不准穿超短裙和花哨的袜子——侵犯了个人的自由,也违反了法国的劳工法。 II. 总结 1、时间和地点状语在汉语中常常置于句首,在英语中则处于句尾。 2、原因,让步,转折等次要信息在汉语中往往置于主句之前,而在英语中往往放在主句之后。 3、英语中经常出现复杂的长句,定语成分往往采用介词词组,分词结构或定语从句引导后置定语;汉语中定语则一般出现在名词前方。 以上这几点就是进行翻译时,语序调整的语句。 4、汉语中列举事物,常常将一般概念置于具体事例之后,而英语恰恰相反,现提出一般概念,而后用such as等词列举出具体事例。 5、英语中被动语态使用广泛,而汉语中被动语态使用范围相对狭窄 6、一般来说,英语比较喜欢用名词和介词,而汉语里动词用的较多。 (这就是词性转换法的一个重要依据了!) 7、英语句子事物或抽象名词做主语,汉语句子一般用有生命的物体或具体名词作主语。 (这就是进行主语选择的主要依据了! 8、大体上来说,英语在使用比较句式上比汉语要频繁,表达力更强。 9、英语句子间,句子成分间存在紧密的语法关系,省略现象多,因为通过上下文清楚地表明了省略部分的含义;而汉语中独立小分句多,重复的意思常常通过重复的词语在另一句中加以阐述,即重复现象多。 (这就是增减词法的主要依据!) 10、英语民族习惯将句子的主谓机制放在句首,开门见山,提出主要信息,然后进行补述,修饰和限制。而中国人习惯将次要信息摆在句首,先将外围环境,时间背景等一一交代周到,最后画龙点睛,道出话语信息的中心部分或表态部分。 (这就是语序调整的主要依据了!) 11、汉语中讲究句子的平衡,气势,韵调,常常采用排比,对仗,重复等修辞手段,因此,在汉语中,一些词或词组的重复现象,相当普遍,而英语则不然。(9) (另:四字格就是例证。) 12、汉语重意合,英语重形合。(以后讨论) 13、汉语习惯将词义重心放在具体词语上,而英语则多落在抽象词语上。 14、无主句(只有谓语部分而没有主语部分的句子)是汉语中特有的,而英语句子一般都要有主语。 U is made of solar energy in heating hous. 现在已经利用太阳能为住房供暖。 make u of 15、汉语句式如同竹竿,意思没有主句和从句之分,英语句子如同一串葡萄,总有一个主干,其他信息用从句,短语作为枝干挂上去。 III. 课堂实践 1. Not knowing her telephone number, I can not contact her immediately. 【译文】由于不知道她的电话号码,我无法立刻与她联系。 2. Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration. 【译文】无知是恐惧的根源,也是敬佩的根源。 3. With all his achievements he remains modest and prudent. 【译文】她虽有很多成就,但还是谦虚谨慎。 4. Everything considered, your essay ems better written. 【译文】如果各方面都考虑到,你的论文似乎会写得更好些。 5. We maintain that no peace situation is permanent which does not take into account the legitimate wishes of the majority of the people of any country. 【译文】我们认为,如果不尊重一个国家大多数人民的正当愿望,任何和平局面都不会是持久的。 6.。A reader’s perception of the loo, slangy, colloquial, shirt-sleeved quality of much modern pro will be sharpened if he has experienced the conscious elegance of eighteenth-century writers and the solemn lecture-hall pronouncements of the Victorians. (按照逻辑顺序) 【译文】如果一位读者读过18世纪作家的作品,体会到其刻意追求典雅的语言风格.又读过维多利亚女王时代的人在演讲大厅上所作的庄严的发言,他定能更深刻地理解很多现代散文作品那种结构松散、口语色彩浓、好用俚语、不拘形式的语言风格。 7. No matter how bad the world may become, no matter how much the mass man of the future may lo such of the virtues as he still has, one fact remains. If one person alone refus to go along with him, if one person alone asrts his individual and inner right to believe in and be loyal to what his fellow men em to have given up, then at least he will still retain what is perhaps the most important part of humanity. 【译文】不管世界会堕落到什么地步,不管未来的大众人会丧失多少他们迄今还保留着的美德,有一个事实依然不变:只要有一个人不肯跟着随波逐流,只要有一个人还会坚持自己植根于心灵深处的权利,信守他的同胞似乎已经放弃的美德,那他至少还会保留着也许是人性中最宝贵的东西。 IV. 课后练习 将下列英语无主语句子译成汉语: 1.Fear gripped the village. 整个村庄笼罩在恐怖之中。(主语是某种心理感受) 2.Courage derted him.他没有了勇气。(主语是某种心理感受) 3. His prence of mind derted him.他失去了沉着。(主语是某种心理感受) 4. The sight of the desolation filled me with forlornness. 看到着孤寂的景象,我心中满是凄凉。(主语选择心理动作) 5. His name escaped me at the moment. 我想不起他的名字。 (主语的内容为心理对象) 6. Such a chance denied me. 我没有得到这样一个机会。(主语是行为动作的施予对象 6. My capacity for hard word saved me from early dismissal.我要不是能干重活,早就被解雇了。 7. Loneliness held the immigrants together and poverty kept them down.孤寂使得移民们聚集在一起,但贫困却使他们情况每况愈下。 8. The laconic nature of Washington’s note to Conway had thrown them all in confusion. 华盛顿给康威的短信,言简意赅,使他们陷入一片慌乱之中。 9. Dawn found him well along the road. 东方破晓的时候,他早已经上路了。 10. Pork has priced itlf out of his dish. 肉价涨得太快,我吃不起了。(拟人) 11. Like good looks and money, quick-mindedness pasd her by. 她既不美丽,也不富裕,还不聪明。 12. Her appearance belies her.她的外相和她人的内心不一样。 XI.小结: 什么是无灵主语? 无灵主语的概念极为简单:用无生命的事物做主语来展开句子。其实它向我们传达的只是一种思维,一种思考的方式而已。 我们为什么要使用无灵主语,它究竟有什么优点呢? (1)增加主语的多样性。往往在写作时,我们会反复用同一有生命的词作主语,使语句显得单调,重复。这些总在不经意之间常常发生。 Eg: We don’t think so.If we want light,we must conquer darkness. 金融分析师三个we的使用,使句子显得平淡,甚至别扭,但如果稍加变动,句子会显得协调的多。 ① We don’t think so.If we want light,darkness must be conquered. ② This idea can’t acquire our acceptance. If we want light,we must conquer darkness. (2)使语言更生动化。将无生命的事物作主语而展开的句子,往往会用上比喻、拟人等修辞手法,语言随之提升一个档次。 Eg: 青少年常常沉迷于网络。 Internet is Pandora’s Box for youth. 这也就是无灵主语的难点所在,也是华丽之处:并不是简单的主动语态变为被动语态,而是用主动语态去表达被动意义。 (3)使表达更为客观。主语是有生命的事物时,展开的句子往往带有该有生命物质的主观感情色彩,而如果是无灵主语,则表达很客观。 无灵主语并不是英语的专利,在汉语中其实我们也常常用到。 Eg: 我们从生活中学到—— 可以表述为“生活告诉我们——” Life has told us that------ 这就是一个漂亮的无灵主语的应用。 Eg: 海外华人时刻关注祖国。可以表述为“祖国时刻牵动着海外华人的心” Motherland,always,is drawing the heart of overas Chine. 英语常用无生命的名词作主语, 这是英语和汉语在句子构成方面的一个重要差别。 1.不同民族的不同思维习惯所致。 2.从动作的执行者是有无生命的这一点来看,英语和汉语的动词均可分为有生命动词和无生命动词。 3.有生命动词与无生命动词在英语中没有明确的区别,即一个动词常常是既可用作有生命动词、又可用作无生命动词;而在汉语中这两类动词之间却有明确的区别。 4.汉语中有生命动词表示人和人类社会组织才有的行为或动作, 如:看、哭、送、说、写、讲、拿等;无生命动词表示无生命事物的一些无意识运动、作用或变化,如:吸引、相排斥、变等。 5.在中国人的思维中,往往以人为中心,认为只有人类和人类社会组织才会有上述有生命动词表示的行为和动作,无生命的事物和现象只能用无生命动词表示动作。所以有生命动词做谓语时不能以无生命名词或代词作主语。 在英美人的思维中,往往更注意客观事物和现象对人的作用和影响,反映在语言表达上就是多用无生命名词作主语。有生命动词既可以用有生命名词做主语,也可以用无生命的名词作主语。 英语无生命主语句(Non-life subject ntences)的类型: 从充当句子主语的词语来看,大致可分为以下几类: 1. 以时间雪的拼音怎么拼﹑地点等名词作主语的句子,常用e, find, witness等动词作谓语。例: 1949 saw the founding of the People’s Republic of China. 1949年中华人民共和国成立了。 Rome witnesd many great historic events. 在罗马城发生了许多伟大历史事件。 第二年他妈妈去世了。 The following year saw the death of his mother. 在世界历史上眼泪比欢笑多 The world history has en more tears than laughter. 2. 表示生理、心理状态的名词和表示某种遭遇的名词主语的句子。 Neither sorrow nor regret followed my passionate outburst. 我这样发作一通之后,既不难过,也不后悔。 His weariness determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade. 他疲惫不堪,于是下了决心,一碰到舒适的阴凉处就坐下休息。 我完全丧失了勇气。 All my courage derted me. 我惊讶得说不出话来。 Astonishment deprived me of my power of speech. 3. 具有行为和动作意义的名词作主语的句子。 The very sight of it makes me feel nervous. 一见到它,我就感到紧张。 Thought of the interview filled me with fear. 一想到面试,我就担心害怕。 想到不久就要见到她的儿子,她心中感到十分快乐。 The thought of eing her son very soon filled her heart with great happiness. 从他的办公室窗口可以一眼看到城镇的美景。 A glance through his office window offers a beautiful scenery of the town. 4.表示情景,自然现象的名词做主语 An earthquake comes like a thief in the night,without warning. 地震到来,犹如夜贼,不作预告。 Such a chance was denied (to) me. 我可得不到这样的机会。 因下雨,我不能来。 The rain prevented me from coming. 这个城市刚下过一场大雨。 A heavy rain visited the city. 5. 用“it”作形式主语,其逻辑主语是 后面的短语或从句的英语句子。 It was very wi of you to bring an umbrella. 你带了雨伞是明知的。 It is hardly likely that Tom may have forgotten to post the parcel. 汤姆几乎不太可能忘记寄这个包裹。 6.There be句型 There be 句型 There be +名词 定语从句 ★ ★ ★/分词/介词 There come, emerge, exist, lie, live, occur, stand, 【练1/4】越来越多的人反对这一看法. ---(新托福写作) More and more people disagree it. (there be) There are more and more people who disagree/are against/object to this point. 【练2/4】每个孩子都想赚些零花钱来帮助交付高额的大学费用。 ---(家庭话题) Every child wants to earn a little money to help cover higher college cost. (there be) There is every child who wants to ``` There is hardly a child who doesn’t want to earn a little money to help cover higher college cost. (常见句型) there is nothing we cannot do ```. In the 1950s and 1960s, there emerged an awareness in Western societies that resources for the provision of fossil fuel energy were finite and exhaustible. 【练3/4】在20世纪50年代和60年代,西方社会开始意识到提供矿物质燃料能量的资源是有限的且有可能枯竭。 【练4/4】预计将会在2030年轻微下降至18%。 严格的英语怎么说 There is expected to be a slight drop to 18% in 2030. 【练4/5】毫无疑问,收音机和电视机是信息交流的重要工具 。 There is no doubt that radio and television are important means of communication. 状语变主语: 园子中央有一座花坛。 There sits a flower bed in the middle of the garden. “有人、人们”等主语: 人们对人口的迅速增长越来越关注。 There is a growing concern over the population growth. 有人敲门。 There comes a knock at the door. 7. 表示其他事物名词作主语的句子。 The matter asks immediate attention. 这件事需要立即予以注意。 Her heart did whisper that he had done it for her. 她的心里的确嘀咕:为了我,他才这么做的。 无灵名词作主语时常见的谓语动词 e,find,make,bring,cau,enable,dert,prevent,meet,visit,give,witness,convince,request,compel等。 短语动词(如lead to,bring out,fall up-on.keep/prevent…from ) 谓语动词往往含有“使”的意义 (“反向心理动词”) :delight, move, plea,人工色素strike,amaze,astonish,surpri, worry, trouble,impress,satisfy Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. 谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 疾病使他虚弱。 His illness left him weak. 2、作业P 23-24 Ex One、 Two | ||
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