Walden, or, Life in the Woods
--- by T horeau, H.D. (1817-1862)
Thoreau, H.D. (1817-1862)《瓦尔登湖》名言、名句、华章(英汉对照)
Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.
不必给我爱不必给我爱,,不必给我钱不必给我钱,,不必给我名誉不必给我名誉,,给我真理吧给我真理吧. .
There is no odor so bad as that which aris from goodness tainted.
What you pay for is pain. At such times the pain itlf is the reward of Labour. 当付出的劳动换来的只是痛苦,这种时候,痛苦本身就是劳动的报酬。
We should not not care care care too too too much much much about about about ourlves, ourlves, ourlves, so so so that that that we we we can can can give give give the the the care care care to to others sincerely.
A man's opinion of himlf determines his own destiny, or his final destination. 一个人对自己的看法,就决定了他自己的命运,或者说,指明了他的最终归宿。
As every ason ems best to us in its turn, so the coming in of spring is like the creation of Cosmos (宇宙) out of Chaos ([ˈkeɪɒ[ˈkeɪɒs] s] 混乱) and the realization of the Golden Age.
关于梦想的句子The light which puts out our eyes is darkness to us. Only that day dawns to which we are awake. There is more day to dawn. The sun is but a morning star.
I also have in my mind that emingly wealthy, but most terribly impoverished class of all, who have accumulated dross, but know not how to u it, or get rid of it, and thus have forg
ed their own golden or silver fetters.
Every morning was a cheerful invitation to make my life of equal simplicity, and I may say innocence, with Nature herlf.
To him who elastic and vigorous thought keeps pace with with the the the sun, the sun, the
day is a perpetual morning.
Every path but your own is the path of fate. Keep on your own track, then. 除了你自己的道路之外,条条路都是宿命的道路。那末,走你自己的路吧。
This This is is is a a a delicious delicious delicious evening, evening, evening, when when when the the the whole whole whole body body body is is is one one one n, n, n, and and imbibes
([([ɪmˈbaɪɪmˈbaɪɪmˈbaɪb] b] 喝,饮;吸收) delight through every pore (孔隙).
When we consider what, to u the words of the catechism ([ˈkætə[ˈkætək k ɪz əm] 教理问答),
is the chief end of man, and what are the true necessaries and means (n. 方式,手段) of life, life, it it it appears appears appears as as as if men had if men had d eliberately deliber
ately deliberately chon chon chon the the the common common common mode mode mode of living of living
becau they preferred it to any other. Yet they honestly think there is no choice left. But alert and healthy natures remember that the sun ro clear.
This is the only way, we we say; but there are as say; but there are as many ways as t here can
there can be drawn radii radii (([ˈreɪ[ˈreɪdia dia diaɪɪ] 半径,其单数形式是radius) radius) from from from one one one centre. centre. centre. All All All change change change is is is a a a miracle miracle miracle to to contemplate ([ˈkɒ[ˈkɒnt nt ntəəmple mpleɪɪt] 思考); but it is a miracle which is taking place every instant. Confucius ([k ən'fjuːʃəən'fjuːʃəs] s] 孔子) said, "To know that we know what we know, and that we do not know what we do not know, that is tr
ue knowledge." When one man has reduced a fact of the imagination to be a fact to his understanding, I foree that all men at length (最终) establish their lives on that basis.
Most Most of of of the the the luxuries, luxuries, luxuries, and and and many many many of of of the the the so-called so-called so-called comforts comforts comforts of of of life, life, life, are are are not not not only only only not not
indispensable ([ˌɪ[ˌɪnd nd ndɪˈɪˈɪˈspens spens spensəəbl] 必不可少的), but positive h indrances hindrances hindrances ( ([ˈhɪ[ˈhɪndr ndr ndrəəns] 妨碍) to to the the the elevation elevation elevation ((提升) ) of of of mankind. mankind. mankind. With With With respect respect respect to to to ((关于) ) luxuries luxuries luxuries and and and comforts, comforts, comforts, the the wist have ever lived a more simple and meagre ([ˈmiːɡə] 微薄的,贫乏的) life than the poor. The ancient philosophers, Chine, Hindoo, Persian, and Greek, were a class than
which none has been poorer in outward riches, none so rich in inward.
Take some time to learn an ancient language when you're young —even if it's just a
入党推荐信few words ... It is also valuable, since the words are distilled ([d ɪˈɪˈst st stɪɪl] 提取;蒸馏) from the tedious ([ˈtiːdiə[ˈtiːdiə[ˈtiːdiəs] s] 冗长的,单调的) of the streets, and they have become the eternal inspiration and the power to lift people up.
年轻时用一些时间去学习一门古代语言——即使是只掌握一些词汇……也是有价值即使是只掌握一些词汇……也是有价值 的,
Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in 。
青菜用英语怎么说I drink at it; but while I drink I e the sandy bottom and detect how shallow it is 。
Its thin current slides away, but eternity ([ɪˈɪˈt t ɜːnəɜːnəti] ti] 永恒) remains 。
Walden Walden is is is melting melting melting apace. apace. apace. There There There is is is a a a canal canal canal two two two rods rods rods wide wide wide along along along the the the northerly northerly northerly and and westerly sides, and wider still at the east end. A great field of ice has cracked off from the main body.
It is unusually hard, owing to the recent vere but transient ([ˈtrænziə[ˈtrænziənt] nt] 短暂的,转
眼即逝的) cold, and all watered or waved like a palace floor. But the wind slides eastward over its opaque ([([([əʊˈəʊˈəʊˈpe pe peɪɪk] 不透明的,不透光的) ) surface in vain, till it reaches the surface in vain, till it reaches the
living surface surface beyond. beyond. beyond. It It It is is is glorious glorious glorious to to to behold behold behold ([b ([b ([bɪˈɪˈɪˈh h əʊəʊld] ld] 看到) ) this this this ribbon ribbon ribbon ((缎带) ) of of of water water sparkling (闪耀) in the sun!
The bare face of the pond full of glee and youth, as if it spoke the joy of the fishes within it, and of the sands on its shore —a silvery sheen ([ʃiːn] 光泽) as from the scales (鱼鳞) of a leuciscus (雅罗鱼), as it were all one active fish. Such is the contrast between winter and spr
ing. Walden was dead and is alive again. But this spring it broke up more steadily, as I have said.
I went to the woods becau I wished to live deliberately ([d ɪˈɪˈl l ɪb ər ətli] 从容地;故意
地), to front (
vt. 面对) only the esntial facts of life, and e if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practi resignation ([ˌrezɪɡˈ[ˌrezɪɡˈne ne neɪʃɪʃɪʃn] n] 辞职;隐退), unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck (吸吮) out all the the marrow marrow marrow ([ˈmærəʊ([ˈmærəʊ([ˈmærəʊ] ] 精髓,精华) ) of of of life, life, life, to to to live live live so so so sturdily sturdily sturdily (([ˈstɜːdi [ˈstɜːdili] li] 刚毅地,) ) and
and Spartan-like as to put to rout ([ra ʊt] 击溃) all that was not life, to cut a broad swath ([sw
ɒθ] [庄稼的]一条) and shave clo, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms.”
罐头鱼的做法临死之时,才发现我根本就没有生活过。生活十分可爱,我不想过那种不配叫生活的生活;除非万不得已,我也不想过那种的超凡脱俗的生活。我要汲取生活的全部精髓,生活得刚毅且斯巴达式地严律,消祛一切称不上叫做生活的杂物,就像划出一块地来,细细修剪,除莠存良,将生活驱至一隅,以寻求其最为基本的要义。 --- (注:此段为陈胜所译。)(注:此段为陈胜所译。)
I I was was was ated ated ated by by by the the the shore shore shore of of of a a a small small small pond, pond, pond, about about about a a a mile mile mile and and and a a a half half half south south south of of of the the
village village of of of Concord Concord Concord and and and somewhat somewhat somewha
t higher higher higher than than than it, it, it, in in in the the the midst midst midst of of of an an an extensive extensive extensive wood wood between that town and Lincoln, and about two miles south of that our only field known to fame, Concord Battle Ground; but I was so low in the woods that the opposite shore, half a a mile mile mile off, off, off, like like like the the the rest, rest, rest, covered covered covered with with with wood, wood, wood, was was was my my my most most most distant distant distant horizon. horizon. horizon. For For For the the the first first week, whenever I looked out on the pond it impresd me like like a a a tarn tarn tarn ([t ([t ([tɑːn]ɑːn] 山中小湖)
high up on the side of a mountain, its bottom far above the surface of other lakes, and, as the sun aro, I saw it throwing off its nightly clothing of mist (薄雾), and here and there, by by degrees, degrees, degrees, its its its soft soft soft ripples ripples ripples (([ˈrɪ[ˈrɪpl] pl] 波纹,涟漪) ) or or or its its its smooth smooth smooth reflecting reflecting reflecting surface surface surface was was revealed, revealed, while while while the the the mists, mists, mists, like like like ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, were were were stealthily stealthily stealthily ((悄悄地) ) withdrawing withdrawing withdrawing in in in every every direction into the woods, as at the breaking up of some nocturnal ([n ɒkˈtɜːnl] 夜间发生的) conventicle (([k ən ˈventikl] 集会).
The very dew emed to hang upon the trees later into the day than usual, as on the sides of mountains.
This small lake was of most value as a neighbor in the intervals ([ˈɪ[ˈɪnt nt ntəəvl] 间隔,间歇)
of a gentle rain-storm in August, when, both air and water being perfectly still, but the sky ov
ercast (阴沉的), mid-afternoon had all the renity ([s ə'ren 'renəəti] 宁静) of evening, and the wood thrush ([θrʌʃ[θrʌʃ
[θrʌʃ] ] 鸫鸟) sang around, and was heard from shore to shore. A lake like this is never smoother than at such a time; and the clear portion of the air above it being, shallow and darkened by clouds, the water, full of light and reflections, becomes a lower heaven itlf so much the more important. From a hill-top near by, where the wood had been been recently recently recently cut cut cut off, off, off, there there there was was was a a a pleasing pleasing pleasing vista vista vista (([ˈvɪ[ˈvɪst st stəə] 景色) ) southward southward southward across across across the the pond, pond, through through through a a a wide wide wide indentation indentation indentation (([ˌɪndenˈteɪʃ[ˌɪndenˈteɪʃn] n] 凹陷) ) in in in the the the hills hills hills which which which form form form the the the shore shore there, where their opposite sides sloping toward each other suggested (表明) a stream
flowing out in that direction through a wooded valley, but stream there was none. That way I looked between and over the near green hills to some distant and higher ones in the horizon, tinged ([t ɪnd ndʒʒ] 着色) with blue. Indeed, by standing on tiptoe I could catch a glimp (一瞥) of some of the peaks of the still bluer and more distant mountain ranges in th
e northwest, tho true-blue coins from heaven's own mint (造币厂), and also of some portion (部分) of the village. But in other directions, even from this point, I could not e over or beyond the woods which surrounded me. It is well to have some water in your neighborhood, to give buoyancy ([ˈbɔɪə[ˈbɔɪənsi] nsi] 浮力) to and float the earth. One value even of the smallest well (水井) is, that when you look into it you e that earth is not continent but insular ([ˈɪ[ˈɪ[ˈɪnsj nsj nsjəəl ə] 岛状的). This is as important as that it keeps b utter cool. When butter cool. When I I looked across the pond from this peak toward the Sudbury meadows ([ˈmedəʊ[ˈmedəʊ] ] 草地,牧
场), which in time of flood I distinguished elevated perhaps by a mirage (
[ˈmɪ[ˈmɪr r ɑːʒ] 幻境,海市蜃楼) in their ething (
[ˈsiːðɪŋ] 沸腾的,蒸腾的) valley, like a coin in a basin, all the earth beyond the pond appeared like a thin crust insulated ([ˈɪ[ˈɪnsjule nsjule nsjuleɪɪt] 隔离,使绝缘) and floated even by this small sheet of intervening (intervene [ˌɪ[ˌɪnt nt ntəˈviːn]əˈviːn] 阻隔;干预) water, and I was reminded that this on which I dwelt (居住) was but dry land.
The scenery of Walden is on a humble scale, and, though very beautiful, does not approach
to grandeur ([ˈ[ˈgrægrægrænd nd ndʒəʒəʒə] ] n. 宏伟,壮丽), nor can it much concern one who has not not long long long frequented frequented frequented ((vt. 常去;adj. 频繁的) ) it it it or or or lived lived lived by by by its its its shore; shore; shore; yet yet yet this this this pond pond pond is is is so so remarkable remarkable for for for its its its depth depth depth and and and purity purity purity as as as to to to merit merit merit (([ˈmerɪ[ˈmerɪt] t] vt. 值得;n. 优点,美德) ) a a particular description.
It is a clear and deep green well, half a mile (一英里大约为1600米) long and a mile and three quarters in circumference, and contains about sixty-one and a half acres (英亩。
一英亩≈一英亩≈66亩或4000平方米,差不多大半个足球场的面积); a perennial (
[p əˈreni əl] 常年的,持续的) spring (泉) in the midst of pine and oak woods, without any visible inlet or outlet except by the clouds and evaporation. The surrounding hills ri abruptly from the water to the height of forty to eighty feet, though on the southeast and east
they attain to about one hundred and one hundred and fifty feet respectively, within a quarter and a third of a mile. They are exclusively woodland.
All our Concord waters have two colors at least; one when viewed at a distance, and another, more proper, clo at hand. The first depends more on the light, and follows the sky. sky. In In In clear clear clear weather, weather, weather, in in in summer, summer, summer, they they they appear appear appear blue blue blue at at at a a a little little little distance, distance, distance, especially especially especially if if agitated agitated (([ˈædʒɪ[ˈædʒɪte te teɪɪt] 激发,搅动), ), and and and at at at a a a great great great distance distance distance all all all appear appear appear alike. alike. alike. In In In stormy stormy weather they are sometimes of a dark slate-color (石板的颜色). The a, however, is s
aid to be blue one day and green another without any perceptible change in the atmosphere. I have en our river, when, the landscape being covered with snow, both water and ice were were almost almost almost as as as green green green as as as grass. grass. grass. Some Some Some consider consider consider blue blue blue "to "to "to be be be the the the color color color of of of pure pure pure water, water,
whether liquid or solid". But, looking directly down into our waters from a boat, they are en to be of very different colors. Walden is blue at one time and green at another, even from the same point of view. Lying between the earth and the heavens, it partakes ([p ɑːˈteɪːˈteɪk] k] 享用;吃,喝) of the color of both. Viewed from a hilltop it reflects the color of the sky; but near at hand it is of a yellowish tint (色调) next the shore where you can e the sand, then a light green, which gradually deepens to a uniform dark green in the body of the pond. In some lights, viewed even from a hilltop, it is of a vivid green next the shore.