Agreement合同书 -
陈纪平 Effective as of _________,_________,_________(M,D,Y) ( Effective Date ), AAA, a body having corporate powers under the laws of the State of _________(Address) ( AAA ), and BBB, INC., a _________(Address) corporation having a principal place of business at _________(Address) Street, Omaha, _________(Address) ( LICENSEE ), agree as follows:
1.1 AAA has an assignment of Detection of DNA Heteroduplices by Denaturing High Performance Liquid Chromatography from the laboratory of Dr. Peter Oefner and Dr. Peter Underhill, as described in AAA Docket S95-024, ( Invention(s) ) and any Licend Patent(s), as hereinafter defined.
1.2 AAA desires to have the Invention(s) perfected and marketed at the earliest possible time in order that products resulting therefrom may be available for public u and benefit.
1.3 LICENSEE desires a licen under said Invention(s) and Licend Patent(s) for comme
rcialization of this technology.
1.4 The Invention(s) were made in the cour of rearch supported by the National Institutes of Health.
2.1 Invention(s) means any invention disclod in AAA Docket S95-024.
2.2 Licend Patent(s) means AAA’s U.S. Patent Application, Serial Number 512,681 filed _________,_________,_________(M,D,Y) and any divisions, continuations, continuations-in-part, reexaminations or reissues of any such patent applications or patents.
2.3 Licend Field of U is for the detection of nucleic acid heteroduplex molecules.
3.1 AAA hereby grants and LICENSEE hereby accepts a non-exclusive licen to the Inv
ention(s) and to the Licend Patents in the Licend Field of U.
玩具王国3.2 Said licen of Paragraph 3.1 shall commence on _________,_________,_________(M,D,Y) and continue until expiration of the last to expire of Licend Patent(s).
3.3 AAA acknowledges that future inventions and discoveries relating to this technology may be uful to LICENSEE in its development and/or commercialization process. Subject to AAA’s obligations to sponsored rearch, AAA will, as soon as practicable, bring any such new invention and discovery related to this technology to LICENSEE’s attention and provide LICENSEE a reasonable opportunity to negotiate a licen therefor.星星的故事
This Agreement is subject to all of the terms and conditions of Title 35 United States Code Sections 200 through 204, and LICENSEE agrees to take all reasonable action necessary on its part as licene to enable AAA to satisfy its obligation thereunder, relating to Invention(s).
旋转矩阵大全PROGRESS REPORT -- On or before August 25 of each year, beginning _________,_________,_________(M,D,Y), during the term of the Agreement, LICENSEE shall make a written annual report to AAA covering the preceding year ending July 31, regarding the progress of LICENSEE toward commercial u of the Invention(s) and Licend Patent(s). Such report shall include, as a minimum, information sufficient to enable AAA to satisfy reporting requirements of the U.S. Government and for AAA to ascertain progress by LICENSEE toward commercializing the Invention(s) and Licend Patent(s).
cheap怎么读6.1 LICENSEE agrees to pay to AAA a nonrefundable licen issue royalty of ** upon signing this Agreement. Such payment is due _________,_________,_________(M,D,Y).
6.2 On _________,_________,_________(M,D,Y) and each _________,_________,___
______(M,D) thereafter, LICENSEE agrees to pay to AAA annual royalty payments of ** each year.