Digital Difference
Chine: double digit(⼗进制):⼀位数递进
个,⼗,百,千,万,⼗万,百万,千万,亿,⼗亿…. English: three digit (三位数递进)
One, eleven, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion 1万--- ten thousand
10万---one hundred thousand
1000万--- ten million
1亿---one hundred million
100亿– ten billion
1000亿—one hundred billion
消费者价格指数---CPI (inflation/deflation)
⽣产者价格指数---PPI (overheating/coldness)
采购经理⼈指数—PMI (manufacturing)
固定资产投资– Fixed ast investment
社会消费品零售总额—Total volume of the sales of social retailing goods
国内消费------Domestic consumption
⼯业增加值—Industrial added-value
信贷– Credit loans
国外直接投资— (FDI) Foreign direct investment
贸易总额--- Trade volume
进⼝总额—Import volume
出⼝总额---Export volume
顺差– Trade surplus 逆差--- Trade deficit
外汇储备foreign exchange rerve
Static expression of economic figures
达到,处于某⼀指标数据:Be/reach/top/total/register at/amount to/hit/record/stand at/ 超过(某数量):Be more than/Be over/Exceed/Surpass/Beat
Dynamic expression of economic figures
表⽰向上的趋势-----上升::up, to ri, to increa, to grow, to expand, to jump, to surge,to soar, to skyrocket, to hike/price hike + by+…%
表⽰向下的趋势-----下降:down, to fall, to drop, to decline, to decrea, plummet, plunge, slump, tumble+by…% Degree:
By/to/of:There was a ri of 6%.
The figure ro by 3%/to 3%.
Ri/ drop by …
To /ro by. …to
..年/…地⽅/:1999 witnesd an increa of ~~~ in ~~~
China saw the decrea of~~ in~~~
占:Take up/amount to/account for
与。。相⽐:compare with that of the same period of + time~~
(as) against/over +year/time~~
同⽐:---- compare with that of the same period of last year
A year on year increa/ri of ~~%
~~% on a year- on- year basis
⽉环⽐:A month on month increa of ~~%
~% on a month-on-month basis
Practice 1
FDI from the EU into China dropped sharply from six billion Euros($9.3 billion) in 2006 to 1.8 billion Euros last year. It was quite a small amount if compared with the total foreign investment by the EU. In 2007, the EU FDI outflows ro by 53 percent from 275 billion Euros in 2006 to 420 Euros in 2007.
China’s imports and exports incread by 20 percent year-on-year to US $620.79 billion last year, according to customs statistics relead Thursday. Exports ro
22.3 percent to US $325.57billion and imports grew 21.2 percent to US
$295.22billion. China’s trade surplus stood at $30.35 billion. Chine customs will continue to upgrade the efficiency and quality of their rvices to support the growth of foreign trade
From January to December 2007, export of foreign-invested enterpris totaled $ 695.52 billion, a 23.36 percent increa over the same period of last year, 2.34 percent lower than the growth rate (25.7%) of the country in the same period, accounting for 57.1% of the total export value of the whol
e country. The import of foreign-invested enterpris recorded $560 billion, up by 18.36% over the same period of last year, 2.44% lower than the growth rate (20.8%) of the total import in the country, accounting for 58.53% of the country’s total.
全年粮⾷产量为46,947吨,⽐上年增加3,877吨,增长9.1%。grain output 全年进出⼝总额达11,548亿美元,⽐上年增长35.7%。
在过去50年⾥,尤其是1978年改⾰开发以来,宁夏回族⾃治区(Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region)
In 2003 investment in fixed asts by foreign-invested companies accounted for about 11% of the total social investment in fixed asts in China; the industrial added value made up 28% of the total amount nationwide; the export volume contributed to 55% of the total volume in the country. Employees in foreign-invested companies have exceeded 23.5 million, which were 10% of non-agricultural population nationwide. China’s import will exceed $500 billion this year.