陪审团制度The Jury System
The Jury System 陪审团
The Anglo-American jury is a remarkable political institution. It recruits a group of no more than 12 laypersons, chon at random from the widest population; it convenes them for the purpo of the particular trial; it entrusts them with great official powers of decision; it permits them to carry on deliberations in cret and to report our their final judgment without giving reasons for it; and, after their momentary rvice to the state has been completed, it orders them to disband and return to private life.
The jury system is traceable to nine-century France and was imported to England by William the Conqueror. In its earliest form, a jury was a group of the defendant’s neighbors, who were expected to answer questions bad on their own knowledge. Such jurors functioned as both witness and triers of fact. Later, the right to a jury trial was guaranteed by Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution and by the parate state constitutions.
Nowadays, in an y trial at Crown Court where the defendant has pleaded “not guilty” to a charge in the indictment and where the plea has not been accepted by the procution, he or she will be tried in front of a jury. By contrast, an accud in the United States is entitled to a trial by jury whenever the ca is originally brought into federal court and involves an offen for which the punishment may exceed sis months’ imprisonment and in which the defendant is procuted as an adult. The jury system for civil cas has been abolished in Great Britain, and there are pressures to abolish it in the United States.
1. The Role Of The Jury 陪审团角色
The jury’s function during a trial is to decide the facts of the ca. They are laypersons and have no knowledge of law and are competent to put forward any opinion on law. They have to rely upon their common n to asss the accud and the evidence against him in order to reach a verdict. It is the judge’s function, inter alia, to explain the law to the jury and they reach a verdict through their understanding of the law explained by him. The relationship between a judge and a jury is very influential. The judge conducts the trial, decides any legal issues that ari during the trial and controls the evidence the jury is allowed to hear. If the evidence is weak the judge can instruct the jury to acquit the accud. At the conclusion of the evidence the judge will sum up the ca to the jury before they retire to reach a verdict. The judge at this point can do no more. The judge can u his summing up to indicate to the jury that the only reasonable decision to reach would be a guilty verdict; however, there is no actual judicial power to instruct juries to convict an accud. If the jury’s verdict is a perver one there is nothing more the judge can do; it must be accepted. If the verdict is acquittal, it is unchallengeable. There is no appeal against an acquittal in Crown Court and further, once the accud is acquittal, he can be not be charged with the same offence again.医学生
郭敦任于提出法律上的意见。他们必须倚赖他们最为普通的感知来分析被告以及不利于他的证据,以便确定判决结论。法官的功能则是解释法律(拉丁语inter alia),向陪审团解释法律,通过法官的解释,使得陪审团成员在其自身对于法律的理解之上做出判决。法官与陪审团的关系是非常紧密的。法官主持审判,解决任何的在审判中提出的陪审团想要听到的证据采信方面的法律上的问题。如果证据不足以说明所起诉的问题,陪审团可以做出宣告被告无罪的指令。为了使陪审团在证据之上得到结论,在陪审团作出判决解散之前,法官要负责搜集和概括已往的案例。在这一点上,法官能做的仅此这些。法官可以运用他所搜集的先例向陪审团表明这个唯一合理的判决可能是一个有罪的判决,然而,这却并不是一个主动的司法强制力指示陪审团成员作出被告有罪的判决。即使一个陪审团的判决是荒谬的,法官却不能做任何改变;这个判决结果必须被接受。如果判决是宣告无罪,法官不能质
2. Selection Of The Jury 陪审团的选拔
Anyone who is listed on the electoral register between the age of 18 and 70 is eligible for jury rvice. Ineligible persons are members of the judiciary and others involved in the justice system, e.g. barristers and solicitors, the clergy ,the mentally ill.
A. Jury Vetting 陪审员审查
The panel is lected at random and any party to the proceedings can inspect the panel from which the jurors will be chon. Jury vetting, as a means to reduce the
rando mness, is the investigation of jurors’ backgrounds to determine whether they are suitable for jury rvice.
B. Challenging Jury Membership 申请回避(挑战陪审团成员)
Either party has the right to challenge the prence of a juror on three grounds:
吩咐怎么读a. the juror is in fact not qualified; or
人类起源于b. the juror is biad; or
c. the juror may be reasonably suspected of bias against the defendant.
a. 陪审员在事实上不符合法定要求;或者
万科王石b. 陪审员存有偏见;或者
c. 具有合理理由怀疑陪审员可能对被告存在偏见。
When people respond to a jury summons, they gather at the court hou to form a pool of potential j
urors from which they are called in groups for specific criminal or civil trials. There they are questioned by attorneys for each side and/ or the trial judge about their background, life experiences, and opinions to determine whether they can weigh the evidence fairly and objectively. This process is called voir dire, an Anglo-French term meaning “to speak the truth.”
当人们回应出席陪审团召集会,他们就被聚集到法庭里组成陪审团候选团队,在这些人中,他们随后又被分到特定的刑事或民事案件的组里。在那里,他们回答双方律师的提问,问题涉及他们的背景,生活经历以及他们是否能够公正而客观的针对证据作出判决意见等等。这个程序被称作“voir dire”,一个英用法语词汇,意思是“说出事实真相。”
In the United States, there is no limit to the number that can be rejected. While in UK, only the defen has the opportunity to make a peremptory challenge to the potential juror and arbitrarily reject a number. The procution has the right to ask a juror to “stand by for the Crown”. The “stood by” juror only got on the jury if the entire panel have been ud up.
2. Trial By Jury 陪审团初审
A jury trial is a trial of a lawsuit or criminal procution in which the ca is prented to a jury and the factual questions and the final judgment are determined by a jury. This is distinguished from a “court trial” in which the judge decides factual as well as legal questions, and makes the final judgment.
The questions put to tho early juries were usually questions of fact or mixed questions of fact and law. Modern juries may deal with questions of law in addition to questions of fact when rendering general verdicts, and Federal juries are usually limited to dealing with questions of fact.
The jury trial finds expression in the American legal system in three places: the grand jury, the criminal petit jury, and civil petit jury. Each is guaranteed in the federal courts by the U.S. Constitution, and every state us them.
4. Grand Jury 大陪审团
The grand jury as an institution was so firmly established in the traditions of American forebears that
they included it in the Bill of Rights. The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States provides in part that “no person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwi infamous crime, unless on a prentment or indictment of a Grand Jury…”
The powers and functions of the federal grand jury differ from tho of the federal trial jury, which is called the petit jury. The petit jury listens to the evidence offered by the