[摘要] 目的 探讨异体韧带双束重建膝关节内侧副韧带的手术方法,并经随访观察其临床疗效。方法 以2007年6月至2010年3月收治的53例慢性膝关节内侧副韧带损伤的患者为研究对象,术前应力位X线片检查示膝关节内侧间隙较对侧增宽,且增宽间隙>5 mm,MRI检查示内侧副韧带连续性中断,外翻应力试验阳性,对所有患者行内侧副韧带重建手术。手术方法为股骨内侧髁至关节线下方5 cm行纵行切口,于胫骨前内侧关节线下方4.5 cm至后内侧关节线下方2 cm斜向钻取直径5 mm(或)6 mm骨隧道,股骨内侧髁由内向外导针定位并沿导针钻直径6 mm(或)7 mm,长2.5~3.0 cm的骨隧道,将异体肌腱两端编织后绕过胫骨隧道导入股骨隧道并用可吸收界面螺钉固定,使重建韧带呈三角形状。术后积极康复功能锻炼。术后1年应用Lyshlom评分、国际膝关节文献委员会膝关节评估表(IKDC)评价临床效果;外翻应力位X线片评估关节稳定性。结果 所有患者术后Lyshlom评分(89.7±3.4)、IKDC评分[A或B评分46例(86.79%)]较术前(Lyshlom评分51.8±4.9,t=- 79. 724,P<0. 05;IKDC评分A或B者0例)均有明显改善;外翻应力
位X线片测量内侧关节增宽间隙由术前(10.4±2.4)mm减小到术后(2.8±1.5)mm,差异有统计学意义(t=41. 727,P<0.05);其中46例患者≤3 mm,7例患者3~5 mm。术前关节活动度135.4°±2.5°,与术后(132.7°±3.7°)比较差异无统计学意义。9例患者术后1年有不同程度的膝内侧局限性疼痛且存在明显压痛点。结论 应用异体肌腱双束三角形重建内侧副韧带能明显改善膝关节内侧稳定性,短期临床疗效确定。
Functional reconstruction of the medial collateral ligament with double-bundle allograft technique DONG Jiang-tao WANG Fei CHEN Bai-cheng SONG Kuang-peng JI Gang MA Long-fei Department of Joint, the Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050051, China
[ Abstract] Objective To discuss a new technique about reconstruction of medial collate
ral ligament (MCL) with double bundle allograft and to evaluate the short-term clinical efficacy. Methods All 53 patients who suffered from valgus instability of the knee were selected. All cases were diagnosed of MCL injury because the medial gap of the knee widened more than 5 mm compared with collateral knee by the stress X-ray, MRI displayed discontinuity of MCL and valgus stress test was positive. All patients were accepted arthroscopic evaluation through inferomedial and inferolateral arthroscopy portal incisions to ascertain whether there were intra-articular injuries. An 8 cm incision was made from 1 cm superior adductor tubercle to 5 cm proximal medial tibia joint line in a longitudinal fashion. The anterior tibia insertion was de
书名言fined as 15 mm lateral from the medial tibia edge and 45 mm under the medial tibia joint line. The posterior tibia insertion was defined as 15 mm lateral from the medial tibia edge and 20 mm under the medial tibia joint line. We used 5 mm or 6 mm reamer to drill the tibia tunnel along with guide pin, and then drill the femur tunnel with 6 mm or 7 mm drill in the top of the adductor tubercle about 25 mm or 30 mm length. The allograft was pulled into the tunnel from tibia to the femur and fixed with absorbable interference screw.Patients carried out active rehabilitation program after operation. One year after the operation, IKDC score, Lyshlom score were used to evaluate the clinical effect. Results The IKDC score ( A or B, 86. 78% vs. 0), L
yshlom scores ( 89. 7 t 3.4 vs. 51.8 ± 4. 9, t = - 79. 724, P < 0. 05 ) were significantly improved
10.3760/cma. j. issn. 0529-5815. 2011. 12.013
compared with preoperative in all patients. Medial joint widened gap decreased from ( 10. 4 ± 2.4) mm preoperative to (2. 8 ± 1.5) mm postoperative from X ray and the differences were significant (t =41. 727,P < 0. 05 ). Among these patients, the medial joint widened gap of 46 cases were less than 3 mm, 7 cases were from 3 mm to 5 mm. The range of mot
ion was 135.4° ± 2.5° preoperative and 132. 7° ± 3.7°postoperative. The 9 patients still had medial tenderness 1 year after operation. Conclusion Application double bundle allografi technique to reconstruct MCL can significantly improve the stability of the knee and the short-term clinical efficacy was sure.
[ Key words ] Medial collateral ligament, knee; Transplantation, homologous; Treatmentoutcome
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