1 Animals get energy for growth and repair from
A soil
B food
C water
D air
2 A dog opens its mouth and lets its tongue hang out. A human’s body produces sweat. The are two ways that organisms may adjust to
A cold temperatures
猪蹄怎么做才好吃B hot temperatures
C a shortage of food
D a shortage of drinking water
3 During which ason of the year would a rabbit’s fur be thickest?
A fall
B spring非姐妹染色单体
C summer
D winter
4 Which animal is preparing for a asonal change in the environment?
A a bat flying at night
B a deer drinking water
C an owl eating a mou
大学网址D a squirrel storing nuts
5 An example of a poor health habit is
A taking a bath or shower regularly
B handwashing after using the bathroom
C playing on a soccer team
D eating candy instead of lunch
6 Which substance is usually found in nature as a liquid, solid, and gas?
A water
两仪拳B rock
C metal
D glass
7 Which example describes an organism taking in nutrients?
A a dog burying a bone
B a girl eating an apple
C an inct crawling on a leaf
D a boy planting tomatoes in a garden
8 Which characteristic is inherited rather than learned?
A telling a story
B saluting the flag
幼儿阅读C having blue eyes
D riding a bicycle铝的熔点
9 What is the main function of scales on a fish?
A to protect the fish
B to attract predators
C to help the fish find food
D to help the fish breathe
10 Which behavior is an example of an animal adapting to a change in the environment?
A a squirrel climbing a tree
B a rabbit feeding its young
C a frog eating an inct
D a bird migrating south