Unit 8
Text I
1. discus []n.a heavy flat circular object thrown in a sporting event
2. stance n. an opinion that is stated publicly立场:What is your stance
on corporal punishment?你对体罚持什么态度?
3. asmble v.gathered together 收集;聚集:He was busy
asmbling the bike. 他忙着装配自行车。asmble line 装配线/组合线
爱路护路4. furtive [] adj. attempting to avoid notice or attention; cretive偷
偷的:He cast a furtive glance at her.他偷偷瞥了她一眼。
5.tan v.if you tan, or if the sun tans you, your skin becomes darker becau
you spend time in the sun(使)晒成棕褐色:Quite a lot of white people like tanned skin.相当多的白种人喜欢晒成棕褐色的皮肤。
6. crop v. cut very short剪短:Lucy had had her hair cloly cropped. 露西
7. vile [] adj. extremely unpleasant or bad极坏的,恶劣的;卑鄙的:Do not
mix with vile characters.不要与卑鄙的人交往。
8. repo ] n. a)a state of rest, sleep or feeling calm休息;镇静b)
v. to lie or rest in a particular place休息,长眠,静卧;依靠:Don’t repo
too much confidence in his promis.不要对他的诺言过于相信。
9. snowbound [] adj. covered in snow被雪困住的;为雪所阻的:
The town was snowbound.该镇被大雪封锁了。
10. bonsai []n. an ornamental tree or shrub grown in a pot and
artificially prevented from reaching its normal size盆栽:A bonsai can help
us moderate the air in the room.盆栽可以帮助我们调节屋内的空气。
11. prune v. trim; to cut off some of the branches from a tree, bush, etc
修剪:The gardener pruned the dead branches.园丁剪去枯枝。
12. facsimile []n. an exact copy of sth复制本,摹本,传真:It is the
facsimile of his signature.这是他的签名传真件。
13.acknowledge ] v.a)to admit or accept that something is
true or that a situation exists承认:He refud to acknowledge that
he was defeated.他拒绝承认他被击败。b)to publicly express thanks
for help you have been given答谢,致谢:The candidate waved his
hands to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd.候选人挥手对大众的
14. cache n. a)a number of things that have been hidden, especially
weapons, or the place where they have been hidden贮藏物,隐藏所:a cache
煮猪肝of ammunition隐藏的弹药;b)v. to hide something in a cret place,
especially weapons贮藏,隐藏:You can cache much information through a
15. kickshaw []n.a fancy but insubstantial cooked dish精美的菜肴;
华而不实的玩物:Both Chine and French are peoples who are good at
cooking kickshaw.中国人和法国人都是善于烹饪精美菜肴的民族。
16. awkwardly [] smoothly or gracefully笨拙地:The bear
got out of the cave awkwardly.熊笨拙地爬出洞口。
17.stump n.the short part of someone’s leg, arm etc that remains
after the rest of it has been cut off残余部分;残肢
18. scab n.a hard dry covering that forms over a wound as it heals创口中所结的疤,痂
19. forceps []n. a medical instrument ud for picking up and holding things钳子,镊子
20. shard n. a piece of broken glass, metal, etc碎片,破片
21. disinfectant ] n. a chemical or a cleaning product that destroys bacteria消毒剂
22. inert ] adj. without power to move or act无活动的;惰性的;迟钝的:inert gas惰性气体
23. athwart prep. from side to side; across横跨,穿过:The pagoda
cast its shadow athwart the lake.塔影斜映在湖面上。
24. slanting [] adj. not straight or level; sloping倾斜的,歪斜的:the
蛇胆川贝液说明书slanting rays of the sun夕阳的光线,斜阳
25. scramble [] v.to cook an egg by mixing the white and yellow
parts together and heating them, sometimes with milk and butter炒
(蛋):She scrambled eggs for breakfast.她炒鸡蛋供早餐食用。
26. dome n.a shape or building like a ball cut in half圆顶
27. probe v.physically explore or examine (something)with the
hands or an instrument; investigate探索,调查;探查:The governor
appointed a committee to probe the caus of the strike.州长委派一个委员
28. heft v. lift or hold (something)in order to test its weight举起,举
起试重量:The goods is too heavy for him to heft.货物太重了,他举不起来。
29. corridor []n.a long narrow passage in a building or train, with
doors that open into rooms on either side走廊,回廊,通道:A scream
lingered in the corridor.一声尖叫在走廊里回荡。
30. accomplice ]n.a person who helps another to commit a
crime or to do sth wrong共犯,从犯,帮凶
31. oatmeal []n.crushed oats ud in cooking燕麦片;燕麦粥
32. decead adj. recently dead已故的;死去的:Both her parents
are decead.她的双亲均已辞世。
33. dignified [] adj. having or showing a compod or rious
manner that is worthy of respect有尊严的,有品格的:Becau of his
clothes, he was dignified, elegant, or brilliant.由于衣穿得好,他显得高贵、
Text II
1. rage n. a)a strong feeling of uncontrollable anger狂暴,狂怒:The
rage of the storm made the children anxiety.怒吼的风暴使孩子们焦虑不安。b)rage for sth风靡一时的事物:Big earrings are the rage now.大耳环是现在流行的东西。v. c)to feel very angry about something and show this in the way you behave or speak怒斥,咆哮;大怒:The fires raged for more than four hours.大火肆虐了四个多小时。d)to spread very quickly流行,盛行,风靡:The song was raging among the young people then.这首歌当时在年轻人中很流行。