·v. ['saɪləns] ( silences; silenced; silencing )
·vt.持重 使安静; 使沉默 cau to be quiet; make silent
∙silence crowd 使人群安静下来
∙silence the children 使孩子们安静下来
沼渣∙silence awkwardly 为难地沉默
∙silence completely 完全沉默
∙silence discreetly 慎重地沉默
∙silence effectually 有效地沉默
∙silence grimly 阴森地沉默
∙家的英文单词silence horribly 可怕地沉默
泡的组词∙silence incessantly 持续不断地沉默
∙silence momentarily 顷刻地沉默
∙silence mysteriously 秘密地沉默
∙silence painfully 痛苦地沉默
∙silence sarcastically 嘲笑地沉默
∙silence sincerely 严肃地沉默
∙silence sternly 严肃地沉默
∙silence terribly 可怕地沉默
∙silence unbearably 难以忍受地沉默
He silenced the noisy children with a fierce look.他狠狠地瞪了一眼那些闹哄哄的孩子,使他们安静下来。
The speaker tried to silence the angry crowd.讲话者试图使愤怒的人群安静下来。
His commanding tone silences everyone prent.他的命令口气使在场的人安静下来。
Rodin silenced him with a gesture.罗丁做手势让他安静。
The arrival of the teacher silenced the class.教师的到来使全班安静下来。
They silenced him by money or other inducements.他们用金钱或其他诱惑来封他的嘴。
The king silenced his opponents by having them put in prison.国王把反对他的人送进监狱以使他们闭口。
Butler's firm speech failed to silence opposition.巴特勒强硬的话语没能制止反对意见。
Our powerful artillery fire silenced the enemy's mortars.我军强大的炮火迫使敌人的迫击炮停止射击。
There must be a way to silence the echoes in this room.一定有方法消除这个房间的回声。
The nur silenced the baby's crying.护士使孩子不再哭而安静下来。
◇ 用于be ~ed结构
The air intake must be silenced to some degree.进气口的噪声太大,必须在一定程度上加以消除。
The enemy's guns were silenced by repeated bombings.反复轰炸压制了敌人的炮火。
[同义词] n. quiet
[词源] <中古英语 <古法语 <拉丁语silentium <silens(静,沉默)
n. ['saɪləns] ( silences )
·U 寂静,无声 abnce of sound; complete quiet
·U 沉默 the state of not speaking or making a noi
·U 无音信,失去联系 failure to write a letter, to telephone, etc.
·C 寂静时刻,期间 a moment or period of any of the conditions
1.silence用作名词的根本意思是“寂静〞,指没有声音,很静,引申可指“沉默〞,一般指人对某件事保持缄默,用沉默来表示其同意或不同意, silence还可引申作“无音信,失去联系〞解。作以上解时是不可数名词。
红菇的做法∙break a silence 打破沉默
∙buy sb's silence 用贿赂封某人的口
∙interrupt a silence 打破沉默
∙keep silence 保持沉默
∙maintain silence 保持沉默
∙obrve a silence 保持静默
∙obrve three minutes' silence 默哀三分钟
∙pass into silence 湮没在无声无息中
∙purcha sb's silence 用贿赂堵住某人的口
∙put sb to silence 驳得某人哑口无言
∙retreat into one's silence 沉默不语
∙treasure silence 珍视沉默
∙understand a silence 理解沉静的意思〔态度〕
∙absolute silence 绝对的沉默
∙angry silence 愤怒的沉默
∙awful silence 可怕的寂静