小尼古拉Can a pig form a true friendship with a spider? Who would have believed that a tiny spider could rever the fate of a pig? For all their ingenuity in knots, who would have believed that spiders could weave letters on silk? Who would have believed that a pig would help a spider hatch its egg sac? But it's true! Charlotte's book tells us: pigs and spiders form the most sincere friendship! The spider on the silk woven words saved the pig's life! The spider was dying, and the pig helped the five hundred and forty little spiders in its egg sac to be born into this world! In the barn of jumenck's hou, there lived happily a group of animals, among which Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider established the most sincere friendship. However, when everyone learns that Wilbur's destiny is to become a delicious bacon sausage, as a pig, Wilbur hopelessly accepts. However, the emingly insignificant Charlotte wants to help Wilbur. Thus, it weaves on the inscription which is regarded as a miracle by mankind, completely revers Wilbur's fate, allowing him to win a special prize in the fair contest, and a cure future. But then Charlotte's life came to an end. Why did Charlotte the spider help Wilbur unconditionally?
Does it want to show off? No! Does it want to tell people how good it is? All is not! It's friendship. It does it for friendship alone. And even if he did, Wilbur did not reward him, but he liked Him. They met in the barn, and Wilbur had given him the best time. Happiness is something that no amount of money or goods can buy for him, and he thought that was the best return Wilbur could give him! Why did Wilbur believe Charlotte would save him? Charlotte would trust Wilbur with her egg sac? Is trust! What is trust? What is trust? Wilbur believed In Charlotte. Charlotte believed in Wilbur. That's trust! Charlotte's, is it just a spider? No! This is a big picture woven into Charlotte's love. Is this one just for catching pests? No! This saved Wilbur's life, and inspired endless love and affection. So Charlotte's is not just any spider, it's a tender feeling of trust and friendship, loyalty and love. This one could work wonders and save lives. Under the background of the city's reading activities, the young author read books extensively in her spare time. When she finished reading Charlotte's, she was deeply moved by Charlotte and Wilbur in the book and moved with emotion. Small author write this reading feeling, in line with the psychological characteristics of the first students - attaches great importance to friendship.
But many junior students can not correctly understand the true connotation of friendship, this reading of the correct in-depth understanding of friendship read up no doubt makes people feel gratified. The young author intends to express the inspiration of "Charlotte's" -- "trust and friendship, loyalty and love".