翻译目的论:Skopos theory
抢凳子 20世纪70年代,功能派翻译理论兴起于德国。其发展经过了以下几个阶段。
凯瑟琳娜·莱斯(Katharine Reiss)首次把功能范畴引入翻译批评,(imply functional category into translation critics) 将语言功能,语篇类型和翻译策略相联系,发展了以源文与译文功能关系为基础的翻译批评模式,Reiss develops a model of translation criticism bad on the functional relationship between source and target texts.从而提出了功能派理论思想的雏形。莱斯认为理想的翻译应该是综合性交际翻译,(according to Reiss, the ideal translation would be one “in which the aim in the TL is equivalence as regards conceptual context, linguistic form and communicative function of a SL text.She refer to this kind of t as the integral communicative performance)即在概念性内容,语言形式和交际功能方面都与原文对等,但在实践中应该优先考虑的是译本的功能特征。
汉斯·弗米尔(Vermeer)提出了目的Skopos theory 论,将翻译研究从原文中心论的束缚中摆脱出来。该理论认为翻译是以原文为基础的有目的和有结果的行为,这一行为必须经过协商来完成高中社团;翻译必须遵循一系列法则中国红酒,其中目的法则居于首位。也就是说,译文取决于翻译的目的。此外,翻译还须遵循“语内连贯法则”intratextual coherence(this means the receiver should be able to understand it; it should make n in the communicative situation and culture in which it is received.)和“语际连贯法则”intertextual coherence。(coherence between source and possible kind of intertextual coherence could be a maximally faithful imitation of the source text.)前者指译文必须内部连贯,在译文接受者看来是可理解的,后者指译文与原文之间也应该有连贯性。这三条原则提出后,评判翻译的标准不再是“对等”,天气降温而是译本实现预期目标的充分性。弗米尔还提出了翻译委任的概念,即应该由译者来决定是否,何时,怎样完成翻译任务。也就是说,译者应该根据不同的翻译目的采用相应的翻译策略,而且有权根据翻译目的决定原文的哪些内容可以保留,哪些需要调整或修改。
费米尔认为,翻译中的最高法则应该是“目的法则”。也就是说,翻译的目的不同,翻译时所采取的策略、方法也不同。换言之,翻译的目的决定了翻译的策略和方法。Be bad on对于中西翻译史上的归化、异化之争,乃至近二三十年译界广泛讨论的形式对等与动态
贾斯塔·霍茨-曼塔里(Justa Holz Manttari)借鉴交际和行为理论,提出翻译行为理论,进一步发展了功能派翻译理论该理论将翻译视作受目的驱使的,以翻译结果为导向的人与人之间的相互作用。该理论和目的论有颇多共同之处,弗米尔后来也将二者融合。 Have a lot in common
克里斯汀娜·诺德(Christiana Nord)全面总结和完善功能派理论。克里斯汀娜·诺德首次用英语系统阐述了翻译中的文本分析所需考虑的内外因素,1996是什么年以及如何在原文功能的基础上制定切合翻译目的的翻译策略。克里斯汀娜·诺德对功能派各学说进行了梳理,并且提出译者应该遵循“功能加忠诚”的指导原则,从而完善了该理论。
1.Translation as intercultural action
This definition has rved as a general starting point for functionalist approaches to translation first introduced it into the study of cross-cultural communication and slightly modified it in order to address issues of translation. :p23-24涉县核桃略
2. Translating as a Text-processing Action
The role of the source text is radically different from earlier linguistic or equivalence-bad theories. The source text is no longer the first and foremost criterion for the translators decision; it is just one of the various of information ud by the translator.
摘要:诺德的功能翻译理论建立在两大基石之上:功能加忠诚Nord's version of the functionalist approach stands on two pillars: function plus loyalty.
功能指的是译文在译语环境中按预定的方式运作的因素; Function refers to the factors that make a target text work in the intended way in the target situation.
忠诚指的是译者、原文作者、译文接受者及翻译发起者之间的人际关系。Loyalty refers to the interpersonal relationship between the translator, the source-text nder, the target-text addres and the initiator.忠诚原则限制了某一原文的译文功能范围,增加了译者与客户之间对翻译任务的商议。黄淳梁Loyalty limits the range of justifiable target-text functions for one particular source text and rais the need for a negotiation of the translation assignment between translators and their clients.
Abstract: Nord's version of the functionalist approach stands on two pillars: function plus loyalty. Function refers to the factors that make a target text work in the intended way in the target situation. Loyalty refers to the interpersonal relationship between the translator, the source-text nder, the target-text addres and the initiator. Loyalty limits the range of justifiable target-text functions for one particular source text and rais the need for a negotiation of the translation assignment between translators and their clients.
她还吸取了布勒<Karl Buhler)的研究模式作范例,即将文本按其功能分为四种类刑:指称功能< referential function、表情功能(expressivefunction ) ,诉求功能(appellative function)
和寒暄功能(phatic function,此功能是诺德所力II),并i寸论标文本叫以完全独立于原文。诺德则认为自山重写<free rewriting)小属翻译的范畴,囚此汽截了当地提出了自己的看法,“没有原文,就没有翻译。”“译者应同时对原文和译文环境负责,对原文信息发送者(或发起人)和目标读者负责。”她称这责任为“忠诚”(loyalty)。