所谓转态译法是指在翻译中把原文中的被动语态转换成译文中的主动语态,或把原文中的主动语态转换成译文中的被动语态。这里说的语态是指主动语态和被动语态, 这两种语态在英汉两种语言中的使用情况是很不相同的:英语大量使用被动语态,而汉语则很少使用,即便使用, 也不像英语那样有固定或比较统-的构成形式。比如说,汉语的被动不是只用一“被”字表示。因此在英汉互译中,要经常变换语态,以使译文符合习惯用法。显得地道而自然。
(1)The novel A Dream of Red Mansion has been translated into many foreign languages.小说红楼梦已译成许多外国文字.
(2) During the world cup the streets were filled with football fans. 世界杯期间,接上挤满了球迷.
(去郊游二). 被动句翻译成汉语的判断句。高瞻远瞩造句
1.The poetry was chanted to the accompaniment of the lyre.诗歌吟唱是用七弦琴伴奏的。
2.The credit system in America was first adopted by Harvard University in 1872.美国的学分制是1872年在哈佛大学首先实行的。
1.In many countries, authority is ldom, if ever, questioned. 在很多国家, 很少向权威提出质疑。
2.Wrong must be righted when they are discovered.
经世奇才(1). I hope that the resolution of the General Asmbly will at last be respected by member states and by Israel in particular. 我希望大会的各项决议终将得到各会员国,尤其是以色列的尊重。
(2). I was possd by the very novelty of what I did. 我被自己所干的事的新鲜劲迷住了。
(3)The Wright brothers were highly praid for having made the first flight in the world.
(1)Two-thirds of the area are covered with immen forests of pine, spruce and birch. 面积的三分之二由广阔的松林、云杉林和白桦林所覆盖。
(2)The cyclist was knocked down by a truck. 骑车人让一辆卡车撞倒了。
情难却(1). The design will be examined by a special committee. 这项设计将由一个委员会予以审查。
(2). Problems should be resolved in good time. 如何炖猪蹄有问题要及时加以解决。
四 注意英语常用被动句型的汉语习惯译法蒙天珠.
It is hoped that… 希望…
It is reported that…据报道…
It is said that… 据说…
It is suppod that …据推测…
It must be admitted that …必须承认…
It must be pointed out that … 必须指出…
It is asrted that …有人主张…
It is believed that… 有人相信…
It is well known that…众所周知…
It will be said that…人们会说…
It was told that信用中心….人们曾说…
I was told that…我听说…什么蔬菜补肾