律政俏佳人(Legally Blonde)
导师:What are you so happy about? You're on trial 甘肃省政协for murder.
被告:Get up.
被告:You're fired. I have new reprentation.
女主:Excu you, you're in my way.
导师:She's a law student. She can't defend you.
大卫:Massachutts Supreme Judicial Court ruling 3.03.
女主:See? Thank you, David.
二次元性感图片法官:Counlors, approach the bench.
导师: You're not going up there.
女主:- Yes, I am.
被告:Maybe you didn't hear me. You're fired.
法官:Counlors, now. All of you.
女主:Elle Woods, Your Honor.
Rule 3.03 of Supreme Judicial Court states that a law student may appear on behalf of a defendant in criminal proceedings.
原告律师:Your Honor, I have no problem with this.
导师:I do. I'm not allowing it.
女主:But you agreed last night. In your office when we were discussing my career.
法官:The ruling also states that you need a licend attorney to supervi you.
- Mr. Callahan?
导师: That I won't agree to.
男主:I'll supervi, Your Honor.
法官:Well then , Ms. Woods, proceed.
女主:Thank you, Your Honor.
导师:Enjoy prison.
法官:Mrs. Windham, you do realize what you're doing?
朋友1:Oh, my God! There she is!Elle!
朋友2:Elle!We came to e your trial!
朋友1:Look how cute. There's a judge and everything.
朋友2:And jury people.
朋友1:Vote for Elle!
法官:Ladies, take a at.
锦里沟女主:Go, girl.
路人甲:Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
原告:I do.
法官:Be ated.
法官:Ms. Woods, you may begin your questioning.
女主:First of all I would like to point out that not only is there no proof in this ca but there is a complete lack of mens rea(犯罪意图) which by definition tells us there can be no crime without a vicious will.
法官:I am aware of the meaning of mens rea. What I'm unaware of is why you're giving me a vocabulary lesson when you should be questioning your witness.
女主:Yes, Your Honor.
Miss Windham ,when you arrived back at the hou was your father there?
原告:Not that I saw, but like I said I went straight upstairs to take a shower.
女主:And when you came downstairs, what happened? 打工真的不容易
原告:I saw Brooke standing over his body drenched in his blood.
女主:But Mrs. Windham didn't have a gun?
原告:No. She'd stashed it by then.
男主:Move to strike that from the record, Your Honor.
It's speculation.
法官:So stricken.
男主:Go ahead.
女主:Miss Windham, did you hear a shot fired?
原告:No. I was in the shower.
女主:So, sometime in the 20 minutes that you were in the shower, your father was shot. 《人生》读后感
原告:I guess.
女主:Your father was shot while you were in the shower but you didn't hear the shot becau ... 自的成语becau you were in the shower?
原告:I was washing my hair.
路人乙:Where is she going with this?
男主:Have a little faith, Gerard.
女主:Miss Windham , what had you done earlier that day?
原告:I got up , got a latter, went to the gym , got a perm, and came home.
女主:Where you got in the shower?
法官:I believe the witness has made it clear that she was in the shower.
女主:Yes, Your Honor.
Miss Windham, had you ever gotten a perm before?
女主:How many would you say?
原告:Two a year since I was 12.
大众菜谱You do the math.
女主:A girl in my sorority, Tracy Marcinko, got a perm once. We all tried to talk her out of it. Curls weren't a good look for her.She didn't have your bone structure.
But, thankfully, that same day , she entered the Beta Delta Pi wet t-shirt contest where she was completely hod down from head to toe. 凉拌面条
原告律师:Objection! Why is this relevant?
女主:I have a point, I promi.
法官:Then make it.
女主:Yes, ma'am.
Chutney, why were Tracy Marcinko's curls ruined when she got hod down?
原告:Becau they got wet?
女主:Exactly. Isn't it the first cardinal rule of perm maintenance that you're forbidden to wet your hair for at least 24 hours after getting a perm at the risk of deactivating the ammonium thioglycolate?
女主:And wouldn't somebody who's had, say,30 perms in their life be well aware of this rule?
And if in fact you weren't washing your hair as I suspect, becau your curls are still intact wouldn't you have heard the gunshot?
And if in fact you had heard the gunshot Brooke Windham wouldn't have had time to hide the gun before you got downstairs which would mean you would have had to have found Mrs. Windham with a gun in her hand to make your story plausible. Isn't that right?