1.The _tranquil atmosphere of the inn allows guests to feel totally at home.
2. Technological advances might _ultimately lead to even more job loss.
3. In the aftermath of the shootings, there were calls for tighter controls on gun ownership.
4. Her kindness and generosity cancel out _ her occasional flashes of temper.
5. He was beginning to wonder if he would survive the _ ordeal.
6. Foreign food aid has led to a _drastic 天灰歌词reduction in the numbers of people dying of starvation.
7. Perhaps her most important _legacy was her program of educational reform.
8. There were food shortages and other _ deprivations during the Civil War.
9. The new economic policies could prove _ suicidal for the party.
10. The building will be completed around six months earlier than _ anticipated奢侈的高跟鞋
11. The experience was enough to keep him _ preoccupied for some time.
12. The road to happiness is paved with _ adversities
13. She _ aspires to nothing no less than the chairmanship of the company.
寿宴祝福语14. He might be influenced by _ nostalgia for the surroundings of his happy youth.
15. In _ retrospect, I wish that I had thought about alternative cours of action.
1. entertain
A. Frankie is known throughout the _entertainment_ business as an energetic performer.
B. Children’s TV programs nowadays are much more _ entertaining _ than they ud to be.
2. attach
A. Regular babysitters can become deeply _ attached _ to the children they take care of.
B. When I was doing an English cour in Brighton, I formed a strong _ attachment _ to the other students in my class.
3. history
A. The film doesn’t try to be _ historically _ accurate, but it is bad looly on real events and people.
B. In his book, Churchill describes that _ historic _ first meeting with Roovelt.
4. innovate
A. When it was first introduced, the electric car was described as one of the 10 most _innovative_ products of the year.
B. _ Innovations _ in information technology have completely transformed the way students work.
5. flaw
A. Each party rejected the other’s approach, saying it was _ flawed _.
B. I had thought that he was a native Chine becau he spoke in_ flawless _ Chine.
卷二十五6. controversy
A. There has been a huge _.controversy _ over where to put the city’s
new sports stadium and who should build it.
B. He wrote a very _ controversial _ book, but I think he has regretted it since.
7. revi
A. He gave his work to his friend to _ revi _, becau he found it hard to e his own mistakes.
B. The book went through veral _ revisions _ before the publisher was finally satisfied with it.
胎儿缺氧8. commentate
A. The _ commentary _ on the Olympic Games was much better on the other channel.
B. After retiring, he became a radio _ commentator _ on cricket and rugby, and also wrote about both sports for Sunday newspapers.
9. restrict
A. However, the company has a highly _ restrictive _ policy which makes such development difficult.
B. Increasingly, campaigners are demanding that countries impo _ restrictions _ on a
dvertising aimed at children.
10. hero
A. He was famed for _heroic_ deeds during the war.
B. America’s prent need is not _ heroics _, but calm diplomacy
1. Employers cannot discriminate on the basis of racial or ethnic background.
2. All types of insurance are handled both for personal and corporate customers.
3. Police believe the tragic death of 21-year-old Lee Rusll may be linked to drug abu.
4. Mostly becau of his defen and athletic ability, his playing time has incread the last two weeks.
5. We have looked at some of the key principles that underlie microeconomics.
6. A stack of copies was piled up at the entrance to the Arts Lab.
7. The critical factors in determining the growth in the prent study are all external; none are intrinsic to the science itlf.
8. Pan has been struggling financially: last year alone, advertising revenue fell by 20%.
9. I was constantly engrosd by the problems of time, space, quality, and other categories of reason.
10. The award ceremony will be held at the National Film Theater tonight.
1) discreet discretion discrete
A. The small companies now have their own _ discrete _ identity.