吸痰管 suction catheter未来的地球
演员刘枚胃管 stomach tube
喂食管 feeding tube
肛门管 rectal tube
乳胶导尿管 latex Foley catheter
硅胶导尿管 silicone Foley catheter
气管插管 tracheal tube (with cuff)/endotracheal
气管切开插管 tracheostomy tube
鼻氧管 nasal oxygen tube
输氧管 oxygen supply tube
杨克管 suction connection tube
杨克手柄 yankauer handle
氧气面罩 oxygen mask
氧袋面罩 non rebreathing mask
雾化面罩 nebulizer mask
可调面罩 venturi mask with two diluterspour过去式
可置换面罩 venturi mask with six diluters
雾化咬嘴式 nebulizer kit
皱纹绷带民政办 elastic crepe bandage
平纹绷带 elastic plain bandage
PBT绷带 PBT bandage
高弹绷带 high elastic bandage
纱布绷带 gauze bandage
自粘绷带 cohesive bandage
石膏绷带 (POP) plaster of paris bandage
石膏衬垫 orthopedic bandage (cast padding)
高分子绷带 orthopaedic casting bandages
急救绷带 first aid bandage
管状绷带 tubular bandage
袜套 stockinet bandage
网状绷带 tubular net bandage
PE胶带 PE tape
熊猫用英语怎么说丝绸胶带 silk tape
无纺布胶带 non-woven tape
纸胶带 paper tape
橡皮膏 zinc oxide plaster
运动胶带 sports tape
氧化锌热熔胶带 zinc oxide hot melt adhesive
弹力黏性胶带 elastic tape
输液贴 disposable infusion plaster
无纺布纱布片 non-woven swabs
全棉纱布片 gauze swabs
凡士林纱布片/石蜡纱布 paraffin swabs
腹部垫 lap sponge
创口贴 adhesive wound plaster(PVC POE PE PU)
卡通创口贴 adhesive wound plaster(cartoon/cotton)通过
弹力布创口贴 adhesive wound plaster(flexible)
不含乳胶创口贴 latex free wound plaster
黏性敷贴 adhesive wound dressing(PE & NON-WOVEN)
黏性眼贴 adhesive eye pad
PU透明敷料贴 transparent dressing paste
棉球 cotton ball
脱脂纱布 absorbent cotton gauze
药棉 absorbent cotton wool
注射器 disposable syringe
自毁式注射器 safety lf-destructive syringe
注射器针头 syringe needle
安全注射针 safety hypodermic needle
输液器 disposable infusion t
避光输液器 disposable photophobic infusion t
输血器 disposable blood transfusion t
胰岛素注射器 insulin syringe
胰岛素笔针 insulin pen needle
结核菌素注射器 tuberculin syringe