anecdote | n. | a short interesting or amusing story about a particular person or event e.g. He told some amusing anecdotes about his years as a policeman |
archaeologist | n. | a person studying ancient things |
archer | n. | a person who shoots with a bow and arrows |
betray | v. | to give away or make known |
better off | (经济)境况较好的 e.g. She was much better off when she got promoted. | |
bilateral | adj. | of, on or with two sides e.g. France and Germany have signed a bilateral agreement. |
bilingual | adj. | of, containing, or expresd in two languages |
braille | n. | (a way of) printing with raid round marks which blind people can read by touching them |
buffet | n. | a place or counter where food and drink may be bought and consumed |
casino | n. | a building for social activities esp. playing games for money |
censure | n. 能力陷阱 | the act of blaming or expressing strong disapproval e.g. His dishonest behaviour came under vere censure. |
cleric | n. | a priest, esp. in the Christian Church |
clumsy | adj. | done or made in an awkward fashion |
coincide | v. | (of ideas, opinions) to be in agreement |
commonplace | n./adj. | a well-known statement or remark worn out by too much /ordinary; not regarded as special or unusual dnf气功 |
competence | n. | ability to do what is needed |
compliment | n. | an expression of prai, admiration or respect |
condole | v. | to express sympathy, regret at a loss, misfortune, etc. |
contrary | adj. | completely different;wholly oppod |
criteria | n. | fact or standard by which you judge, decide about or deal with sth.标准,准则 |
decipher | n. | to discover the meaning of (sth. difficult or cret, esp. a code) 译解;破译(密码) |
diagno | v. | to discover the nature of (a dia) |
dish | n. | 截抛物面天线 |
don | v. | to put on (clothing or mask) |
dramati | v. | to put a story, novel, etc. into the forrd of a drama |
drive home | to make unmistakably clear 使人理解(接受) | |
dynamic | adj. | energetic and forceful |
encoder | n. | 编码器 |
exert | v. | to make an effort |
extraterrestrial | adj. | (coming from) outside the earth |
flaw | n. | a small sign of damage, such as a mark or crack, that makes an object not perfect |
flourish | v. | to wave in the hand mad so draw attention to (sth.) e.g. He came in smiling, flourishing her exam results. |
for good 土豆丝饼怎么做 | for ever e.g. We thought that he was gone for good. | |
frown upon | 表示不满、不赞许 | |
gorgeous | adj. | delightful |
hiccup | n. | sudden stopping of the breath with a cough-like sound 打嗝 |
in no time | 麦田里的守望者英文very quickly e.g. I'll be back in no time. | |
inference | n. | process of drawing a conclusion and reaching an opinion (from facts or reasoning) 推理 |
institutionalid | adj. | 制度化的;一成不变的;约定俗成的 |
interlocutor | 黄宝石n. | the person who is talking to himlf or herlf, or to sb.el |
interval | n. | a period of time between events |
intrude | v. | to come in when not wanted |
intuition | n. | the power to know how sth. happens or will happen, without reasoning |
jot down | to write quickly, esp.without preparation | |
mono-cultural | adj. | 单一文化的 |
norm | n. | a standard of proper behaviour or principle of right and wrong |
notion | n. | an idea,belief or opinion;conception老醋木耳 |
paediatrician | n. | a doctor who has special training in medical care for children 儿科医生 |
prosodic | adj. | 诗体学的,做诗法的 |
pupil | n. | 瞳孔 |
rating | n. | a person's position or class |
referral | n. | 工作分派,治疗安排 |
schema | n. | a reprentation of an arrangement or plan 计划,方案 |
sinologist | n. | a person who studies Chine language, history, literature, etc. 汉学家 |
spatial | adj. | of/in space |
speculate | adj. | to think about a matter in a light way 思索 |
submit | v. | to offer for consideration |
syllable | n. | 音节 |
tentative | adj. | made or done only as a trial to e the effect |
unilateral | adj. | one-sided 单方的, 单边的 e.g. He made a unilateral decision to cancel the agreement. |
abnormal | 怎么做肉松adj. | unusual, peculiar |
acculturation | n. | 文化渗透;文化互渗 |
affective-oriented | adj. | 感情型的 |
amiss | adv. | in a bad way; wrongly or imperfectly |
appalling | adj. | causing fear; shocking, terrible e.g. The prisoners were kept in the most appalling conditions |
assumption | n. | sth. taken for granted |
bloated | adj. | unpleasantly swollen |
blunt | adj. | speaking roughly and plainly |
boar | n. | wild boar 野猪 |
callous | adj. | unfeeling;indifferent |
carol | n. | a religious song of joy and prai esp. sung at Christmas |
civility | n. | politeness;the quality of having good manners |
clash | n. | an example of opposition or disagreement |
cluster | n. | a number of things of the same kind growing or being clo together in a group |
cognitive-oriented | adj. | 认知型的 |
cohesive | adj. | tending to stick together |
collectivism | n. | the system under which the means of production axe owned and controlled by the state or the people as a whole 集体主义 |
collide | v. | to disagree strongly |
Confucianism | n. | the beliefs and practices of tho who follow the teachings |
congruent | adj. | suitable;agreeing 适合的;一致的;和谐的 |
constrain | v. | to compel, limit, control |
dimension | n. | a measurement in any direction |
disconcert | v. | to (cau to) feel doubt and anxiety e.g. The family was disconcerted at the unhappy news. |
discour | n. | a rious conversation |
disillusion | v. | to free from a wrong idea |
downright | adj. | frank; honest |
dyadic | adj. | 二的,一双的;二进原子的 |
egalitarian | adj. | holding or showing the belief that all men are equal 平等主义的 |
embed | v. | to fix firmly and deeply in |
entity | n. | (the quality of having) a sinagle parate and independent existence |
espou | v. | to become involved with or support (an activity or opinion) |
euphoria | n. | a feeling of happiness and cheerful excitement |
fusion | n. | uniting or mixing |
harmony | n. | a state of agreement (in feeling, ideas);peacefulness |
hectic | adj. | full of excitement and hurried movement |
hierarchy | n. | organisation with grades of authority from the lowest to the highest 统治集团 |
in the shoes of | in (sb.'s) position | |
individualism | n. | the idea that the rights and freedom of an individual are the most important in a society 个人主义 |
infringe | v. | to break (a rule, etc.); to violate e.g. The prisoners complained that their rights were infringed. |
ingredient | n. | one of the parts of a mixture 成分 |
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