
更新时间:2023-05-24 08:30:09 阅读: 评论:0

anim = breath, mind
ann,enn = year
act = to act
art = skill, art
audi, aud = to hear
aug = to increa, to make, to grow
avi = bird
band, bond = to bind
bat = to beat
bell = war
bio = life (n.)
cad, cid, cas = to fall
camp = field
cand = white , bright
cant, chant, cent = to sing
cap = head
cap = to take
cast = throw
cede, ceed , cess = to go, to yield
ceive, cept, cip, cipate = to take
头像背景图片>玫瑰纹身图片celer = swift, quick
cent = hundred
centr = center
cern, cret = to parate
cide , ci = to cut
claim , clam = to cry
clin = to bend
clud = to shut
cognis, gnos = to know
commun = common
cord = heart
cosm , cosmo = univer
count = to count
cre, cresc = to make, to grow
cred = to believe
crim = accusation, crime
cruc = cross
cur, cour = to run
cure = to take care
du = two, double
dent = tooth
dict, dit = to say
dign = worthy ,worth
欧体书法作品欣赏divid, divis = to divide
dom = to tame, to rule , to dominate don, dot, dow = to give
dorm = to sleep
duce, duct = to lead
dur = to last (持续)
em, empt = to take, to buy
equ = equal
fac, front = face, forehead
fac, fect = to make , to do
fend , fest = to strike (打击)fer = to carry, to bear, to tolerate
fid = to trust
figure = to shape , figure(n.), form(n.) flat, flate = to blow
flect, flex = to bend
flict = to strike (打击)
flor = flower
没收物品flu = to flow
form = to form, form ,shape
found , fund = ba
fu, found = to pour
gener, gen, gent = to produce, race(n.) grad, gress = to walk
gram , graph = to write
her = heir
here, hes = to stick(粘贴)
horr = to tremble
hum , hom = man
hum = ground (地面)
hydr, hydro = water
ject , jac = to throw
join, junct = to join
journ = day
jud = to judge
just, juris = law, right , justice
labor = to work
later = side
lav , lau = to wash
lect, leg = to choo, to gather, to read leg = to appoint, to nd, law
lev = to rai, light (adj.)
liber = free
libr, lib = book
lig = to bind
lingu = tongue, language
liqu = fluid
liter = letter
loc = place ( n. )
体积的公式log , loqu, locut = to speak
lumin = light
magn, maj , max = great
mari = a
mark = to mark , boundary
matr= mother,
patri, part= father
mechan = machine
med = middle, to heal
memor = to remember
merge, mers = to sink, to dip
meter = to measure
miss, mit = to nd, to throw
migr = to remove , to wander
milit = soldier, to fight
min, mini = small
mort = death
mount = mountain, to ascend mov, mob, mot = to move
muni = rvice
myst = mystery
nat = born
nau, nav = ship
neg = to deny
nomin, nom = name
norm = rule, norm
not = to mark (标示)
nounce, nunci = to report
nov = new
number, numer = number, to count oper = to work , work
order, ordin = order
ori = to ri , to begin
pan = bread
part = a part , to part
pass = to pass
passi , pati, path = to suffer, feelings
ped = foot ; child
pel , puls = to drive
pen ,pun = to punish
pet = to fly , to ek
phon = sound
plain , plaint = to beat the breast
plen, plete, ple , pli, ply = to fill, full ( adj. ) ply, pli, ple = to fold (折叠)属猪人今日财运
polit, poli = state, country
pon , pound = to put
popul, publ = people
port = to carry
pos = to place , to put
preci = price
prim, prin, prem = first
priv = private (adj.)
proach , proxim =be clo to ( 接近) prob, prov = to test , to try, to examine proper , propri = proper, one’s own psych, psycho = soul
quire, quisit , quest = to ek
quit = to free , to relea
rad, ras = to scrape
radi = root , ray
rat , ratio = to reckon , reason (n.)

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