天 然 气 工 业Natural Gas Industry 第41卷第3期2021年 3月
· 142 ·
朱力洋1 熊波2 王志军2 邹银2 钟明朗3
摘要:地下储气库(以下简称储气库)在采气过程中拥有着较大的流量和压差,目前设计的调压工艺存在着较大的压损且噪音较大。为了充分利用储气库的压差、提高天然气能量利用率,将国内应用广泛的天然气压差发电技术应用到中国石油西南油气田公司相国寺储气库项目,论证了该储气库采用透平膨胀机发电的可行性,探讨了富余电量的出路,建立了气、电双储机制。研究结果表明:①根据热力学计算,相国寺储气库安装1台1 800 kW透平发电机,每小时净发电量可达1 747 kWh,每年可发电611×104 kWh、节省电费301万元;②由于储气库在采气期自身的用电量少,将产生大量的富余电力,可以与国
DOI: 10.3787/j.issn.1000-0976.2021.03.017
Application of natural gas pressure differential power generation technology in高分
underground gas storages
ZHU Liyang1, XIONG Bo2, WANG Zhijun2, ZOU Yin2, ZHONG Minglang3
(1. PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan 610051, China;2. Market Development Department, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company Chengdu, Sichuan 610051, China;3. Gas Transmission Division, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gas-field Company, Chengdu, Sichuan 610051, China)
Natural Gas Industry, Vol.41, No.3, p.142-146, 3/25/2021. (ISSN 1000-0976; In Chine)
Abstract:During the gas production of underground gas storage (hereinafter referred to as "gas storage"), flow rate and pressure differ-ence are larger. The currently designed pressure regulating process caus larger pressure loss and noi. In order to make full u of the pressure difference of gas storages and improve the energy utilization efficiency of natural gas, this paper applies the natural gas pressure differential power generation technology which is widely ud in China to Xiangguosi gas storage project of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company. Then, the feasibility of applying turbo expander to power generation in Xiangguosi gas storage is demonstrated. Finally, the way out of surplus electricity is discusd and the gas-electricity dual storage mechanism is established. And the following re-arch results were obtained. First, thermodynamic calculation results show that the net power generation capacity per hour will be 1 747 kWh, the annual power generation will be 611×104 kWh and the electricity cost will be saved by 301×104 yuan if one 1800 kW turbo gen-erator is installed at Xiangguosi gas storage. Second, the electricity consumption of gas storage during gas production is less, so there is a large amount of surplus electricity, who sales problem can be solved by cooperating with the State Grid. Third, in the process of practi-cal application, the pressure differential power generation technology still has s
ome problems to solve, such as the aling problem of the expander. The noi is larger when the turbo expander runs at high speed. In conclusion, the pressure differential power generation project of Xiangguosi gas storage has the advantages of less investment and better economic benefits, which is an important technical means to achieve energy saving, consumption reduction, green development, quality and efficiency improvement in the natural gas industry. What’s more, this project has a better demonstration effect and is of better popularization value.
Keywords: Xiangguosi underground gas storage; Natural gas pressure differential power generation; Pressure loss; Power generation by turbo expander; Energy efficiency; Gas-electricity dual storage; Power sales
作者简介:朱力洋,1972年生,高级经济师,博士;主要从事成品油及天然气销售方面的研究工作。地址:(610051)四川省成都市成华区府青路一段3号。ORCID: 0000-0002-0825-6495。E-mail:*************************
第3期· 143 ·
0 引言
国内外关于天然气管网压力能利用技术理论研究较多,主要包括将电能及冷能用于发电、调峰、制冷和天然气管网调压等[5-9]。近些年,我国天然气消费量呈两位数快速增长,天然气消费的季节性、区域性差异更加明显,地下储气库(以下简称储气库)用于天然气应急调峰和战略储备的意义也愈加凸显[10-11]。较之于常规天然气管网调压,储气库有更大的、周期性的压差及流量[12],如果能将这部分能量回收,将极大地提高天然气能量利用率和天然气管网运行的安全性[13]。为此,以国内某储气库为案例,探讨了如何将国内应用广泛的天然气压差发电技术应用到储气库项目。1 天然气压差发电技术
1.1 工作原理
1.2 膨胀机性能对比
表1 几种常见膨胀机性能对比分析表
类型优 点缺 点
2 实例应用分析
中国石油西南油气田公司相国寺储气库(以下简称相国寺储气库)位于重庆市渝北区、北碚区境内,于2013年6月注气投运,2014年12月调峰采气。设计运行压力介于13.2~28.0 MPa,库容量为42.6×108 m3,垫底气量为19.8×108 m3,工作气量为22.8×108 m3,最大日注气量为1253×104 m3,同时考虑季节调峰和应急情况需要,最大日采气量为2855×104 m3。2019年采气量为16.76×108 m3,用电量为5663×104 kWh,电价为0.599元/kWh。2.1 采气工艺流程
储气井采气工艺流程如图1所示。采出的高压天然气(13.5~25.5 MPa,20~40℃)经计量、井口节流到外输压力(小于13.5 MPa)后,再通过采气干线输往集注站。井口设置有高、低压安全截止阀,进、出站管线上设置有紧急截止阀,可在紧急、事故工况下及时截断气源。
2.2 注气工艺流程
与采气相比,注气可视为采气的逆过程,由于入口压力一般为次高压天然气(压力小于13.5 MPa,温度介于-5~26℃),低于储气库压力。因此,实际工作过程中需要额外增加增压设施以提高天然气压力。
2.3 透平膨胀机装机规模
参考表2参数,在350000~430000 m3/h时,根据设备特点,拟采用1套透平膨胀发电机组用于减压发电,电力输出额定功率为1800 kW,项目在各工况下的输出功率如表3所示。
天 然 气 工 业2021年第41卷
· 144 ·
表2 储气井工艺参数表
项 目
数值备注储气井入口压力/MPa 13.5~25.5
-储气井出口压力/MPa 13.5-天然气入口温度/℃20~40随环境变化瞬时流量/(m 3·h -1)350 000~
430 000
3 000
表3 项目各工况下的分析计算表
项 目
设计值工况一工况二工况三工况四工况五比热容/[kJ ·(kg ·K)-1]天然气入口温度/K 298.15298.15298.15298.15298.15298.15天然气入口压力/MPa 20.525.520.525.520.520.5天然气出口压力/MPa 14.515.515.515.515.514.5天然气质量流量/(kg ·s -1)68.1 68.1 68.1 83.6 83.6 83.6 机组输出功率/kW 1 783 2 519 1 450 3 095 1 782 2 190 自耗电功率/kW 36 50 29 62 36 44 机组净输出功率/kW
1 747
2 469
1 421
3 033
1 746
家庭蛋糕的做法2 146
2.4 项目经济性分析
根据上述热力学计算,在相国寺储气库安装1台1 800 kW 透平发电机,每小时净发电量1 747 kWh ,每年发电611×104 kWh (按采气3 500 h 计算),每年节省电费301万元。项目技术经济性分析见表4。
根据项目投资估算,项目总投资为1 526万元(项目建筑工程投资约400万元,设备购置费600万元,安装工程200万元,工程建设其他费用276万元,预备费50万元),项目利润约301万元,税后内部收益率为13.08%,动态投资回收期为7.84年(含建设期)。
图1 储气井采气工艺流程图
3 结论
用。天然气净化厂、LNG 工厂和干线输配气站等单位的天然气流量和压差较大,有大量的压能可以回收。
第3期· 145 ·
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