力学 | 力学 | mechanics |
力 | force | |
力是物体间的作用 | Force is the interaction of objects. | |
力的图示 | force diagram 东北骂人话 | |
力有大小和方向 | A force has both a magnitude and a direction. | |
牛顿 | Newton | |
动力和阻力 | motive force and resistance | |
重力 | gravitational force | |
重量 | weight | |
弹簧秤 | a spring balance | |
重心 | center of gravity or gravitational center | |
质量分布均匀的物体(匀质物体),重心的位置只跟物体的形状有关 | For a body with homogeneously distributed mass (homogeneous body), the location of its gravitational center depends on its shape. | |
弹力 | elastic force | |
拉力,压力和支持力 | full, pressure and supporting force | |
形变 | deformation | |
弹性限度 | elastic limit | |
拉伸形变,压缩形变,弯曲形变,扭转形变 | stretched deformation, presd deformation, bending deformation, twist deformation | |
压力的方向垂直于支持面指向被压的物体,支持力的方向垂直于支持面指向被支持的物体 | The direction of a pressure is perpendicular to the supporting surface and points to the presd object, while the direction of a supporting force is perpendicular to the supporting surface but points to the supported object. | |
胡克定律 | Hook’s law: The extension of a piece of wire is directly proportional to the applied force providing the limit of proportionality is not exceeded. | |
摩擦力 | frictional force | |
滑动摩擦力 | 诺基亚2730c sliding frictional force | |
滑动摩擦力的方向总是跟接触面相切,并且跟物体相对运动的方向相反 | The direction of the sliding frictional force is always tangential to the surfaces in contact and is opposite to the direction of the relative motion. | |
滑动摩擦力跟压力成正比 | The sliding frictional force is directly proportional to the pressure. | |
动摩擦因数 | the dynamic friction factor | |
滚动摩擦 | rolling friction | |
擦粉 静摩擦力 | static frictional force | |
静摩擦力的方向总是跟接触因相切,并且跟物体相对运动趋势的方向相反 | The direction of the static frictional force is always tangential to the contacting surfaces and is in the opposite direction to the tendency of the relative motion. | |
最大静摩擦力 | the maximum static frictional force | |
力的合成 | composition of forces | |
合力 | 沃祝福 resultant (force) | |
共点力 | concurrent forces: If a number of forces act on the same point of an object, or their lines of application interct at a common point, the forces are called the concurrent forces. | |
力的等效替代 | equivalent and substitution of force | |
平行四边行定则 | the parallelogram rule | |
矢量和标量 | Vector and Scalar | |
力的分解 | resolution of force | |
分力 | component | |
运动学 | 机械运动 | 角的度量 mechanical motion |
参考系 | reference system | |
质点 | mass point | |
轨迹 | locus | |
直线运动 | rectilinear motion | |
曲线运动 | curvilinear motion | |
时刻和时间 | moment and time interval | |
位移和路程 | displacement and distance | |
匀速直线运动 | uniform rectilinear motion: If an object is moving along a straight line and travels an equal distance in an equal time intervals, this motion is called uniform rectilinear motion. | |
位移-时间图像 | distance-tine graph | |
变速直线运动 | variable straight-line motion | |
速度和速率 | velocity and speed | |
平均速度和瞬时速度 | Average velocity and instantaneous velocity | |
速率 | instantaneous speed or speed | |
速度-时间图像 | velocity-time graph | |
匀变速直线运动 | uniform variable rectilinear motion: If the changes of the velocity are equal in equal time in variable rectilinear motion, the motion is called uniform variable rectilinear motion. | |
加速度 | acceleration | |
初速度 | initial velocity | |
一千字检讨末速度 | final velocity | |
自由落体运动 | free-fall motion | |
自由落体加速度,重力加速度 | free-fall acceleration or gravitational acceleration | |
牛顿运动定律 | Newton’s laws of motion | |
牛顿第一定律 | Newton’s first law of motion: All objects continue to be in its state of uniform rectilinear motion or state of rest until being compelled to change its states by some forces. | |
牛顿第二定律 | Newton’s cond law of motion: The acceleration of an object is in direct proportion to the resultant force acting on it and in inver proportion to the mass, the acceleration is in the same direction as the resultant. | |
牛顿第三定律 | Newton’s third law of motion: The action and reaction forces of two bodies are always equal in magnitude, opposite in direction and acting on the same straight line. | |
惯性 | inertia: The inertia of a body only depends on its mass. | |
理想实验 | hypothetical experiments | |
运动学 | kinematics | |
动力学 | dynamics | |
气垫导轨 | air cushion guide | |
基本单位和导出单位 | fundamental units and derived units | |
超重和失重,完全失重 | overweight and weightlessness,complete weightlessness | |
共点力作用下物体的平衡 | equilibrium of an object acted on by concurrent forces | |
力的平衡 | equilibrium of the forces | |
圆周运动 | 物体做曲线运动的条件 | the condition for a body to be in curvilinear motion: When the direction of the net force a body experiences and the direction of the velocity of the body do not fall in the same straight line, the body is in curvilinear motion. |
运动的合成与分解 | composition and resolution of motion | |
分运动与合运动 | component motions and resultant motion | |
合位移与分位移 | resultant displacement and component displacement | |
合速度与分速度 | resultant velocity and component velocity | |
平抛运动 | motion of horizontally projected objects | |
平抛运动 | projectile motion: If you throw an object horizontally with a certain initial velocity, neglecting air resistance, the body will move with only the force of gravity acting on it. Such motion is called projectile motion. | |
An projectile motion can be resolved into a horizontal uniform rectilinear motion and a vertical free-fall motion. | ||
匀速圆周运动 | uniform circular motion: If a particle, moving along a circle, pass an equal arc in equal time, this motion is called uniform circular motion. | |
线速度,角速度,周期和频率 | linear velocity, angular velocity, period and frequency | |
转速 | rotational speed (its unit is revolutions per cond) | |
向心力 | centripetal force | |
向心加速度 | centripetal acceleration | |
切向加速度 | tangential acceleration | |
离心现象火龙果盆栽种植方法 | centrifugal phenomenon | |
离心运动 | centrifugal motion | |
天一运动 | 万有引力定律 | the law of universal gravitation: Every particle of matter in the univer attracts every other particle with a force directly proportional to the product of their mass and inverly proportional to the squared distance between them. |
引力常量 | gravitational constant | |
天体 celestial body | ||
人造卫星 | artificial satellite | |
宇宙速度 | (the first/ cond/ third)cosmic velocity | |
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