焦化中英文对照 | |
1.1备煤车间 | coal preparation shop |
1.1.1设备 | Equipment |
1)永磁带式除铁器 | belt permanent magnet iron parator |
2)圆盘给料机(带套筒) | disc feeder (with sleeve) |
3)可逆反击锤式粉碎机 | reversible impact hammer crusher |
4)带顺的成语可逆锤式粉碎机 | reversible hammer crusher |
5)电子秤自动配料系统 | automatic proportioning system with electronic belt scale |
6)手动单轨小车 | Manual monorail car |
7)手拉葫芦 | manual hoist |
8)电动葫芦 | motor hoist |
9)双向拉绳开关 | two-way pulling switch |
10)防偏装置 | anti-deflection device |
11)计量结算用高精度电子皮带秤 | electronic belt scale with high accuracy |
12)三通翻板 | tee branch shutter gate |
13)胶带运输机 | belt conveyor |
14)煤自动取样装置 | coal Automatic sampling device |
15)仓壁振动器 | hopper wall vibrator |
1.1.2 | 构筑物 |
1)受料坑 | Coal hopper |
2)煤接口转运站 | Connecting station |
3)细粉间 | Fine crusher station |
4)焦粉或无烟煤仓 | Anthracite or coke power proportioning bin |
5)粉碎机室 | Crushing station |
6)电子皮带称 | Electronic conveyor scale |
7)粉碎机 | c |
8)预粉间 | Pre-crushing station |
9)混匀室 | Uniform mixing station |
10)转运站 | Transfer station |
11)煤塔顶 | Top of coal tower |
12)煤塔贮仓 | Coal tower storage bin |
1.2筛焦工段 | coke screening ction |
1.2.1设备 | Equipment |
1)双层圆振筛 | double-deck circular vibrating screen |
2)单层蓖条筛 | fixed bar grizzly screen |
3)双齿辊式切焦机 | rod-teethed coke cutter |
4)冶金焦仓电液动闸门 | electric-hydraulic gate valve for metallurgical coke bunker |
5)焦末仓电液动闸门 | electric-hydraulic gate valve for coke fine bunker |
6)焦炭取样装置 | coke Automatic sampling device |
7)焦台用铸铁板 | cast iron plate for coke cooling platform |
1.2.2 | 构筑物 |
1)焦台 | Coke cooling platform |
2)刮板放焦机 | Scraper coke discharging machine |
3)切焦机室 | Coke cutting station |
4)筛焦楼 | Coke screening station |
5)焦丁仓 | Coke nut storage bin |
6)焦末仓 | Coke power storage bin |
7)分料大溜槽 | Coke chute |
8)冶金焦仓 | Coke storage bin |
1.3炼焦车间 | coking shop |
1.3.1炼焦工段 | coking ction |设备 | Equipment |
1)自吸泵 | lf-priming pump |
2)焦炉煤气闸阀 | coke gas gate valve |
3)烘炉煤气闸阀 | preheating gas gate valve |
4)压力计阀 | Manometer |
5)截止阀 | stop valve |
6)凸面法兰 | raid face flange |
7)凹面法兰 | concave flange |
8)安全阀 | safety valve |
9)高压氨水闸阀 | high pressure ammonia water gate valve |
10)球阀 | 鲜百合汤ball valve |
11)砂轮机 | Grinder |
12)电焊机 | electric welder |
13)灰浆搅拌机 | mortar agitator |
14)定柱式悬臂起重机 | fixed pillar cantilever crane |
15)老虎台钳6”(150) | Bench clamp |
16)电动葫芦 | electric hoist |
17)喷浆机 | mortar spraying machine 法国vs阿根廷 |
18)手动电点火装置 | manual electronic igniting device |
19)电动单轨抓斗吊 | electric monorail grab bucket crane |
20)手动单轨小车 | manual monorail car |
21)手动葫芦 | Manual hoist |
22)除尘水泵 | xxxxxcDe-dusting water pump 九尾龟 |
23)双吸离心泵 | 黏液便double suction centrifugal pump |
24)直连离心泵 | direct connection centrifugal pump |
25)带控制柜 | With control cabinet |
26)暗杆楔式闸阀 | hidden rod wedge gate valve |
27)暗杆楔式闸阀 | hidden rod wedge gate valve |
28)止回阀 | check valve |
29)捣固装煤车(左型) 秋菊有佳色 | Stamp & charging(left type) |
30)推焦机(左型) | Pushing Car(left type) |
31)拦焦机(左型) | Coke guide car (left type) |
32)低水分熄焦车 | quenching car |
33)电机车 | electric locomotive |
34)导烟车 | gas catching car |
35)捣固机 | stamping machine |
36)摇动给料机 | swing feeder |
37)液压交换机 | hydraulic exchange machine |
38)炉门 | Door |
39)保护板 | protective plate |
41)炉门框 | door frame |
42)弹簧 | Spring |
43)烘炉测膨胀线架及基准点 | expansion line measuring stand |
44)小烟道清扫孔管帽 | cap of cleaning hole of bus flue |
45)焦侧操作台排水管孔盖 | cap of drainage hole of coke-side operating desk |
46)机焦侧操作台铺铸铁板 | cast iron plate on the operating desk of push-side and coke-side |
47)导烟孔盖及座 | cap and support of fume eliminating hole |
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