Sino-Indian dialogue conveys mutual confidence
New Delhi plays host to one of the largest official delegations from China this week. About 200 reprentatives of various government agencies, commercial enterpris, financial institutions and think tanks are in India for the Second China-India Strategic Economic Dialogue, which began on Monday.炸土豆的调料配方
Co-chaired by Zhang Ping, the head of China's National Development and Reform Commission and Montek Singh Ahluwalia, deputy chairman of India's Planning Commission, the two sides will exchange notes on developing common strategies for broader economic cooperation and promote coordination in their macroeconomic policies on mutual investments, infrastructure development, high-technology, energy conrvation and environment protection ctors.
This high-visibility 高度引人注目of China in India was triggered by the meeting of Prime ministers Wen Jiabao and Manmohan Singh on the sidelines of the Seventh East Asian summit in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, last week, which was their 14th meeting in the last ven years.中印战略经济对话是为促进两国多领域交流而建立的合作机制,由温家宝总理在运动会宣传2010年12月访印期间与印度总理辛格达成共识,首次会议于2011年9月在北京举行。这一机制对双方构建战略互信、夯实合作基础具有重要的现实意义。
The Strategic Economic Dialogue will be followed next week by a visit to Beijing by India's National Security Advisor and former Ambassador to China, Shiv Shankar Menon. His visit is expected to cover more than just border talks and will provide him with an opportunity to meet China's new leaders, and his asssment will help shape India's follow-up overtures and expectations.
The interactions are the first between the two countries since China formally unveiled its new leadership lineup. The new leaders will take over the reins of State power by March and this interim period will reveal the priorities of the new leaders, thereby tting the tone for Sino-Indian relations in the coming years.
Dai Bingguo, who has been leading border negotiations with India for the last 10 years and has held negotiations with four successive special reprentatives from India, will introduce the Indian team led by Menon to the new leaders.
Given the speech by the new General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping, as he introduced the new Politburo Standing Committee team to the asmbled international media on Nov 15, China's diplomacy and soft-power are widely expected to be at the forefront of China's engagement with various constituencies both inside and outside the country. China's neighbors are expecting the new leadership to show sagacity for greater accommodations and new dynamism in China's policies and interactions.
In Sino-Indian relations, both the Strategic Economic Dialogue in September 2011 and the Special Reprentatives talks that were held in January this year have begun to lo their shine. There have been 14 rounds of lukewarm talks under the Special Reprentatives mechanism, which was created in 2003, while the Strategic Economic Dialogue, which was conceived during Wen Jiabao's visit to New Delhi in December 2010
has also been too slow to address the growing complications in their economic cooperation.
Similarly, while Chine companies in India are reportedly involved in projects worth $60 billion their actual utilized investment remains around 1 billion dollars. Besides, there have been rious concerns in China about the large number of anti-dumping cas slapped on the companies and other restraints on them, which are driven by India's curity concerns. Similarly, India has been complaining about China's lack of openness, as it pushes for Indian investments in ctors like information technology, pharmaceuticals and engineering.
银行贷款利率怎么算Sino-Indian trade slowed during the first 10 months of this year and may not reach even last year's figure of $74 billion and it is expected that India's trade deficit with China will be significantly larger than last year's $23 billion. Unless this is rectified, it will be a drag on any sustained progress in their economic relations. However, even while India's growing trade deficit will be the big elephant in the room during the discussions this week, it does not directly fall under their Strategic Economic Dialogue.
酒香不怕巷子深下一句Instead, the Strategic Economic Dialogue will be deliberating on expanding mutual investments and expanding cooperation in infrastructure projects. Trade issues between the two countries are dealt with by China-India Joint Economic Group, but it is not yet known when this will next meet.
Given that connsus has gradually come to be the defining feature of China's successive transfers of power, China's leadership transition is not likely to imply any changes in policies toward India. However, the fervor and enthusiasm of younger leaders is expected to bring greater dynamism to China-India interactions creating new windows for innovative policy interventions. And here it may not be too naive to imagine that the 200-strong Chine delegation in New Delhi is a reflection of this.