It was October and snow was falling lightly over their part of Montana. “We shall have to get rid of Bay this year.” Muriel’s dad said, “Bay can’t work another winter.”
Muriel knew the farm needed strong 11 to bring the sheep back from pasture(牧场). Still, she could 12 幼儿教师自我介绍 take in the cruelty of her father’s words.
“I know Bay’s old”, Muriel told her dad, “but he’s my favorite. Won’t you let me keep him? He won’t be a problem.”
“We u hors for labor,” her dad said, “We don’t keep them as pets.”
Muriel understood. However, she knew Bay was different. He had a personality all of his own. She went to Bay and 13 the old brown hor’s head. As Bay touched her hand with his no, Muriel couldn’t imagine what the pasture would be like without him.
The snow was falling faster, and dark gray clouds were ttling over the peaks. Then Muriel had an idea. She jumped onto Bay and dashed over the meadow. “We’ll 14 the sheep and show Dad how well you work.” Muriel said.
The sheep 15 in a high pasture, bleating(咩咩地叫) at the storm clouds. Suddenly, Muriel heard a lone(单个的) bleat from above. She got off Bay and began to climb up the steep wall. She was almost at the top when the heel of her boot slipped into a crack. She lost her 16 and fell onto a rock. She tried to stand, but her foot hurt too much.
Then Bay got into 17 under the rock. He was telling Muriel to crawl onto his back! Painfully, Muriel got onto the horback and Bay carried her down the snow trail, 18 and carefully.
On the way down, they met Dad riding his gray hor.
“What happened?” he asked in a(n) 19 voice.
“Bay saved me.” Muriel told him what happened. Dad’s voice 20 when he said, “What
a hor!” He wouldn’t get rid of that hor for anything.
11. A. farmers B. workers C. hors D. dogs
12. A. fully B. hardly C. easily D. nearly
奉化特产13. A. scratched B. raid C. beat D. patted
紧的成语14. A. wake up B. split up C. round up D. cheer up
15. A. stood B. wandered C. lay D. played
16. A. way B. breath C. temper D. balance
17. A. ground B. position C. trouble D. point
素描水果图片18. A. hurriedly B. quickly C. slowly D. happily
19. A. anxious B. angry C. careful D. polite
初中英语题20. A. dropped B. broke C. changed D. shook