Believe Yourlf航天员简笔画
Roles、秒速五厘米图片Actors/Actress: the mou: Fang Xiao Tong
the sky: Wang Ke唐诗相思
the cloud: 超级本Ding Yang Wei
the wind: 金乌西坠白头看Xiong Yi Ping
the wall: Hu Chao
the aside: Ding Yang Wei
Screenwriter: Hu Chao
Advice guide: Xiong Yi Ping. Fang Xiao Tong
Interpreter: Wang Ke. Ding Yang Wei. Xiong Yi Ping
Accounting class 17
On November 15,2010
{There is a small mou and he thinks he is chickenshit very much , so he often feels lf-contemptuous. But he wants to known who is the most powerful in the world and he will learn to him .The first, he think out is the sky.}
人的全面发展教育(the sky/the mou approached)
Mou (Looked up at the sky): Dear sky, you are the biggest one in the world , so you must are the moust powerful in the world.
Sky(Sigh/Expression of frustration): You are wrong . In fact, the cloud is the most powerful instead of me .When she comes, she would cover me.
(the mou fixed, the cloud in front of the sky, the cloud approached, and block the sky )
Mou: Mr. cloud , you must the most powerful one , becau you can cover the sky. So I will learn to you.
Cloud (Expression of frustration):No, no, no! Although I could cover the sky , but I am afraid of the wind , when he comes, I will be taken away.
(the wind approached, push the cloud to the side)身高单位
Mou: Wind, wind, wind! The sky afraid of the cloud and the cloud afraid of you .You Must the most powerful one, so I will learn to you .
Wind (Expression of frustration):My dear mou ,you don’t know, although I can take the cloud away, but the wall is more powerful ,he always stops me.
(the wall approached, the wall open arms,the wind in front of the wall and is Confusing)
Mou: Strong wall! All the sky , cloud, wind afraid of you, you must the most Powerful!
Wall (Like crying): Oh, no! You know I could stop the wind. But you don’t know the mou
can dig holes at me. So I think the most powerful one is you !
(the mou walked behind the wall,the wall squat)
At this time, the mou logy and looks at the sky, the cloud, the wind, the wall,
and say:”oh, my god! Circle so much,I am the most powerful one.
{Yes, there are many powerful roles, but we aways forget that the most powerful One is ourlf, so believe yourlf, you are the best!!!}
Thank you !