This thesis could not have been completed without my supervisor, Ms.Wu who has guided and supported me in the completion of my work. She is not only my academic advir but also a role model, one who accepts different opinions and shares knowledge with colleagues. At the beginning of my work, she initially provided me with advice that stimulated my academic curiosity and my rearch idea and has shown a thoughtful interest in my progress through the whole process. Furthermore, she offers me insightful comments and thoughtful assistance throughout the writing of the paper, which I greatly appreciate. I also thank my friends, Tao Shili, Ren Yan, Deng Renxiao for providing me with invaluable academic advice and encouragement. I am grateful to them for being my friends and academic consultants in the past four years. Additionally, my sincere appreciation goes to Mr. Tang, a very knowledgeable teacher, who embraced my interdisciplinary rearch idea at its initial stage. In one word, I would like to thank all tho who have ever helped me.
研讨会发言材料At last, my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through the years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who have given me their warm help and precious time to work out my problems during the tough cour of the thesis.
Nowadays, with the acceleration of economic globalization, people are eager to know more about foreign cultures. But some difficulties still remain there. As one of the means of transcultural communication, translation is playing an increasingly important role in narrowing the gap in misunderstanding. It is not only a transfer of linguistic symbols, but also a transfer from culture to culture. It has become a cross-linguistic, cross-cultural, cross-social communication event. Since there is clo relationship between language and culture, the study of the relationship is of great value.
As a matter of fact, language is an important carrier of culture, while idiom is the crystallization of language evolution. Broadly speaking, idioms include proverbs, slangs, c
olloquialism and allusions, etc. Being an esntial part of language and culture, idioms are characterized by their conci expressions with rich and vivid images. They best reflect the national characteristics explained in a language and thus always rich in connotation and national flavor. Appropriate idiom translation can not only faithfully express the thought and spirit of the originally works, thus easily understood and accepted by people, but also open the eyes of English learners and enrich Chine and English vocabulary.
去北京旅游However, idioms are culture-loaded, which brings barriers and difficulties in translating idioms due to their connection with the history, geography, custom and cultural background of a country, therefore, they should be translated with cultural perspectives, cultural differences and a good command of translation skills.家庭幸福的经典语句
This thesis aims to make a brief study of cultural connotation existing in Chine and English idioms and explore the role of culture in understanding and translating Chine and English idioms through the study of the guidance of Nida?s Functional Equivalence o
n the translation of idioms, cultural difference and such translation skills as literal translation, free translation, a combination of literal and free translation and borrowing.
健康保障Key words: Cultural difference; Idioms; Cultural meaning; Translation; Nida
Acknowledgements .............................................................................................................. I Abstract .............................................................................................................................. II 内容摘要 ..................................................................................................................... III
1. Introduction (1)
2. The Definition and Categories of Idioms (1)
2.1 What is idiom (1)
2.2 Main Categories of Idioms (2)
2.2.1 Slangs (2)
2.2.2 Proverbs (2)
小学三年级奥数2.2.3 Allusion (3)
2.2.4 Colloquialism (3)形容小人的成语