Well, I am happy to report that my potato salad我很⾼兴来跟各位报告我的⼟⾖沙拉is once again the hit of the potluck.⼜再度成为换菜⼤餐的热门榜⾸
- That's great, honey. - I feel bad for Pam Staples.-很棒啊⽼婆-感觉对不起潘姆
No one's touching her potato salad.都没⼈要吃她的⼟⾖沙拉
If you feel bad, then why are you smiling?如果你觉得对不起⼈家那你为什么在笑'Cau sometimes your mommy's a big ol' hypocrite.因为有时候你妈就是个伪君⼦Howdy, Coopers! How we doing today?库珀⼀家好啊你们今天好吗
- Pastor Jeff. - Thank you, Pastor Jeff.-杰夫牧师-谢谢问候杰夫牧师
Y'all remember my wife Selena.你们还记得我太太萨琳娜吗
- Hi, Selena. - Oh, yeah.-你好啊萨琳娜-记得
Que tal?你们好[西语]
You're married to her?你居然娶了她吗
Why, yes, I am.怎么啦是啊
You can think it-- you don't need to say it.有些事你可以想但你不能说出来
How are you liking Medford, Selena?你还喜欢梅德福吗萨琳娜
Como te gusta Medford?你喜欢梅德福吗[西语]
She likes it fine.她喜欢
She needs to u the little girls' room.她需要去洗⼿间⼀下
Mary, could I talk to you for a cond?玛丽我能跟你谈两句吗
Don't worry. I'll bring her right back.别担⼼我会很快带她回来
Wouldn't worry, but okay.不担⼼不过⾏吧
His Spanish is terrible.他的西语好差啊
That's not what she said at all.她说的完全不是那么回事
I don't know if you've heard,不知道你有没有听说
but our church cretary,但我们教堂秘书
Elizabeth Sohinki, is currently eking treatment伊丽莎⽩·索恒奇最近要去接受治疗for a little problem with-- shall we say--处理⼀下有关...应该说是
under-the-counter medications.不合法药品的成瘾症
Oh. So that rumor's true.所以那个谣⾔是真的
Well, she did always em extremely alert.她的确是整天看起来都神经兮兮
Alert, shaky, sweaty. Anyway,神经兮兮摇摇晃晃⼤汗淋漓反正呢we need someone to step in and fill the position.我们需要有⼈挺⾝⽽出接过她的职位I was wondering if you might consider it.不知道你有没有兴趣考虑⼀下
It's not just bookkeeping.不只是记账
I'd be in charge of handling the maintenance issues-- you know,还得负责所有的修缮⼯作你懂的plumbing, electric, what have you.⽔管电路诸如此类
And I'd also head the planning committee⽽且我还成为了计划委员会的领导for all the social events,所有的社交活动
which, of cour, includes the big three:当然也包含了三⼤礼
baptisms, weddings, funerals.洗礼婚礼与丧礼
And here is the cherry on top.锦上添花的部分来了
The sign in front of the church with all the 教堂前⾯那个写着妙语的告⽰牌"Be an organ donor, give your heart to Jesus"?"做个器官捐赠者把⼼捐给耶稣" Exactly.没错
Guess who job it would be to write tho.你猜以后会是谁负责写
Already working on a couple.我已经开始想了⼏个了
Listen to this.听听这个
"The best vitamin for a Christian is B1.""B1基督徒最佳维他命"
You know, be one.B1⾳似"当个"
Like be a Christian.当个基督徒就是最佳维他命
And also B1 the vitamin.B1本⾝也是⼀种维他命
Well, now that you explained it, it's funny.听了你解释之后就好笑了
Yeah. Might be a thinker.是啦这个需要稍微想⼀下
But there's a lot more where that came from.但我还有源源不绝的各种妙语呢What about the twins?那双胞胎谁照顾
大班区域活动教案Well, I'll still get 'em off to school every day.我还是会每天载他们去上学
And when they get home,等他们回家了
Mom can keep an eye on 'em till I get back.我妈可以帮我照顾他们到我回家Think she'll go for it?你觉得她会同意吗
Are you kidding? She loves 'em like crazy.这还⽤说我妈爱死他们了
Fat chance.想得美啊
Oh, come on.你⼲嘛呀世界杯用球
You come on. I'm in the prime of my life.你才⼲嘛呀⽼娘正在⼈⽣巅峰
I got my water aerobics and my salsa dancing我得去做⽔上有氧跟跳萨尔萨舞
and my bowling league.还有保龄球队联赛
But you love your grandchildren.但你爱你的孙⼦孙⼥啊
I love ice cream, too, but I don't want to eat it我也爱冰激凌但这不代表我就会
3:00 to 6:00 five days a week.周⼀到周五每天下午3点吃到6点Well, I'm very disappointed.我对你好失望
And I'm fine with that.我完全⽆所谓
Why don't you just get a babysitter?你为什么不去请个保姆呢
Kinda defeats the purpo of making extra money.这样我去赚外快不就⽩费了吗
Oh, yeah, right.是啊
All right, let's think about it.好吧我想想聊斋之莲香
Football practice.他有橄榄球练习
And I don't trust him when I'm home.⽽且连我在家的时候我都不放⼼他了Okay, now, what are we talking about here?好吧不过我们在这穷担⼼什么呢Sheldon is intelligent and responsible,谢尔顿⼜聪明⼜有责任感
硬盘为什么会坏is his sister.是他姐姐
I think they'll be fine home alone我觉得他们放学后
all by themlves for a couple hours after school.独⾃在家⼏个⼩时应该没事
- You think? - I do.-你这么觉得吗-真的
As a matter of fact, I actually think it'll be great for them.⽽且呢我觉得这对他们也有好处The kids today are so coddled,这年头的孩⼦就是温室的花朵
I honestly think y'all are raising我觉得你们这⼀辈⼈
a whole generation of sissies.把下⼀代的⼈全养成⼩娘炮了
Is that the way you speak about your grandchildren?你这样说你的孙⼦们真的合适吗Yes.合适啊
♪ Nobody el is stronger than I am ♪♪ 世上没⼈⽐我强壮 ♪
♪ Yesterday I moved a mountain ♪♪ 昨天我移了⼀座⼭ ♪
♪ I bet I could be your hero ♪♪ 我相信我能当你的英雄 ♪
♪ I am a mighty little man ♪♪ 我是个了不起的⼩家伙 ♪
♪ I am a mighty little man ♪♪ 我是个了不起的⼩家伙 ♪
How'd it go with your mom?跟你妈谈得如何
She's not interested in watching 'em.她没兴趣照顾孩⼦们
Doesn't want to give up her afternoons.不想放弃她每天下午的安排
Of cour. Sorry.不意外抱歉啊
You know what, it's okay.算啦没关系
The timing wasn't right.时机不对
Maybe when the kids are older.或许等孩⼦⼤了吧
I guess I'll go get dinner started.我去做晚饭吧
How about this?要不这样吧
Go ahead and take the job.你就去接了这份⼯作
Yeah, if it turns out如果接了之后发现
Sheldon and Missy can't look out for themlves谢尔顿与⽶希没办法放学后
for a couple hours after school,好好照顾⾃⼰⼏个⼩时那...
well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.我们到时候再解决那个问题
Are you sure about this?你确定吗
Yeah. Actually, probably good for 'em.是啊其实这样对他们也有好处Teach 'em a little responsibility.教导他们要担起责任
That's exactly what my mom said.我妈妈也是这么说的呢
Well, I still like the idea.那我还是⼀样喜欢这个主意Thank you, God, for this food we're about to receive,感谢主赐予我们桌上的⾷物
and for the nourishment of our bodies,为我们的⾝体提供营养
and bless the hands that prepared it.也保佑准备这餐点的⼈
So, kids,孩⼦们
we have a little family business to discuss.我们家有件事情要讨论⼀下
- You're pregnant? - No.-你怀孕了吗-没有
- We're getting a puppy? - No.-我们要养狗狗吗-没有
I'm not sure I care.那我很可能不会在乎
Starting next Monday,从下周⼀开始
I'm gonna take a full-time job at the church.我会在教堂做⼀份全职⼯作Well, who's going to take care of us?那谁来照顾我们呢
Well, nothing will change in the morning-- I'll make breakfast,⼀切都不会有改变我还是会做早餐take you both to school. Then, after school,带你们俩去学校你们放学后呢
you'll come home, do your homework,你们就回家开始写作业
watch TV, play with your toys看看电视玩玩具
till I come home around 6:00.等我6点左右回家
Well, why can't Meemaw take care of us?为什么姥姥不能来照顾我们呢
- 'Cau she's not the person you think she is. - -因为她不是你认为的那种⼈...-乔治You're really gonna leave the two alone?你真的要独⾃留他们两个在家吗Yes.是啊
That's a brave choice.很⼤胆的选择啊
Look, this job is important to your mother.听好了这⼯作对你妈来说很重要
We expect you both to step up and be responsible.我们希望你们能挺⾝⽽出为他担起责任I can do that.我可以做到
I'm thinking about it.我考虑考虑
Very brave.⼗分⼤胆
Okay, let's go over it one more time.好的我们再来过⼀遍
Hou key's under the plastic owl by the front door.家⾥的钥匙在前门的塑料猫头鹰下There's after-school snacks in the fridge.下午的点⼼在冰箱⾥
One for each of you.⼀⼈⼀份
Emergency numbers are right there by the phone.紧急联络电话就写在电话旁
First aid kit is in the hall clot.急救箱就在⾛廊橱柜⾥
And you won't be needing it,虽然你们不会⽤到
but under the kitchen sink is a fire extinguisher.但厨房⽔槽下有灭⽕器
Ooh, that looks fun.感觉好有意思啊
For fires only, and don't be starting one just to u it.起⽕了才能⽤也不许为了玩⽽放⽕
It's like she can read my mind.她仿佛会读⼼术
Don't worry, Mom.妈妈你别担⼼
We'll make you proud.我们不会让你失望
I know you will, baby.我知道你不会的宝贝
All t for your first day?准备好第⼀天上班了吗
I believe I am.应该好了
Go get 'em.⼤展拳脚吧
Thanks for waking me up.感谢你吵我起来啊
I woke you up 40 minutes ago.我40分钟前就叫你起床了
Well, you didn't do a very good job.那你这⼯作做得不太好啊
Bye, y'all.⼤家再见啦
Okay, yeah. Yeah.好⾏⾏