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                --- 依据词频 & 词率
十三. 肢体动作类相关词汇
★★★★★ 词汇
1. behave v.举动,表现;运转( behavior n.)
2. deed n.行为,行动 do good ~。 to be rewarded for ones good ~。 misdeed n.
3. engage v.雇用;从事;订婚;吸引;吻合 be ~d
4. manner n.方式;态度;举止;(复数)礼貌
mannerism n.(说话;举止)习气;癖性 noticeable
5. profession n.职业;自由职业  ~al adj./n.职业的/职业人员;内行;专家江苏产假
6. task n.任务;工作
7. work n./v.工作,劳动;职业;工作成果,产品;著作,作品;工厂;功,做功/
~er n.劳动者。 ~man 工匠。 ~shop车间,作坊;研讨会,讲习班
a.Are you fond of challenging ~"
b.The ~s of famous painters may be en in the muum.
c.Will your plan ~"
★★★ 词汇
1. excavate v.挖掘;挖出  ~ a large hole
2. hitchhike v.免费搭乘便车
★★ 词汇
1. attendance n.到场;出席人数
2.engagement n.订婚;约会;交战 break off ~
  Although it was only a short ~, a lot of men were killed.
3.errand v.差使;差事
★★★★★ 词汇
1. bite v./n.咬;鱼上钩
因为刚好遇见你  Sometimes I sit for hours without getting a ~.
2.blow v./n. 刮风;吹气/打,打击
3. cost n./v.价格,成本,费用/价格为,使花费
4. expen n.花费;费用 travel ~ (expensive adj. an ~ education)
5. waste v./n./adj.消费,未充分利用/浪费,糟蹋;废料,弃物/
废的,丢弃的,无用的;荒芜的 (wasteful adj.)
Its wasteful to throw the away。 we might be able to u them one day.
★★★★ 词汇
1. bark n./v.树皮,狗叫 inner ~ of bamboo。 ~ at。 veral fierce ~
2. consume v.消耗;消费;耗尽 ~ on (consumer n.消费者;用户)
3. consumption n.消费;结核病
4. frugal adj.俭朴的;花钱少的
  Although hes become rich, hes still very ~ with his money.
5. smoke v./n.烟;吸烟
  There is no ~ without fire.(无风不起浪)
6. spend v.花费,用(钱);花(钱;时间);度过;消磨
7. swallow v.吞咽;淹没;忍受
★★★ 词汇
1. chew v.咀嚼
2.dip v./n. 蘸湿/斜坡
3.expend v.消费,用尽 ~ too much energy on (expenditure n.花费;支出;消费量)
4. greedy adj.贪吃的,贪婪的 ~ for power
5. lick v./n.舔;(火焰)卷过;(波浪)轻拍/舔
  The small waves ~ed the ashore.
6. suck v./n.吸食,吮吸;使耗尽,使枯竭
★★ 词汇
1. devour v. 狼吞虎咽地吃
2.profu adj. 毫不吝惜的,挥霍的;充沛的,过多的;大量的 be ~ of money 
3. nibble v.啃,一点一点咬
4. thrifty多想告诉你 adj.节俭
★★★★★ 词汇
1. across prep./adv.横越,穿过;在对面,与交叉/宽,阔
2. act v./n. 行动,做事;起作用;表演/动作;(一)幕;法令,条例
action n.(行动,行为;动作,活动;作用)。activate v.(激活;开动;使活动)。
active adj.(有活力的,活跃的,敏捷的)。activity总府路 n.(活性;活力;活动)
a. An actors actions and words should agree.
b. The national campaign is aimed at activating the labor movement.
c. He is in his full time of activity.
未来的学校作文400字d. Although he is over venty。 he is still active.
3.bounce v./n. 反跳,弹起,乱冲/弹
4. bound v./n./adj. 跳跃前进,跳跃/跳动/一定的,必定的
  An initial failure was ~ to blight a later success.
5. exerci v./n.锻炼,训练;练习,习题/锻炼,训练;运用,使用 physical ~。~ ones right
6. fly v./n.飞行,乘飞机旅行;飞奔,飞跑
7. jump v./n. 跳跃;跳过 
8.leap v./n.扑向,欣然接受take a ~ from
9.lie v./n.躺,卧;说谎,撒谎
10.rush adv./adj. 彻底地,完全地/直达的,直通的 the ~ train
11.throughout prep.遍及 spread ~ the country
12.via prep. 经由 fly Athens ~ Paris
13.walk v./n.步行,散步
14.wander v./n.漫游;迷路,与同伴走散;离题
  Dont ~ from the subject。 stick to the point.
★★★★ 词汇
1. climb v.爬;攀登 ~ up
2. crawl v./n.爬行,缓慢行进;起鸡皮疙瘩/爬行;自由泳
四年级上册观察日记3. crouch v.蹲伏
★★★ 词汇
1. creep v. 爬行;缓慢移动;(时间,年纪)悄悄过去;蔓延
Ivy had crept over the ruined castle walls.(常春藤)
2.glide v./n.滑动,滑翔
3.kneel n./n.跪下
4.transit n.运输,搬运
5. trek v.长途跋涉;旅行 go ~ing
★★ 词汇
1. hijack v.劫持;劫机;拦路抢劫
2. hop n./v.单脚跳
3. hover v.(鸟)盘旋;翱翔;(人)在附近徘徊
4. tramp n. 长途旅行
5. tread v./n.踩踏;行走/(轮胎)胎面;脚步声
6. tumble v.跌倒,摔倒;摇摇欲坠
★ 词汇
1. jog n./v.轻推;轻撞;缓慢前进
2.ramble n./v.闲逛;散步,漫步;蔓延;闲谈
  I眼泪成诗’m fond of ~ing the forest.
3.roam v.漫步;漫游;流浪~ fields and river banks in fall
4.trot n./v.小跑;疾走
★★★★★ 词汇
1. audience n.听众;读者;接见(audible adj.听得见的)(audition n.试听;试演,面试)
  It is too silent that my heart-beat is almost ~.
2.cry n./v.叫喊;哭泣
3. exclaim v.呼叫;惊叫 ~ at
4. glance v.看一眼;扫视;一瞥桔子热量
  She ~d along the road to e if he was coming.
5. hear v.听见;审讯,听政;听说,得知;收到的信()
~ing n.听力(所及的距离);倾听;审讯
6.listen v.倾听
7. loud adj.大声的;响亮的
8. noi n.喧哗声;噪音;响声
9. sigh v./n. 痛惜;叹气
10. sing v.歌唱
11. speak v. 说话,讲话 (speaker n.演讲者;扬声器)
12. stare v,凝视;盯
13. talk n./v.交谈;商讨;谈话;讨论
14.utter v./adj.发出(声音);说/彻底的;完全的;绝对的
15.watch n./v.表/注视,观看;看守,监视
16.whisper v.低语;耳语 ~ to sb.
★★★★ 词汇
1. aloud adv. 出声地;大声地
2. brow v./n. 放牧,吃草;浏览
3. gape v./n. 张开;张口;裂开/目瞪口呆
4. glimp n./v. 一瞥;匆匆一看
I~d him among the crowd just before she disappeared from the sight.
5.invisible adj. 看不见的;无形的
6.oral adj.口头的 an ~ exam
7. peer n./v.同等的人;同辈/凝视
  Children are very susceptible to ~-group pressure.
8. roar n./v.怒吼;轰鸣声;喧闹声;呼啸
Storm ~ed through the forest.
9.scream n.尖叫;叫喊
10. whistle n./v. 口哨声,汽笛声;口哨/吹哨 ~ cheerfully

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