愚公移山>停业公告怎么写Unit 2
Vocabulary exercis
Ⅱ. Fill in the blank in each ntence with a phra taken from the box in its appropriate form.
stake a claim be proportional to attribute…to sidle up
plow into tread on carve out breathe down sb.’s neck
1. As I was about to leave the restaurant, a young man sidledupto me and said, "May I help you?”
2. Not satisfied with the prent position in the company, he is trying tocarve outa much greater role for himlf.
3. Women rend to attributetheir success toexternal caus such as assistance from friends.
4. Ronald's success staked a claim背课文for his place in Germany's world championship team.
5. My job is to challenge, but not threaten them. So I must be careful notto tread ontheir toes.
6. A young lady and her little son were riously injured when a carplowed intothem on a crossing.
7. Loss of weight isdirectlyproportional tothe rate at which the dia is progressing.
8. In contemporary society, most farmers have bank managersbreathing down their necksin order to cure their financial balance.
Ⅲ. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.
1. When the accident happened, no one would answer for the conquences, which was very annoying (annoyance)
2. Years of experience as a soldier has developed great power of intuition to dangers.(intuitive)
3. The minister had decided not to relea a statement explaining the reason of his resignation, but later, he relented and let it out. (relentless)
4. For this chapter the main threadproliferatesinto a succession of dramatic sub-plots. (proliferation)
5. The government has carried outlamentablyfew of their promis. (lament)
十分令人失望的是政府只顾旅行了她很少的诺言 。
6. He was in anexpansivemood on the night of the party. (expand)
7. Every hour, whether the Prime Minister will u the car or not, he checks under the car for bombs as a matter ofroutine.(routinely)
8. Synthetic fabrics are less susceptible toshrinkagethan natural ones.(shrink)
ⅣChoo the word or phra that can replace the underlined part in each ntence without changing its original meaning.
1. The drawbacks here are that the customer has to 荠菜的功效deposit a minimum of $100 monthly.
A. invest B. rerve C. lay down D. place for safekeeping
2. Some of the ideas are very complicated and sound intuitively plausible.
A. instinctively B. directly C. frankly D. Reasonably
3. Expertly he zigzagged his way across the grassland, avoiding the deeper gullies.
A. tramped B. woundC. traveled D. piloted.
4. He was relentless in his pursuit of quality, his technical skill was remarkable.
A. pitiless B. merciless C. ruthless D. unrelenting
5. Why are the contents the next person's shopping trolley always more alluring左派 than one's own?
A. dissuasive C. allusive C. attractiveD. ductive