IBM 3850 引导盘说明

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File name:
|                                                                |
|  IBM(R) ServerGuide(TM), Version 8.42                          |
|                                                                |
|                                                                |
|  (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation    |
|      1996-2011. All rights rerved.                          |
|                                                                |
|  US Government Urs Restricted Rights -- U, duplication    |
|  or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with    |
|  IBM Corp.                                                    |
|                                                                |
|  Notes:                                                        |
|  o  Before using this information and the product it supports, |
|    read the general information under "NOTICES AND TRADEMARKS"|
|    in this document.                                          |bin是什么文件格式
|  o  Check the ServerGuide Web site for the latest version of  |
|    readme. See "SUPPORT WEB SITES" for more information.      |
|                                                                |
|  Updated  24 February 2011                                    |
|                                                                |
1.0  About this readme file
2.0  ServerGuide Architecture versions
3.0  Remote Installs Support
4.0  Supported hardware
5.0  Limitations
6.0  Support Web sites
7.0  Notices and trademarks
8.0  Other vendor software
IBM ServerGuide reduces the complexity of rver deployment by
detecting installed options and providing device drivers. The
ServerGuide wizard detects the rver model and installed
adapters; then, the wizard guides you through tup,
configuration, and network operating system (NOS) installation.
2.0  ServerGuide Architecture versions
There are two versions of IBM ServerGuide available from the WEB:
o  IBM ServerGuide Setup and Installation i386
-  Supports the installation of 32bit Windows Server operating systems
to IBM System x and BladeCenter rvers.
-  Supports the installation of 64bit Windows Server 2008 that is on a
special disc containing both 32bit and 64bit Windows Server 2008 images.
o  IBM ServerGuide Setup and Installation x86-64
-  Supports the installation of 64bit Windows Server operating systems
in either legacy or native uEFI mode to IBM System x and BladeCenter
-  Automatically detects whether to install in legacy mode or native
uEFI mode depending on the rver's ttings.
The correct architecture version of ServerGuide must be ud to
install the desired architecture version of the Windows Server operating
The supported systems for both versions of IBM ServerGuide are listed in
ction 4 of this readme.
3.0  Remote Installs Support
o  Remote Installs are supported using the Remote Supervisor
Adapter II (RSA II), Integrated Management Module (IMM),
BladeCenter Management Module (MM), and BladeCenter
英雄联盟盲僧Advanced Management Module (AMM).
o  Remote Install Limitations:
For MM only, the left button mou function doesn't
work with a single click.  The workaround is to u double click to
to do lections in ServerGuide graphical ur interface.
- The same CD/DVD Drive ud for ServerGuide CD needs to be u
for Windows CD/DVD.
o  Instructions for running ServerGuide via remote disk feature:
NOTE: The directions are written for RSAII/AMM/MM. Steps to install via
recently updated AMMs and iMMs may differ slightly.
1  Install Java(TM) Plug-in and disable cache for Web Browr Java plug-in
to enable remote console to work.
2  Connect to the RSAII,MM,or AMM Web Management Interface (via Web browr)
3  Click on Task "Remote Control"
4  Start Remote Control, it will open cond Web Browr Window
5  Make sure the target System is Powered Off
6  Make sure the target System's CD/DVD drive is empty
7  Mount the ServerGuide CD
Click "" to load the IBM ServerGuide ISO image.
Click CD/DVD Drive to u IBM ServerGuide CD.
8  Add to the list of Devices with button ">>"
9  Select ServerGuide ISO Image or CD/DVD drive
10 Check box "Write Protected"
11 Push button "Mount Drive"
12 Power on the System
13 When the system is booting up, place the mou in the center of the screen
until ServerGuide's Language lection screen comes up.  If you have
mou synchronization problems, move the mou to one of the corners.
15 Follow IBM ServerGuide prompts
16 When asked to inrt the Windows OS CD/DVD, unmount the remote disk drive,
inrt Windows CD/DVD, click "Mount Drive" and  then click Next.
NOTE:  Windows 2008 ISO images are not supported at this time.
17 When the IBM ServerGuide process finishes, unmount the Windows OS CD/DVD and click Next.
This ction contains information about ServerGuide support for
hardware and operating systems. The following table lists all
supported IBM eServer, xSeries, System x, and BladeCenter rvers
and the latest version of ServerGuide that supports each rver:
4.1  ServerGuide Setup and Installation (both i386 and x86-64)
|  Server model, machine type                      ServerGuide  |
|  xSeries 100, machine type 8486                    7.4.16    |
|  xSeries 205, machine type 8480                    7.3        |
|  xSeries 206, machine types 8482,8487              7.4        |
|  xSeries 206m, machine types 8485,8490              7.4.16    |
|  xSeries 225, machine types 8647,8649              7.4        |
|  xSeries 226, machine types 8488,8648              7.4.16    |
|  xSeries 235, machine type 8671                    7.4.14    |
|  xSeries 236, machine type 8841                    7.4.16    |
|  xSeries 255, machine type 8685                    7.4        |
|  xSeries 260, machine type 8865                    8.41      |
|  xSeries 305, machine type 8673                    7.3        |
|  xSeries 306, machine types 8836,1878,8489          7.4        |
|  xSeries 306m, machine types 8849,8491,1887        7.4.16    |
|  xSeries 335, machine types 8830,8676              7.4        |
|  xSeries 336, machine types 8837,1879              7.4.16    |
|  xSeries 345, machine type 8670                    7.4.17    |
|  xSeries 346, machine types 8840,1880              7.4.16    |
|  xSeries 360, machine type 8686                    7.2.03    |
|  xSeries 365, machine types 8861,8862              7.4        |
|  xSeries 366, machine type 8863                    8.41      |
|  xSeries 440, machine type 8687                    7.2.03    |
|  xSeries 445, machine type 8870                    7.4        |
|  xSeries 460, machine type 8872                    8.41      |
|  System x3100, machine type 4348                    8.41      |
|  System x iDataplex dx360 M2, machine types                    |
|                            7321,7323,6380,6391    8.42      |
|  System x iDataPlex dx360 M3, machine type 6391    8.42      |
|  System x3105, machine type 4347                    8.41      |
历代王朝顺序|  System x3200, machine types 4362,4363              8.42      |
|  System x3200 M2, machine types 4367,4368          8.42      |
|  System x3200 M3, machine types 7327,7328          8.42      |
|  System x3250, machine types 4364, 4365,4366        8.42      |
|  System x3250 M2, machine types 4190,4191,4194      8.42      |
|  System x3250 M3, machine types 4251,4252,4261      8.42      |
|  System x3350, machine types 4192,4193              8.42      |
|  System x3400, machine types 7973,7974,7975,7976    8.42      |
|  System x3400 M2, machine types 7836,7837          8.42      |
|  System x3400 M3, machine types 7378,7379          8.42      |
|  System x3455, machine types 7984,7986,7940,7941    8.41      |
|  System x3500, machine type 7977                    8.42      |
|  System x3500 M2, machine type 7839                8.42      |
|  System x3500 M3, machine type 7380                8.42      |
|  System x3550, machine types 7978,1913              8.42      |
20用英语怎么写|  System x3550 M2, machine types 7946,4198,7944      8.42   
|  System x3550 M3, machine types 4254,7944          8.42      |
|  System x3610, machine type 7942                    8.41      |
|  System x3620 M3, machine type 7376                8.42      |
|  System x3630 M3, machine type 7377                8.42      |
|  System x3650, machine types 7979,1914              8.42      |
|  System x3650 M2, machine types 7947,4199,7945      8.42      |
|  System x3650 M3, machine types 4255,7945,5454      8.42      |
|  System x3650 T, machine type 7980                  8.42      |
|  System x3655, machine types 7985,7943              8.41      |
|  System x3690 X5, machine types 7147,7148,7149,7192 8.42      |
|  System x3755, machine types 8877,7163              8.41      |
|  System x3755 M3, machine type 7164                8.42      |
|  System x3800, machine type 8865                    8.42      |
|  System x3800, machine type 8866                    8.42      |
|  System x3850, machine type 7362                    8.42      |
|  System x3850, machine types 8864,7365              8.42      |
|  System x3850 M2 / System x3950 M2,                            |
|    machine types 7141, 7144,7233,7234              8.42      |
|  System x3850 X5 / System x3850,                              |
|    machine types 7143,7145,7146,7191                8.42      |
|  System x3950, machine type 8872                    8.42      |
|  System x3950, machine types 8878,7366,7363        8.42      |
|  eServer 325, machine type 8835                    7.4.14    |
|  eServer 326, machine type 8848                    7.4.14    |
|  eServer 326m, machine types 7969,7992              7.4.16    |
|  AMD Opteron LS20 for IBM eServer BladeCenter,                |
|    machine type 8850                              8.41      |
|  eServer BladeCenter HS12, machine types 8014,8028,            |
|                                          1916      8.42      |
|  eServer BladeCenter HS20, machine type 8678        7.2.03    |
|  eServer BladeCenter HS20, machine type 8832        7.4.14    |
|  eServer BladeCenter HS20, machine types 8843,1883  8.42      |
|  eServer BladeCenter HS40, machine type 8839        7.4.16    |
|  BladeCenter HS20, machine types 7981,1884          7.4.16    |
|  BladeCenter HS21 XM, machine types 7995,1915      8.42      |
|  BladeCenter HS21, machine types 8853,1885          8.42      |
|  BladeCenter HS22,                                            |
|      machine types 7809,7870,1936,1911              8.42      |
|  BladeCenter HS22V, machine types 7871,1949        8.42      |
|  BladeCenter HX5, machine types 7872,7873,1909,8272 8.42      |
|  BladeCenter LS21, machine type 7971                8.42      |
|  BladeCenter LS22, machine type 7901                8.42      |
|  BladeCenter LS41, machine type 7972                8.42      |
|  BladeCenter LS42, machine type 7902                8.42      |
4.2 RAID adapters supported by ServerGuide
The following list of RAID adapters are supported for installation
with ServerGuide:
-  ServeRAID 6M Ultra320 SCSI
-  ServeRAID 7t
-  ServeRAID 7e SATA
-  ServeRAID 7e SCSI
-  ServeRAID 8i SAS
-  ServeRAID 8k
  ServeRAID 8k-l
-  ServeRAID 8e SATA
-  ServeRAID 8e SAS
-  ServeRAID 8s
-  ServeRAID BR10i
-  ServeRAID BR10il
-  ServeRAID M1015
-  ServeRAID M1015-R5
-  ServeRAID M5014
-  ServeRAID M5015
-  ServeRAID-M5025  46M0830
  ServeRAID M5000 Series Advance Feature Key 46M0930
-  ServeRAID MR 10i
-  ServeRAID MR 10ie
-  ServeRAID MR 10il
-  ServeRAID MR 10is
-  ServeRAID MR 10k
-  ServeRAID MR 10M
-  ServeRAID-B5015 SSD 46M0969
-  MegaRAID 8480 SAS
-  LSI SAS 1078IR
vivo手机怎样恢复出厂设置-  LSI IDEal RAID
  LSI Integrated SAS RAID (1064/1064E/1068)
-  LSI Integrated SCSI RAID
-  IBM 6Gb SAS HBA Controller 46M0907
-  IBM 6Gb SSD Host Bus Adapter 46M0914
4.3 Fibre adapters supported by ServerGuide
The following lists of Fibre adapters are supported by ServerGuide.
-  2Gb (26K4841) BladeCenter SFF Fibre Channel Expansion Card
-  4Gb (26R0890) QLogic 4Gb SFF Fibre Channel Expansion Card for IBM eServer BladeCenter
-  4Gb (41Y8527) QLogic 4Gb Fibre Channel Expansion Card (CFFv) for IBM BladeCenter
-  4Gb (39Y9306) QLogic Ethernet and 4Gb Fibre Channel Expansion Card (CFFh) for IBM BladeCenter
-  2Gb (13N2203) IBM HS20 Fibre Channel Expansion Card
-  2Gb (48P7061) IBM HS20 Fibre Channel Expansion Card
-  4Gb (26R0884) QLogic 4Gb Standard Fibre Channel Expansion Card for IBM eServer BladeCenter
-  4Gb (46M6065) QLogic 4Gb Fibre Channel Expansion Card (CIOv) for IBM BladeCenter
-  8Gb (44X1945) QLogic 8Gb Fibre Channel Expansion Card (CIOv) for IBM BladeCenter
-  8Gb (44X1940) QLogic Ethernet and 8Gb Fibre Channel Expansion Card (CFFh) for IBM BladeCenter
-  8Gb Emulex FC (CIOv) DC 2-port
-  8Gb Emulex FC Single/Dual-port HBA
System x:
-  2Gb (13N1873) IBM SMB 2-Gbps Fibre Channel HBA
-  2Gb (24P0960) DS4000 Host Bus Adapter
-  4Gb (39M5894) DS4000 FC 4Gbps PCI-X Single Port HBA
-  4Gb (39M5895) DS4000 FC 4Gbps PCI-X Dual Port HBA 
-  4Gb (39R6525) QLogic 4Gb FC Single-Port PCIe HBA for IBM System x
-  4Gb (39R6527) QLogic 4Gb FC Dual-Port PCIe HBA for IBM System x
-  8Gb (42D0501) QLogic 8Gb FC Single-port HBA for IBM System x
-  8Gb (42D0510) QLogic 8Gb FC Dual-port HBA for IBM System x
-  8Gb (46M6049) Brocade 8Gb FC Single-port HBA for IBM System x
-  8GB (46M6050) Brocade 8Gb FC Dual-port HBA for IBM System x
You can u ServerGuide to deploy the English, (Simplified) Chine,
French, German, Italian, Japane, Spanish, and Swedish language
versions of Microsoft Windows operating systems.
The following limit
ations are applicable to this version of IBM
o  One final reboot is recommended to finish hardware installation after the
Windows installation completes . For instance, yellow exclamation marks may
be prent on the Intel(R) Ethernet Mezzanine Adapter due to the device
driver being unable to start. This issue is resolved by a reboot.
o  A yellow exclamation mark may be prent next to the Microsoft ISATAP adapter
or 6TO4 adapter after installing Windows Server 2008. Despite the warning,
the device is still functioning properly.  Refer to
/kb/932520 for more information.
o  When using ServerGuide in a multi-node rver configuration, the
rver summary report screen does not indicate a multi-node
configuration.  However, the number of processors reported will
be consistent with the hardware.
o  When using ServerGuide on an xSeries 460 two node configuration with
a ServeRAID 8i adapter prent in one node and not in the other, a
NMI error will occur.  The workaround is to boot the xSeries 460 as
a single node, install the operating system with ServerGuide and
then boot the configuration as multi-node. 
o  Using ServerGuide on an xSeries 460 two node configuration with a
ServeRAID 8i adapter prent in both nodes is not supported.  The
workaround is to start the ServerGuide tup in standalone mode by
pressing Esc to bypass partition merge during machine boot.  When
the Windows files are finished copying to the hard drive and the
ServerGuide tup is finished, then the system can be booted in
NOTE:  During installation, ServerGuide may reboot the system in the
国庆朗诵middle of the tup process.  If the system reboots, press
Esc to bypass the partition merge and boot standalone.
Repeat this step each time the system reboots until the
Windows files are copied to the hard drive.
o  ServerGuide does not support the u of the following IBM Ultra 320
Controller 2 adapters (13N2249, 39R8743, 43W4324, 43W4325).   
o  ServerGuide does not support installing to any USB storage device or running
from a USB flash memory drive. 
o  When using a MegaRAID controller in System x3850 M2/System x3950 M2
for the onboard drives, all RAID configurations need to deleted
before any attempt to u the LSI SAS 1078 onboard controller with
the same onboard drives.
o  When installing to drives attached to an IBM iSCSI Server TX adapter
(30R5201), you may not be able to create a 100 GB partition. 
The workaroud is to create a partition of a different size (eg 110 GB).
o  On x3850 M2 and x3950M2, the Microsoft IPMI device driver is
required and is the only supported IPMI driver.  In Windows 2003,
the Microsoft IPMI device driver is only supported on Microsoft
Windows Server 2003 R2.
To install the Microsoft IPMI driver on an in

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