11MG Print Head X Axis (印刷头X轴)
12MG Print head Y Axis (印刷头Y轴)
13MG Print head Theta Axis (印刷头T轴)
14MG Print head Z Axis (印刷头Z轴)
15MG Squeegee Input/Output Axis (刮条电机的前后运动轴心)
16MG Squeegee Up/Down Axis (刮条电机的上下运动轴心)
17MG Load Walking Beam Up/Down Axis (上料行走臂上下电机)
18MG load Lifter Print Table Axis (上料台面顶针电机)
19MG Rotation Table Axis (旋转台面电机)
20MG Unload Lifter Print Table Axis (下料顶针电机)
21MG Unload Walking Beam Axis (下料行走臂前后电机)
22MG Unload Walking Beam Up/Down Axis (发现身边的美作文下料行走臂上下电机)
23MG Walking Beam Front Cent. Grippers (行走臂上料纠正硅片正面电机)赵一蔓
24MG Walking Beam Rear Cent. Grippers (行走臂上料纠正硅片反面电机)
25MG Oven Front Clamps Axis (烘箱抓手正面电机)
26MG Oven Real Clamp Axis (烘箱抓手反面电机)
27MG Oven Clamps Up/Down Axis (烘箱抓手上下电机)
28MG Load Magazine Up/Down Axis (上料台上下电机)
29MG Load magazine pash-bar Axis (上料推车电机)
1、KP Proportional Constant红烧鱼怎样做:This is the proportional coefficient in the PID digital controller(这在 PID 数字控制器中是比例的系数)
2、KD Derivative Constant:This is the derivative coefficient in the PID digital controller(这在 PID 数字控制器中是引申的系数)
3、说马KI Integral Constant:This is the integrative coefficient in the PID digital controller (这在 PID 数字控制器中是综合的系数)
4、SF Smooth Factor:This is the parameter which can t the trapezoidal speed profile to be smoothed .it is range is 0-100 .where 100corresponds to the maximum smoothing and corresponds to no smoothing (not ud)(本参数将设定电机正常运行时的速度。其范围在0-100。当设定在100时是电机的最大值,此时电机运行速度最快,0则是电机不动作。)
5、SP Axis Speed(电机速度):It reprents the maximum allowed motor speed(这是电机所能允许的最大速度)
鼠标灵敏度转换6、AC Axis Acceleration(电机加速度):It is the motor acceleration in the first part of the speed profile(这是电机的加速度,它决定了电机从完全停止到高速运行的时间。)
7、DC Axis Deceleration(电机减速度):It is the deceleration in the last part of the speed profile.(这是电机的减速度,它决定了电机从高速运行到完全停止的时间。)
8、FL Axis Position Positive Limit(电机最大的位置):It is the maximum allowed motor position快乐指数(它是电机所允许的最大的位置)
9、BL Axis Position Negative Limit(电机最小的位置):It is the minimum allowed motor position(它是电机所允许的最小的位置)
10、Axis Micron/Step Desolation(电机微米 / 步骤):It is the ratio between one final encoder step and the physical unit which is ud to measure motor position(它是一个最后的编码器步骤和用来测量电机的位置的实际的单位之间的比)
11、DP Axis Home Position:(电机原点位置):It is the motor position related to the encoder zero position(这是电机相对译码器的零点位置。此参数决定电机在复位后的位置。)
12、DL Continuous Current Limit(电机的直流电流界限):thi is the maximum alloned c
ontinuos current of controller .the prange is 0 to 10 A。(这是当前电机的最大工作电流,因为是直流电机,所以适当加大电流可以加快电机的运行速度。其合适的工作电流范围为0到10 安培。)