1.Australia is the world’s smallest continent and largest island, arelatively young nation established in an ancient land.
澳大利亚既是世界上最小的大陆也是最大的海洋岛。它是建立在这片古老的 土地上的一个较为年轻的国家。
2.For years this land remained barren and isolated.
3.Its development reprents man’s triumph over remoteness and a harsh landscape.
4.Australia has a land area of 7,682,300 square kilometers and its coastline is 36,735 kilometerslong.
澳大利亚占地 7,682,300 平方公里,海岸线长达 36,735 公里。
5.It is the world’s driest inhabited continent.
6.Vast areas are arid or mi-dert, and virtually uninhabited.
7.There are rain forests and vast plains in the north, snow field in the south-east, dert in thecenter and fertile croplands in the east, south and south-west.
北部是热带雨林和大草原,东南部是雪地,中部是沙漠,东部、南部和西南 部是肥沃的耕地。
8.Much of the country lies in the tropics.
9.Australia is one of the most urbanized countries in the world, with about 70 percent of thepopulation living in the 10 largest cities.
澳大利亚是世界上城市化程度最高的国家之一,有 70%的人口居住在 10 大 城市里。
10.Most of the population is in the south-eastern corner and only 15 percent of Australians live inrural areas.
大部分人口居住在东南角只有 15%的人住在乡村。
11.It is generally accepted that Australia’s original inhabitants, the aboriginal people, have lived onthe continent for 40,000 to 60,000 years.
澳大利亚土著居民被普遍认为已经在高州大陆栖息了 4 万至 6 万之久。
12.They were its their sole human in habitants until two centuries ago.
土著人一直是生活在澳大利亚体地上的唯一居民,这种情况一直延续到 200 年才起变化。
13.The first European ttlement of the continent, by the British, began in 1788, on the site nowoccupied by Sydney, Australia’s largest city.
1788 年,来自英国的第一批欧洲移民来到澳大利亚,在现在的悉尼,澳大 利亚最大的城市。
14.There were then about 1,500 Europeans and an estimated 300,00 Aboriginal people inAustralia.
那时澳大利亚大约有 1,500 欧洲人和大约 300,000 的土著人。
15.As a result of natural increa and immigration, the population today has reached more than18 million.
随着人口自然增长和移民的增加,今天的人口已经超过 1 千 8 百万。
16.Australia is a multicultural society with about a quarter of the population foreign born.
澳大利亚是一个多文化的社会拥有大约四分之一的人口是出生在境外的外国 移民。
17.January 26, the date of the first European ttlement of the continent in 1788, is Australia’snational day.
1788 年 1 月 26 日,第一批欧洲移民在这里定居,这一天也就是澳大利亚的 国庆节。
18.Austrailia has no official or traditional national costume.
19.The official language is English, by usage, not by law.
20.Australian English has its own colloquialisms and slang expressions, it does not differimportantly from other幼儿园安全儿歌 forms of English, except in accent.
虽然澳大利亚英语有它自己的方言和俚语,但是除了口音上,与其他说英语 国家的英语没有很大的区别。
21.Spelling generally follows the British form.
1.上海的字面意思是“海上之埠”,这是世界上最大的海港城市之一,也 是中国主要的工业和商业中心。
Shanghai, who name literally means “a port on the a”, is one of the world’s largest aportsand China’s major industrial and commercial center.
2.随着经济改革的日益深化,这座昔日被誉为远东金融、经济和贸易中心 的城市,正在为促进长江流域的经济发展起着龙头作用。
With its deepening economic reform, this city, formerly crowned as the financial, economic andtrade hub of the Far East, is playing a leading role in boosting economic development in theYangtze River valley.
Meanwhile, Shanghai has attracted millions of Chine and 刷子李overas tourists with its unique charm.
4.作为一座国际大都市,上海的国际航班可直达曼谷、新加坡、香港、汉 城、东京、大阪、名古屋、长崎、广岛、布鲁塞尔、法兰克福、纽约、洛杉 矶、旧金山、芝加哥、多伦多、温哥华、悉尼等 20 多个城市。
As a international metropolis, Shanghai provides direct flights to over 20 cities in the world, such asBangkok, Singapore, Hong Kong, 云南旅游介绍Seoul, Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Brusls,Frankfurt, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Toronto, Vancouver and Sydney.
Shanghai, known to the world as Oriental Pear, is China’s eastern gate to the outside world.
6.早在唐宋时期上海便是中国的一座外贸重镇,与日本、朝鲜和东南亚各 国之间有着商贸关系。
Back in the Tang and Song Dynasties, Shanghai functioned as China’s key foreign trade port andhad解方程的依据是什么 mercantile ties with Japan, Korea and all the South-eastern Asia.
During the reigns of Emperor Qianlong and Emperor Jiaqing of the Qing Dynasty, Shanghai turnedinto 废纸回收利润a metropolis and navigation hub in southeast China.
Shanghai attracted numerous merchants and countless ships to the Huangpu River. What aspectacle of prosperity during that period!
9.自本世纪 50 年代起,上海取代广州,成了中国的外贸中心,直至今日仍 保持着这一龙头地位。
Since 1950’s, Shanghai replaced Guangzhou as China’s foreign trade center and has maintainedthis lead ever since.
10.今天这座著名的国际港市已发展成为中国重要的经济、金融、贸易、科 技、信息和文化中心。
Today this well-known international port has developed into China’s important center of e
conomy,finance, trade, science and technology, information and culture.
11.上海作为中国的一座历史文化名城,有 70 余处国家级和实际重点历史 文物保护单位,充分展示了特色鲜明的海派文化。
One of the noted historic and cultural cities in China, Shanghai has over 70 sites of historicalinterest and cultural relics under the protection of the state and municipal governments, whichbest reprent the distinctive characteristics of Shanghai regional culture.
12.上海是美食家的乐园,全市数以千计的参观汇集了全国各大名菜,如鲁 菜、川菜、粤菜、扬州菜、闽菜等,各种风味,一应俱全。
Shanghai is the a cherished paradi for gourmets, who may find themlves frequenting the manythousands of restaurants that rve a complete list of China’s major well-known cuisines, such asShandong, Sichuan, Cantone, Yangzhou, Fujian traditions, to name just a few.
13.世界各地的风味烹调,如法、俄、意、英、德、日、韩、印等外邦菜, 比比皆是,各领风骚。
In addition, one may easily find his way to tho competing foreign food restaurants featuringFrench, Russian, Italian, British, German, Spanish, Japane, Korean and Indian cuisines.
On top of that, authentic Muslim and vegetarian foods may very well satisfy the palate of thoreligious enthusiasts and interested individuals.
15.享有“万国建筑博览会”之美誉的上海,在外滩和市内各处都有风格各 异的建筑物。
Known as the “Exhibition of the world’s Architecture”, Shanghai has a complete collection ofbuildings with different architectural styles along the Bund and elwhere in the city.
16.东方明珠广播电视塔,相伴电视塔左右的雄伟的南浦大桥和杨浦大桥, 以及连接两桥的内环线高架交通干道,使申城旧貌换新颜。
The Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower, accompanied on each side by the magnificentNanpu and Yangpu suspension bridges, which are connected by the city’s elevated inner beltway,brings this city a自主命题 completely new look.
17.上海是旅游者的天地。上海有众多的休闲度假胜地,如佘山国家旅游度 假区、淀山风景区、太阳岛度假区、环球乐园、梦幻世界、哥氏摩乐园以及 野生动物园。
Shanghai is also a tourist destination which boasts quite 猫猫呕吐a few tourist attractions and holidayresorts, including Sheshan State Holiday Resort, Dianshan Lake Scenie Area, the Sunshine IslandHoliday Resort, the World Garden, the Dreamland, the Cosmo Wonderland and Wildlife Zoo.
18.上海每年都要举办多姿多彩的旅游节,其中包括除夕夜的龙华迎新撞钟 活动,春天的龙华描绘、南汇桃花节和国际茶文化节,金秋时节的上海黄浦 江旅游节和上海桂花节。
Every year Shanghai hosts a variety of tourist festivals, such as the New Year’s Greeting Bell Toll atthe Longhua Temple on the eve of the Chine New Year, the Longhua Temple Fair, the PeachBlossom Fesitival in Nanhui County and the International Teal Culture Festival in spring, ShanghaiHuangpu Tourist Festival in autumn and Shanghai Sweet Osmanthus Festivals.
亚洲人页码19.这些海派气息浓郁而又十分迷人的节庆活动,引来无数海外游客竟参 与。
The fascinating festivals with distinctive Shanghai regional culture attract numerous participatingtourists from both home and abroad.
20.黄浦江东岸的浦东新区,其近年来的崛起将上海推上了中国改革与对外 开放的龙头地位。
The ri of Pudong New Area in recent years, a new development project which is located on theeast side of the city’s Huangpu River, has pushed Shanghai onto the stage on which it is playing apioneering role in China’s national program of reform and opening to the outside world.
21.随着浦江彼岸一座充满活力的现代化经济城市的初具规模,上海成为世 界经济、金融
With an up-to-date and vital economic city taking shape on the other side of the Huangpu,Shanghai will inevitably assume the role of an international economic financial and trade center.
The world focus its attention on China and in particular, on Shanghai.
Shanghai, one of the most promising cities on the planet of the earth, cordially welcomes friendsfrom all over the world.