Charles Sturt University
Distance Education
Subject: Organizational Behaviour
Subject Coordinator: Lijun
Student: 刘原萌
Student ID: 20090889
Assignment 1:
Title: Organisational Control Factors
Charles Sturt University
Distance Education
Subject: Organizational Behaviour
Subject Coordinator: Lijun
Student: 刘原萌
To be a manager, the four mainly functions show that to realize the goal of each group member, form the work division of reasonable cooperation relations is one of important duty managers should do. This tells us a manager have the need of organize. And in order to ensure that, manager should study individuals and groups in an organization. This just is the meaning of Organisational Behaviour.
About Organisational Behaviour
Organisational behaviour is the study of individuals and groups in organizations.
A clear statement of purpo, or ‘goal statement’, is important to guide the activities of an organisation and its members. To illustrate, the following are goals of some prominent organisations:
● To help people and business throughout the world to realize their full potential;
● 隔夜的鸡蛋能吃吗To be the world’s mobile communications leader----enriching customers’ lives, helping individuals, business and communities be more connected in a mobile world;
● To enhance our business and strengthen our position as a premier integrated communications rvices provider in the Asia Pacific region;
● To maximize income and provide long-term sustainable returns to unit holders through the strategic acquisition, professional management and ongoing development of office, retail and the provision of innovative customer and market-focud solutions;
● To create long-term value through the discovery, development and conversion of natural resources, and the provision of innovative customer and market-focud solutions;
短信查话费● To put the customer first and let everything el, every business activity and consideration flow from that principle.
To achieve its purpo, any organization depends on human effort. The division of labour is the process of breaking the work to be done into specialized tasks that individuals or groups can perform: it is a way of organizing the efforts of many people to their best advantage. A good division of labour helps an organization mobiles the work of many people to achieve its purpo.
家常丸子汤Effective Manager
It is not easy to define what makes a manager an effective manager within a business context. The list of managerial competencies identified over the past few decades helps us understand more clearly the competencies required for effective management. However, such rearch also illustrates the difficulties in defining effective management becau it is still hard to achieve expert connsus on what constitutes a basic core of competencies. It is even more difficult to find agreement on prioritized rankings of such competencies.
Fundamentally, any manager should ek two key results for a work unit or work team: ta
sk performance, which is the quality and quantity of the work produced or the rvices provided by the work unit; and human resource maintenance, which is the attraction and continuation of a capable workforce over time. This latter notion, while too often neglected, is extremely important. It is not enough for a work unit to achieve high performance on any given day; it must be able to achieve this level of performance every day, both now and into the future. Good human resource maintenance is a major concern of organisational behaviour. It directs a manager’s attention to matters such as job satisfaction, job involvement, organisational commitment, abnteeism and turnover, as well as performance.
主持请留步Above all, an effective manager is a manager who work unit achieves high levels of task accomplishment and maintains itlf as a capable workforce over time. This concept of the ‘effective manager’ offers an important framework for understanding organisational behaviour and developing personal managerial skills.
Human Resource Maintenance
感控知识培训内容The need to ensure long-term and sustainable high performance helps to focus a manager’s attention on the need to ‘maintain’ all of a work unit’s resources (human and material resources alike). Just as managers should not allow a valuable machine to break down for lack of proper maintenance, they should never allow a valuable human contribution to be lost for lack of proper care.
Through their daily actions, the best managers in the new workplace will be able to create conditions in which people achieve their highest performance potential while experiencing a high quality of work life. The concept of quality of work life (QWL) gained derved prominence in organisational behaviour study as an indicator of the overall quality of human experience in the workplace. I express a special way of thinking about people, their work and the organisations in which their careers are fulfilled. It establishes a clear objective that high productivity should be achieved along with job satisfaction for the people who do the required work. In particular, the following benchmarks of managerial excellence highlight true commitments to quality of work life: