1.水文测验 hydrometry 2.水文勘测 hydrologic reconnaissance
3.水文遥感技术 remote-nsing technology in hydrology
4.水文空间技术 space technology in hydrology 5.水文核技术 nuclear technology in hydrology
6.全球定位系统 global positioning system 7.遥测 telemetry 8.驻测 stationary gauging
9.巡测 tour gauging 10.间测 intermittent gauging 11.检测 test gauging
12.校测 corrective gauging 13.委托观测 entrust gauging 14.水文仪器 hydrologic instrument
15.直读仪器 direct-reading instrument 16.自记仪器 automatic-recording instrument
17.遥测装置 remote telemetry unit 18.传感器 nsor 19.固态存贮器 solid storage
20.计数器 counter 21.记录器 recorder 22.显示器 display unit
23.平均无故障工作时间 mean time between failures 24.相应水位 equivalent stage
1.水文测站hydrometric station 2.基本站 basic station 3.辅助站 auxiliary station
4.专用站 special station 5.水文实验站 hydrologic experimental station
6.基准水文站bench mark hydrologic station 7.水文气象站 hydrometeorologic station
8.巡测站 tour gauging station 9.水文站gauging station 10.大河控制站 main-stream control station 11.区域代表站 regional reprentative station 12.小河站 small-stream station
13.河道站 river station 14.水库站 rervoir station 15.渠道站 canal station
16.湖泊站 lake station 17.堰闸站 weir and sluice station 18.水位站 stage gauging station
19.潮水位站(验潮站)tidal level station 20.水库水位站 rervoir stage gauging station
21.湖泊水位站 lake stage gauging station 22.配套雨量站 complete t rain gauging station
23.雨量站(降水量站)rain gauging station (precipitation station) 24.雨量观测场 rain obrvation yard
25.水面蒸发站 water surface evaporation station 百度搜图
26.陆上水面蒸发场 water surface evaporation yard on land
27.漂浮水面蒸发场 floating water surface evaporation yard
28.水质站(水质监测站)water quality (monitoring) station 29.泥沙站 diment station
30.地下水观测井obrvation well of groundwater 31.水文站网 hydrologic network
32.基本站网 basic hydrologic network 33.流量站网 streamflow gauging network
34.雨量站网 rain gauging network 35.水面蒸发站网 water surface evaporation network
36.水位站网 stage gauging network 37.泥沙站网 diment gauging network
38.水质站网 water quality network 39.地下水观测井网groundwater obrvation well network
40.站网规划 hydrologic network planning 41.水文分区 hydrologic regionalization
42.站网布设 network layout 43.站网分析 network analysis 44.站网检验 network examination
45.站网优化 network optimization 46.站网调整 network adjustment 47.站网密度 network density 48.现实密度 real density 49.可用密度usable density 50.容许最稀站网 minimum network
51.设站年限 station required age 52.水文信息hydrologic information
53.水文效益 hydrologic benefit
1.基面 datum 2.绝对基面(标准基面) absolute datum 3.假定基面 arbitrary datum
4.测站基面 station datum 5.冻结基面 stationary datum 6.测站控制 station control
7.河槽控制 channel control 8.断面控制 ction control 9.人工控制 artificial control
10.河底控制 river bottom control 11.槛式控制 sill control 12.测验河段measuring reach
13.水流平面图 flow plane map 14.水道地形图 channel topographic map
15.断面标志 cross-ction sign 16.断面桩 cross-ction stake 17.标志杆 sign rod
18.辐射杆 radiation rod 19.基线 ba line 20.基线桩 ba line stake 21.水准点 benchmark
22.基本水准点 basic benchmark 23.校核水准点 check benchmark
24.临时水准点 temporary benchmark 25.测验断面 measuring cross-ction
26.基本水尺断面basic gauge cross-ction 27.流速仪测流断面current-meter measuring cross-ction
28.浮标测流断面 float measuring cross-ction 29.比降水尺断面 slope measuring cross-ction孝道作文
30.辅助水尺断面 condary gauging cross-ction 31.水文缆道 hydrometric cableway
32.临时测流断面 temporary measuring cross-ction 33.悬索缆道 suspended cableway
怜悯的拼音34.悬杆缆道 suspended rod cableway 35.机动缆道 motorized cableway
36.手动缆道 hand-operating cableway 37.主索 main cable 38.循环索 loop cable句型
39.起重索 suspension cable 40.水文缆车 hydrometric cable car 41.水文测船 hydrometric boat
42.吊船过河索 cableway for anchoring boat 43.缆道测验仪 cableway measuring device
44.水文测桥 hydrometric bridge 45.桥测车 gauging vehicle on bridge
46.水文巡测车 tour gauging vehicle for hydrometry 47.水准测量 leveling
48.跨河水准测量 river-crossing leveling 49.水尺零点测量 survey of gauge zero
50.控制测量 control survey 51.高程控制测量 vertical control survey
52.平面控制测量 horizontal control survey 53.导线测量 traver survey 54.三角测量 triangulation 55.距离测量 distance survey 56.河道观测 river survey 57.地形测量 topographic survey
58.碎部测量 detail survey 59.水下地形测量 underwater topographic survey
1.降水量 precipitation 2.雨量 rainfall 3.积雪深度 snow depth 4.积雪密度 snow density