ASTM A109_2003

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Standard Specification for
Steel,Strip,Carbon(0.25Maximum Percent),Cold-Rolled1 This standard is issued under thefixed designation A109/A109M;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the ca of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parenthes indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for u by agencies of the Department of Defen.
1.1This specification covers cold-rolled carbon steel strip in cut lengths or coils,furnished to clor tolerances than cold-rolled carbon steel sheet,with specific temper,with specific edge or specificfinish,and in sizes as follows:
Over1⁄2to2315⁄160.300and under
Over12.5to600mm7.6mm and under
1.2Cold-rolled strip is produced with a maximum specified carbon not exceeding0.25percent.
1.3Strip tolerance products may be available in widths wider than2315⁄16in.[600mm]by agreement between pur-char and supplier.However,such products are technically classified as cold rolled sheet.This specification does not include cold-rolled carbon spring steel,Specification A682/ A682M.The tolerances,finishes,tempers,edges,and avail-able widths and thickness differentiate cold rolled strip from the product known as cold rolled sheet which is defined by Specification A568/A568M and Specification A682/A682M.
1.4For the purpo of determining conformance with this specification,values shall be rounded to the nearest unit in the right hand place offigures ud in expressing the limiting values in accordance with the rounding method of Practice E29.
1.5The SI portions of the tables contained herein list permissible variations in dimensions and mass(e Note1)in SI(metric)units.The values listed are not exact conversions of the values listed in the inch-pound tables,but instead are rounded or rationalized values.Conformance to SI tolerances is mandatory when the“M”specification is ud.
N OTE1—The term weight is ud when inch-pound units are the standard.However,under SI the preferred term is mass.
1.6The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded as standard.Within the text,the SI units are shown in brackets.The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents;therefore,each system must be ud inde-pendently of the other.Combining values from the two systems will result in nonconformance with the specification.
1.7This specification is expresd in both inch-pound units and SI units.However,unless the order specifies the applicable “M”specification designation(SI units),the material shall be furnished to inch-
pound units.
2.Referenced Documents
2.1ASTM Standards:
A370Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products2
A568/A568M Specification for Steel,Sheet,Carbon,and High-Strength,Low-Alloy,Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled, General Requirements for2
A682/A682M Specification for Steel,Strip,High-Carbon, Cold-Rolled,General Requirements for2
A700Practices for Packaging,Marking,and Loading Methods for Steel Products for Domestic Shipment3
A751Test Methods,Practices,and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products2
E8Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials4 E29Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications5
E430Test Methods for Measurement of Gloss of High-Gloss Surfaces by Goniophotometry6
2.2Military Standards:
MIL-STD-129Marking for Shipment and Storage7
MIL-STD-163Steel Mill Products,Preparation for Ship-ment and Storage7
2.3Federal Standard:
123Marking for Shipments(Civil Agencies)7
183Continuous Identification Marking of Iron and Steel Products7
3.1Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01on Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys,and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.19on Steel Sheet and Strip.
Current edition approved Sept.10,2003.Published Sept.2003.Originally approved in1926.Last previous edition approved in2000as A109/A109M–00e1.
2Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol01.03.
3Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol01.05.
4Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol03.01.
5Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol14.02.
6Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol06.01.
7Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk,Bldg.4Section D,700 Robbins Ave.,Philadelphia,PA19111-5094,Attn:NPODS.
*A Summary of Changes ction appears at the end of this standard.
Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2
959,United States.
Copyright ASTM International
Provided by IHS under licen with ASTM
Not for Resale
No reproduction or networking permitted without licen from IHS
3.1.1annealing—the process of heating to and holding at a suitable temperature and then cooling at a suitable rate,for such purpos as reducing hardness,facilitating cold working, producing a desired microstructure,or obtaining desired me-chanical,physical,or other properties. annealing—involves annealing in a aled con-tainer under conditions that minimize oxidation.The strip is usually heated slowly to a temperature below the transforma-tion range,but sometimes above or within it,and is then cooled slowly. annealing—involves heating the strip in continuous strands through a furnace having a controlled atmosphere followed by a controlled cooling.
3.1.2carbon steel—the designation for steel when no mini-mum content is specified or required for aluminum,chromium, cobalt,columbium,molybdenum,nickel,titanium,tungsten, vanadium,zirconium or any other element added to obtain a desired alloying effect;when the specified minimum for copper does not exceed0.40%or when the maximum content specified for any of the following elements does not exceed the percentage noted:mangane1.65,silicon0.60,or copper 0.60.—In all carbon steels small quantities of certain residual elements unavoidably retained from raw ma-terials are sometimes found which are not specified or required, such as copper,nickel,molybdenum,chromium,etc.The elements are considered as incidental and are not normally reported.melogincn手机登录入口
3.1.3cold reduction—the process of reducing the thickness of the strip at room temperature.The amount of reduction is greater than that ud in skin-rolling(e3.1.7).
3.1.4dead soft—the temper of strip produced without definite control of stretcher straining orfluting.It is intended for deep drawing applications where such surface disturbances are not objectionable.
3.1.5finish—the degree of smoothness or luster of the strip. The production of specificfinishes requires special preparation and control of the roll surfaces employed.
3.1.6normalizing—heating to a suitable temperature above the transformation range and then cooling in air to a tempera-ture substantially below the transformation range.In bright normalizing the furnace atmosphere is controlled to prevent oxidizing of the strip surface.
3.1.7skin-rolled—a term denoting a relatively light cold rolling operation following annealing.It rves to reduce the tendency of the steel toflute or stretcher strain during fabrica-tion.It is also ud to impart surfacefinish,or affect hardness or other mechanical properties,or to improveflatness.
3.1.8temper—a designation by number to indicate the hardness as a minimum,as a maximum,or as a range.The tempers are obtained by the lection and control of chemical composition,by amounts of cold reduction,by thermal treat-ment,and by skin-rolling.
4.Ordering Information
4.1Orders for material to this specification shall include the following information,as necessary,to describe adequately the desired product:
4.1.1Quantity,4.1.2Name of material(cold-rolled carbon steel
strip), 4.1.3Condition(oiled or not oiled),
4.1.7Workmanship,Finish,and Appearance(Section10), 4.1.8Coil size requirements(1
4.1.9ASTM designation and year of issue,
4.1.10Copper-bearing steel,if required,
4.1.11Application(part identification or description),
4.1.12Cast or heat analysis(request,if required),and
4.1.13Special requirements,if required.
N OTE2—A typical ordering description is as follows:20000lb Cold-Rolled Strip,Oiled,Temper4,Edge3,Finish3, coil,5000lb max,16-in.ID ASTM A109-XX,for Toaster Shells.
5.Materials and Manufacture
5.1The steel shall be made by the open-hearth,basic-oxygen,or electric-furnace process.
5.2Cold-rolled carbon steel strip is normally manufactured from continuously cast steel with aluminum ud as the deoxidizer.However,some applications are specified as silicon killed.Ingot cast rimmed,capped and mi-killed steels are subject to limited availability.
5.3Cold-rolled carbon steel strip is manufactured from hot-rolled descaled coils by cold reducing to the desired thickness on a single stand mill or on a tandem mill consisting of veral single stands in
ries.Sometimes an anneal is ud at some intermediate thickness to facilitate further cold reduc-tion or to obtain desired temper and mechanical properties in thefinished strip.An anneal and skin pass is typically ud as thefinal step for Temper4and5.
6.Chemical Composition
6.1Heat Analysis—An analysis for each heat of steel shall be made by the manufacturer to determine the percentage of elements shown in Table1.This analysis shall conform to the requirements shown in Table1.When requested,heat analysis shall be reported to purchar or his reprentative.
6.2Product,Check,or Verification Analysis may be made by the purchar on thefinished material.
6.2.1Capped or rimmed steels are not technologically suited to product analysis due to the nonuniform character of their chemical composition and therefore,the tolerances in Table2do not apply.Product analysis is appropriate on the types of steel only when misapplication is apparent or for copper when copper steel is specified.
6.2.2For steels other than rimmed or capped,when product analysis is made by the purchar,the ch
emical analysis shall not vary from the limits specified by more than the amounts in Table2.The veral determinations of any element shall not vary both above and below the specified range.
6.3For referee purpos,if required,Test Methods,Prac-tices,and Terminology A751shall be ud.
6.4For applications where cold-rolled strip is to be welded, care must be exercid in lection of chemical composition,as well as mechanical properties,for compatibility with the welding process and its effect on altering the properties.
7.Temper and Bend Test Requirement
7.1Cold-rolled carbon strip specified to temper numbers shall conform to the Rockwell hardness requirements shown in Table 3.
7.1.1When a temper number is not specified,rockwell hardness requirements are established by agreement.
7.2It is recommended that hardness values be specified in the same scale as that which will be ud in testing the strip.7.3Bend tests shall be conducted at room temperature and test specimens shall be capable of being bent to the require-ments shown in Table 4.
7.4All mechanical tests are to be conducted in accordance with Test Methods and Definitions A 370.
8.1The desired edge number shall be specified as follows:8.1.1Number 1Edge is a prepared edge of a specified contour (round or square),which is produced when a very
accurate width is required or when an edge condition suitable for electroplating is required,or both.
饿狼扑羊8.1.2Number 2Edge is a natural mill edge carried through the cold rolling from the hot-rolled strip without additional processing of the edge.
8.1.3Number 3Edge is an approximately square edge,produced by slitting,on which the burr is not eliminated.Normal coiling or piling does not necessarily provide a definite positioning of the slitting burr.
8.1.4Number 4Edge is a rounded edge produced by edge rolling either the natural edge of hot-rolled strip or slit-edge strip.This edge is produced when the width tolerance and edge condition are not as exacting as for No.1edge.
TABLE 1Heat Analysis A
Composition–Wt %
Temper No.1,2,3Temper No.
4,5Carbon,max 0.250.15Mangane,max 0.900.60Phosphorous,max 0.0250.025Sulfur,max 0.0250.025Silicon A
......Aluminum A ,B
......Copper,when copper steel is specified,min 0.200.20Copper,max C 0.200.20Nickel,max C
0.200.20Chromium,max C ,D 0.150.15Molybdenum,max C 0.060.06Vanadium E ......Columbium E ......Titanium E
Where an ellipsis (...)appears in this table,there is no requirement,but the analysis shall be reported unless otherwi specified in this specification.B
The analysis shall be reported.When killed steel is specified and aluminum is the deoxidizing element,the minimum is 0.02,and the analysis shall be reported.C
The sum of copper,nickel,chromium,and molybdenum shall not exceed 0.50%on heat analysis.When one or more of the elements is specified,the sum does not apply;in which ca,only the individual limits on the remaining elements will apply.D
Chromium is permitted,at the producer’s option,to 0.25%maximum when the carbon is less than or equal to 0.05%.In such ca,the limit on the sum of the four elements in Footnote C does not apply.E
Reporting shall be required when the level for any of the elements exceeds 0.008wt%.
高家虎TABLE 2Tolerances for Product Analysis
Limit or Maximum of Specified Ele-ment %Tolerance
Under Minimum Limit Over Maxi-mum Limit Carbon to 0.15,incl
over 0.15to 0.25,incl to 0.60,incl
0.030.03Phosphorus ...0.01Sulfur ...0.01Copper
the maximum hardness requirement is established by agreement.
A Measured3⁄ more in from edge;and on narrower than1in.,at any place between edges.
B Measured10mm or more in from edge;and on narrower than25mm,at any place between edges.
C Number3edge strip with thickness tolerance guaranteed at less than3⁄8in.[10mm]from the slit edge is available by agreement between the consumer and the strip manufacturer.
10.3.2Number 2or Regular Bright Finish is produced by rolling on moderately smooth rolls.It is suitable for many requirements,but not generally applicable to bright plating.10.3.3Number 21⁄2or Better Bright Finish is a smooth finish suitable for tho plating applications where high luster is not required.
10.3.4Number 3or Best Bright Finish is generally of high luster produced by special rolling practices,including the u of specially prepared rolls.It is the highest quality finish commonly produced and is particularly suited for bright plating.The production of this finish requires extreme care in processing and extensive inspection.Paper interleaving is frequently ud for protection.In addition to the surface roughness values in Table 12,the ur and producer may agree on goniophotometric measurement values (Rs/DI)in accor-dance with Test Methods E 430.
11.1When purchar’s order stipulates that inspection and tests (except product analysis)for acceptance on the steel be made prior to shipment from the mill,the manufacturer shall afford the purchar’s inspector all reasonable facilities to
13.1When test reports are required by the purchar,the supplier shall report the results of all tests required by this specification and any additional tests required by this specifi-cation and/or the purcha order.
13.2When certification is required by the purcha order,the supplier shall furnish a certification that the material has been manufactured and tested in accordance with the require-ments of this specification.
13.3A signature is not required on test reports.However,the document shall clearly identify the organization submitting the document.Notwithstanding the abnce of a signature,the organization submitting the document is responsible for the content of the document.
13.4When test reports are required,it is acceptable for the supplier to report test data from the original manufacturer,provided such data is not rendered invalid by the stripmaking process.
TABLE 6Width Tolerances of Edge Numbers 1,4,5,and 6of
Cold-Rolled Carbon-Steel Strip
Edge Number Specified Width,in.A Specified Thickness,
in.B Width Tolerance,Plus and Minus,in.C
Over Through
min max 11⁄23⁄4
Edge No.
Specified Width,mm A
Specific Thickness,
mm B Width Tolerance,Plus and Minus,in.C
Through min max   3.250.6  5.00.38425500.6  6.00.65450150  1.0  6.0    3.00.1351005000.4  3.00.2555006000.6  2.250.6  5.00.38625500.6  6.00.656
dm宣传单A Specified width must be within ranges stated for specified edge number.B
Specified thickness must be within ranges stated for specified width.C
When edge,width and thickness are not defined by this table,tolerances are by agreement between producer and supplier.
abnce of a signature,the organization submitting the EDI transmission is responsible for the context of the report.
N OTE3—The industry definition as invoked here is:EDI is the computer to computer exchange of business information in an agreed upon standard format such as ANSI ASC X12.
14.Product Marking
14.1As a minimum requirement,the material shall be identified by having the manufacturer’s name,ASTM designa-tion,weight,purchar’s order number,and material identifi-cation legibly stenciled on the top of each lift or shown on a tag attached to the coils or shipping units.
14.2Bar coding is acceptable as a supplementary identifi-cation method.Bar coding should be consistent with the procurement by or direct shipment to the government when Level A is specified,prervation,packaging,and packing shall be in accordance with the Level A requirements of MIL-STD-163.
15.3When coils are ordered it is customary to specify a minimum or range of inside diameter,maximum outside diameter,and a maximum coil weight,if required.The ability of manufactur
ers to meet the maximum coil weights depends upon individual mill equipment.When required,minimum coil weights are subject to negotiation.
16.1carbon steel,strip;cold rolled steel strip;steel strip

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