Standard Specification for
Brass Plate,Sheet,Strip,And Rolled Bar1
This standard is issued under thefixed designation B36/B36M;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
of original adoption or,in the ca of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parenthes indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for u by agencies of the Department of Defen.
1.1This specification establishes the requirements for brass
plate,sheet,strip,and rolled bar of the following alloys:2
Copper Alloy UNS No.
Trade Name
Nominal Composition
C22000Commerical Bronze,90%9010
C22600Jewerly Bronze,871⁄2%87.512.5
C23000Red Brass,85%8515
C24000Low Brass,80%8020
C26000Cartridge Brass,70%7030
C26800Yellow Brass,66%6634
C27200 (6337)
C28000Muntz Metal,60%6040 1.2The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded parately as standard.The values stated in each system may not be exact equivalents;therefore,each system shall be ud independently of the other.Combining values from two systems may results in nonconformance with the standard.
2.Referenced Documents
2.1ASTM Standards:3
B248Specification for General Requirements for Wrought Copper and Copper-Alloy Plate,Sheet,Strip,and Rolled Bar
B248M Specification for General Requirements for Wrought Copper and Copper-Alloy Plate,Sheet,Strip,and Rolled Bar[Metric]
B601Classification for Temper Designations for Copper and Copper Alloys—Wrought and Cast
B846Terminology for Copper and Copper Alloys
E8Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials E8M Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Mate-rials[Metric]
E112Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size E478Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper Alloys
3.General Requirements
3.1The following ctions of Specification B248or B248M constitute a part of this specification:
3.1.2Materials and Manufacture
3.1.3Dimensions,Mass,and permissible Variations
3.1.4Workmanship,Finish,and Appearance
3.1.6Number of tests and Retests
3.1.7Specimen Preparation
3.1.8Test Methods
3.1.9Significance of Numerical Limits
3.1.11Rejection and Rehearing
3.1.13Test Reports
3.1.14Packaging and Package Marking
3.2In addition,when a ction with a title identical to that referenced in3.1,appears in this specification,it contains additional requirements which supplement tho appearing in Specification B248or B248M.
4.1For definitions of terms related to copper and copper alloys,refer to Terminology B846.
5.Ordering Information
5.1Orders for products should include the following infor-mation:
5.1.1ASTM designation and year of issue,
5.1.2Copper alloy UNS No.designation,
5.1.4Form of material:plate,sheet,strip,or rolled bar, 5.1.5Temper(Section7),
5.1.6Dimensions:thickness,width,and length if appli-cable,
1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B05on Copper
and Copper Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B05.01on Plate,
Sheet,and Strip.
Current edition approved Feb.1,2006.Published February2006.Originally
approved in1920.Last previous edition approved in2001as B36/B36M–01.
2SAE Specifications CA210,CA220,CA230,CA240,CA260,CA268,and
CA272conform to the requirements for Copper Alloy UNS Nos.C21000,C22000,
C23000,C24000,C26000,C26800,and C27200,respectively.
3For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website.
*A Summary of Changes ction appears at the end of this standard. Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.
5.1.7Tolerances (Section 10),
5.1.8How furnished:rolls,stock lengths with or without ends,specific lengths with or without ends (Section 10),5.1.9Type of edge,if required (Section 10),
5.1.10When the product is purchad for agencies of the U.S.Government.
5.2The following options are available and should be specified at the time of placing the order when required:5.2.1Heat identification or traceability details,5.2.2Certification,5.2.3Mill test report,
5.2.4Special tests or exceptions,if any.
5.2.5Supplemental requirements for agencies of the vernment as given in Specifications B 248or B 248M .
6.Chemical Composition
6.1The material shall conform to the chemical composi-tional requirements in Table 1for the copper alloy UNS No.designation specified in the ordering information.
6.2The composition limits do not preclude the prence of other elements.By agreement between the manufacturer and purchar,limits may be established and analysis required for unnamed elements.
6.3Either copper or zinc may be taken as the difference between the sum of all elements analyzed and 100%.When all elements in Table 1are analyzed,the sum of the results shall be as shown in the in the table as follows:
Copper Alloy UNS No.
Copper Plus Named Elements,%min
7.1As Hot-Rolled (M20)—The standard temper of sheet and plate and produced by hot rolling as designated in Table 2or Table 3.
7.2Rolled (H)—The standard tempers of rolled material are as designated in Table 2]or Table 3with the prefix “H”.Former designations and the standard designations as detailed in Classification B 601are shown.
7.3Annealed (OS)—The standard tempers of annealed ma-terial are as designated in Tables 4and 5.Nominal grain size and the standard designations are detailed in Classification B 601are shown.
7.4Annealed-To-Temper (O)—The standard tempers of annealed-to-temper material are as designated in Table 6or Table 7with the prefix “O.”Former designations and the standard designations as detailed in Classification B 601are shown.
幼儿园食谱表7.5Special or nonstandard tempers are subject to negotia-tion between the manufacturer and purchar (e 5.1.5).8.Grain Size
8.1Grain size shall be standard requirement for all products of the annealed (OS)tempers.
8.2Acceptance or rejection bad upon grain size shall depend only on the average grain size of the test specimens and shall be within the limits prescribed in Table 4when deter-mined in accordance with Test Methods E 112.
8.3The average grain size shall be determined on a plane parallel to the surface of the product.
9.Mechanical Properties
9.1Tensile Strength Requirements of Rolled Tempers
9.1.1Product furnished under this specification shall con-form to the tensile strength requirements prescribed in Table 2or Table 3when tested in accordance with Test Methods E 8or E 8M .The test specimens shall be taken so the longitudinal axis of the specimen is parallel to the direction of rolling.9.1.2Acceptance or rejection bad upon mechanical prop-erties shall depend only on tensile strength.
9.2Tensile Strength Requirements of Annealed-to-Temper 9.2.1Product furnished under this specification shall con-form to the tensile strength requirements prescribed in Table 6or Table 7when
tested in accordance with Test Methods E 8or E 8M .The test specimens shall be taken so the longitudinal axis of the specimen is parallel to the direction of rolling.9.2.2Acceptance or rejection bad upon mechanical prop-erties shall depend only on tensile strength.9.3Rockwell Hardness
9.3.1The approximate Rockwell hardness values given in Table 2or Table 3,Table 5,and Table 6or Table 7are for general information and assistance in testing and shall not be ud as a basis for product rejection.
TABLE 1Chemical Requirements
Copper Alloy UNS No.
Zinc C2100094.0to C2200089.0to C2260086.0to C2300084.0to C2400078.5to C2600068.5to C26800A 64.0to C27200B 62.0to C28000C
to 63.0
A Material shall be free from beta constituent when examined at a magnification of 75diameters.
Small amounts of beta constituent,if prent,may interfere in some instances with vere forming or drawing;therefore,suitability for forming or drawing should be established between manufacturer and purchar.C
It is anticipated that this material will contain the beta constituent that may interfere with vere forming or drawing
TABLE2Tensile Strength(inch-pound units)Requirements and Approximate Rockwell Hardness Values for Rolled Temper(H)Product N OTE1—Plate is generally available in only the as hot-rolled(M20)temper.Required properties for other tempers shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchar at the time of placing the order.
李海瑗Rolled Temper Tensile Strength Approximate Rockwell Hardness A Temper Designation B Scale Superficial30-T
Standard Former Min Max
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Copper Alloy UNS No.C21000
H01Quarter hard37472048245234513754 H02Half-hard42524056446046574859 H03Three-quarter-hard46565061536452605462 H04Hard50595764606757625964 H06Extra hard56646470667262666367 H08Spring60686873707564686569 H10Extra spring61696974717665696670
Copper Alloy UNS No.C22000
H01Quarter-hard40502752315634513754 H02Half-hard47575063536650595261 H03Three-quarter-hard52625968627155625864 H04Hard57666572687560656267 H06Extra hard64727277747964686669 H08Spring69777679788167696870 H10Extra spring72807881808368706971
Copper Alloy UNS No.C22600
H01Quarter-hard42522958295839583958 H02Half-hard48585268526854645464 H03Three-quarter-hard53636173617359685968 H04Hard58676777677764706470 H06Extra hard65737481748168736873 H08Spring70787883788371747174 H10Extra spring74828186818673767376
Copper Alloy UNS No.C23000
H01Quarter-hard44543358376242574560 H02Half-hard51615668597156645866 H03Three-quarter-hard57676673697663686570 H04Hard63727278748067716872 H06Extra hard72807883808570747175 H08Spring78868285848774767577 H10Extra spring82908487868975777678先问你自己
Copper Alloy UNS No.C24000
申之以孝悌之义 H01Quarter-hard48583861426542574560 H02Half-hard55655970627356645866 H03Three-quarter-hard61716976727963686570 H04Hard68777682788468726973 H06Extra hard78878387858972757376 H08Spring85938790899275777678 H10Extra spring89978891909376787779
Copper Alloy UNS No.C26000
H01Quarter-hard49594061446543574660 H02Half-hard57676074637756665868 H03Three-quarter-hard64747279758265706772 H04Hard71817984818670737174 H06Extra hard83928589879174767577 H08Spring911008992909376787678 H10Extra spring951049194929577797779
Copper Alloy UNS No.C26800
H01Quarter-hard49594061446543574660 H02Half-hard55655771607454645666 H03Three-quarter-hard62727077738065696771
Rolled Temper Tensile Strength Approximate Rockwell Hardness A
Temper Designation B Scale Superficial30-T
Standard Former Min Max
Over0.028in. Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
H04Hard68787682788468726973 H06Extra-hard79898387858973757476 H08Spring86958790899275777678 H10Extra spring90998891909376787779
Copper Alloy UNS No.C27200
H01Quarter-hard49594061446543574660 H02Half-hard56665774607654675668 H03Three-quarter-hard63737178748164706671 H04Hard70807682788467726873 H06Extra hard81918287858971757276
Copper Alloy UNS No.C28000
H01Quarter-hard50624065457045654570 H02Half-hard58705075528050705075 H03Three-quarter-hard60755580558252785580 H04Hard70856085608755805582 H06Extra hard82956592659060856085
A Rockwell hardness values apply as follows:the
B scale values apply to metal0.020in.and over in thickness,and the30-T scale values apply to metal0.012in.and over in thickness.
TABLE3Tensile Strength(SI units)Requirements and Approximate Rockwell Hardness Values for Rolled Temper(H)Product
N OTE—Plate is generally available in only the as hot-rolled(M20)temper.Required properties for other tempers shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchar at the time of placing the order.
Rolled Temper Tensile Strength,MPa A Approximate Rockwell Hardness B Temper Designation B Scale Superficial30-T
Standard Former Min Max
Over0.70mm Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Copper Alloy UNS No.C21000
H01Quarter hard2553252048245234513754 H02Half-hard2903554056446046574859 H03Three-quarter-hard3153855061536452605462 H04Hard3454055764606757625964 H06Extra hard3854406470667262666367 H08Spring4154706873707564686569 H10Extra spring4204756974717665696670
Copper Alloy UNS No.C22000
H01Quarter-hard2753452752315634513754 H02Half-hard3
253955063536650595261 H03Three-quarter-hard3554255968627155625864 H04Hard3954556572687560656267 H06Extra hard4404957277747964686669 H08Spring4755307679788167696870 H10Extra spring4955507881808368706971
Copper Alloy UNS No.C22600
H01Quarter-hard2903552958295839583958 H02Half-hard3304005268526854645464 H03Three-quarter-hard3654356173617359685968 H04Hard4004606777677764706470 H06Extra hard4505057481748168736873 H08Spring4855407883788371747174 H10Extra spring5105658186818673767376
Rolled Temper Tensile Strength,MPa A Approximate Rockwell Hardness B
Temper Designation B Scale Superficial30-T
Standard Former Min Max
Over0.70mm Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Copper Alloy UNS No.C23000
H01Quarter-hard3053703358376242574560 H02Half-hard3504205668597156645866 H03Three-quarter-hard3954606673697663686570 H04Hard4354957278748067716872 H06Extra hard4955507883808570747175 H08Spring5405958285848774767577 H10Extra spring5656208487
Copper Alloy UNS No.C24000
H01Quarter-hard3304003861426542574560 H02Half-hard3804505970627356645866 H03Three-quarter-hard4204906976727963686570 H04Hard4705307682788468726973 H06Extra hard5406008387858972757376 H08Spring5856408790899275777678 H10Extra spring6156708891909376787779
Copper Alloy UNS No.C26000动漫壁纸电脑
H01Quarter-hard3404054061446543574660 H02Half-hard3954606074637756665868 H03Three-quarter-hard4405107279758265706772 H04Hard4905607984818670737174 H06Extra hard5706358589879174767577 H08Spring6256908992909376787678 H10Extra spring6557159194929577797779
Copper Alloy UNS No.C26800
H01Quarter-hard3404054061446543574660 H02Half-hard3804505771607454645666 H03Three-quarter-hard4254957077738065696771 H04Hard4705407682788468726973 H06Extra-hard5456158387858973757476 H08Spring5956558790899275777678 H10Extra spring6206858891909376787779
Copper Alloy UNS No.C27200
H01Quarter-hard3404054061446543574660 H02Half-hard3854555774607654675668 H03Three-quarter-hard4355057178748164706671 H04Hard4855507682788467726873 H06Extra hard5606258287858971757276
Copper Alloy UNS No.C28000
H01Quarter-hard3454254065457045654570 H02Half-hard4004855075528050705075 H03Three-qu
arter-hard4155155580558252785580 H04Hard4855856085608755805582 H06Extra hard5656556592659060856085
A MPa(Mega Pascals)See Appendix X1.
B Rockwell hardness values apply as follows:the B scale values apply to metal0.50mm and over in thickness,and the30-T scale values apply to metal0.30mm and over in thickness.