安全储备 safety rerve
安全系数 safety factor
安全性 safety
岸边溢洪道 river-bank spillway
岸边绕渗 by-pass epage around bank slope
岸墙 abutment wall
岸塔式进水口 bank-tower intake
坝的上游面坡度 upstream slpoe of dam
坝的下游面 downstream face of dam
坝顶 dam crest
坝顶长度 crest length
坝顶超高 freeboard of dam crest
坝高 dam height
坝顶高程 crest elevation
坝顶宽度 crest width
坝段 monolith
坝基处理 foundation treatment
坝基排水 drain in dam foundation
坝基渗漏 leakage of dam foundation
坝肩 dam abutment
坝壳 dam shell
坝坡 dam slope
坝坡排水 drain on slope
坝体混凝土分区 grade zone of concrete in dam
坝体排水系统 drainage system in dam
坝型选择 lection of dam type
坝址选择 lection of dam site
坝趾 dam toe
坝踵 dam heel
坝轴线 dam axis
王力宏改变自己本构模型 constitutive model
鼻坎 bucket
比尺 scale
比降 gradient
闭门力 closing force
边墩 side pier
边界层 boundary layer
边墙 side wall
边缘应力 boundary stress
变形观测 deformation obrvation
变中心角变半径拱坝 variable angle and radius arch dam
标准贯入试验击数 number of standard penetration test
冰压力 ice pressure
薄壁堰 sharp—crested weir
雍正年妃薄拱坝 thin—arch dam
不均匀沉降裂缝 differential ttlement crack
不平整度 irregularity
材料力学法 method of strength of materials
材料性能分项系数 partial factor for property of material
侧槽溢洪道 side channel spillway
侧轮 side roller
侧收缩系数 coefficient of side contraction
测缝计 joint meter
插入式连接 inrt type connection
差动式鼻坎 differential bucket
掺气 aeration
掺气槽 aeration slot
掺气减蚀 cavitation control by aeration
厂房顶溢流 spill over power hou
沉降 ttlement
沉井基础 sunk shaft foundation
沉沙池 diment basin
沉沙建筑物 dimentary structure
沉沙条渠 dimentary channel
沉陷缝 ttlement joint
沉陷观测 ttlement obrvation
衬砌的边值问题 boundary value problem of lining
衬砌计算 lining calculation
衬砌自重 dead-weight of lining
承载能力 bearing capacity
承载能力极限状态 limit state of bearing capacity
持住力 holding force
齿墙 cut-off wall
冲击波 shock wave
冲沙闸 flush sluice
冲刷坑 scour hole
重现期 return period
抽排措施 pump drainage measure
抽水蓄能电站厂房 pump—storage power hou
出口段 outlet ction
初步设计阶段 preliminary design stage
初参数解法 preliminary parameter solution
初生空化数 incipient cavitation number
初应力法 initial stress method
船闸 navigation lock
垂直升船机 vertical ship lift
纯拱法 independent arch method
次要建筑物 condary structure
刺墙 key-wall
粗粒土 coar-grained soil
错缝 staggered joint
大坝安全评价 asssment of dam safety
大坝安全监控 monitor of dam safety
大坝老化 dam aging
大头坝 massive-head dam
大怎么读单层衬砌 monolayer lining
单级船闸 lift lock
单线船闸 single line lock
挡潮闸 tide sluice
挡水建筑物 retaining structure
导流洞 diversion tunnel
导墙 guide wall
倒虹吸管 inverted siphon
倒悬度 overhang
等半径拱坝 constant radius arch dam
等中心角变半径拱坝 constant angle and variable radius arch dam
底流消能 energy dissipation by hydraulic jump
底缘 bottom edge
地基变形 foundation deformation
地基变形模量 deformation modulus of foundation
地基处理 foundation treatment大雁的寓意与象征
地下厂房 underground power hou
地下厂房变压器洞transformer tunnel of underground power hou
地下厂房出线洞 bus-bar tunnel of underground power hou
地下厂房交通洞 access tunnel of underground power hou
地下厂房通风洞 ventilation tunnel of underground power hou
地下厂房尾水洞 tailwater tunnel of underground power hou
地下轮廓线 under outline of structure
地下水 groundwater
地形条件 topographical condition
地形图比例尺 scale of topographical map
地应力 ground stress
地震 earthquake
地震烈度 earthquake intensity
地质条件 geological condition
垫层 cushion
垫座 plinth
吊耳 lift eye
调度 dispatch
跌坎 drop-step
跌流消能 drop energy dissipation
跌水 drop
迭代法 iteration method
叠梁 stoplog
丁坝 spur dike
定向爆破堆石坝 directed blasting rockfill dam
动强度 dynamic strength