编号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
| ANSI A10.9-1997 | 建筑施工和拆除工作.混凝土和圬工作业 | Construction and Demolition Operations - Concrete and Masonry Work |
| ANSI/ANS 6.4-1997 | 核动力厂的混凝土辐射屏蔽外壳的核分析和设计导则 | Concrete Radiation Shielding for Nuclear Power Plants, Guidelines on the Nuclear Analysis and Design of |
| ANSI/ASAE S261.7-1996 | 非钢筋混凝土灌溉管系统的设计和安装 | Design and Installation of Nonreinforced Concrete Irrigation Pipe Systems |
| ANSI/ASAE S289.2-1998 | 混凝土滑坡渠道衬砌 | Concrete Slip-Form Canal Linings |
| ANSI/ASTM A421/A 421M-1998 | 预应力混凝土用应力消除未涂覆钢丝规范 | Specification for Uncoated Stress-Relieved Steel Wire for Prestresd Concrete |
| ANSI/ASTM A615/A 615M-2001 | 钢筋混凝土用变形及普通钢坯棒规范 | Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement |
| ANSI/ASTM A704-1996 | 混凝土加筋用焊接普通钢棒或钢杆规范 | Specification for Welded Steel Plain Bar or Rod Mats for Concrete Reinforcement |
| ANSI/ASTM D6783-2005 | 聚合物混凝土管规范 | Specification for Polymer Concrete Pipe |
| ANSI/AWS C2.20/C 2.20M-2002 | 钢筋混凝土的热喷涂锌阳极规范 | Specification for Thermal Spraying Zinc Anodes on Steel Reinforced Concrete |
| ANSI/AWWA C300-2004 | 水及其他液体用钢制圆柱形加筋混凝土压力管 | Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel Cylinder Type, for Water and Other Liquids |
| ANSI/AWWA C301-1999 | 水和其他液体用预应力混凝土压力管.钢瓶型 | Prestresd Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel Cylinder Type, for Water and Other Liquids |
| ANSI/AWWA C302-2004 | 非圆柱形钢筋混凝土压力管 | Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Noncylinder Type |
| ANSI/AWWA C303-2002 | 钢筒形条绕的混凝土压力管 | Concrete Pressure Pipe, Bar-Wrapped, Steel Cylinder Type |
| ANSI/AWWA C304-1999 | 预应力混凝土筒体管的设计 | Design of Prestresd Concrete Cylinder Pipe |
| ANSI/AWWA D110-2004 | 线绕式环形预应力混凝土水箱 | Wire-Wound, Circular Prestresd Concrete Water Tanks |
| ANSI/AWWA D115-1995 | 带有环形预应力钢筋的环形预应力混凝土水箱标准 | Standard for Circular Prestresd Concrete Water Tanks with Circumferential Tendons |
| ANSI/UL 60745-2-12-2005 | 手持式电动工具的安全标准.安全.第2-12部分:混凝土振捣器的特殊要求 | Standard for Safety for Hand-held Motor-operated Electric Tools - Safety - Part 2-12: Particular Requirements for Concrete Vibrators |
| ANSI/UL 618-2003 | 混凝土圬工砌筑单元的安全规范 | Standard for Safety for Concrete Masonry Units |
| ASME BPVC Section 3 Division 2 | ASME锅炉和压力容器规程.第3节:核设施元部件制造规则.第2分册.混凝土反应堆容器和外壳标准 | (ASME Boiler & Pressure Vesl Code - Section 3: Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility Components; Division 2; Code for Concrete Reactor Vesls and Containments) |
| ASME N45.2.5-1978 | 核电厂建筑阶段结构混凝土,结构钢,土质和地基的安装,检验以及测试用附加质量保证要求 | (Supplementary quality assurance requirements for installation, inspection, and testing of structural concrete, structural steel, soils, and foundations during the construction pha of nuclear power p) |
| ASTM A 1032-2004 | 预应力混凝土管用冷拉钢丝耐氢脆性的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Hydrogen Embrittlement Resistance for Steel Wire Hard Drawn Ud for Prestressing Concrete Pipe |
| ASTM A 1035/A 1035M-2006 | 混凝土加筋用异型和光面低碳铬钢筋的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain, Low-carbon, Chromium, Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement |
| ASTM A 1044/A 1044M-2005 | 混凝土抗剪钢筋用钢螺柱组件的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Steel Stud Asmblies for Shear Reinforcement of Concrete |
| ASTM A 184/A 184M-2006 | 混凝土加筋用变形钢筋网的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Fabricated Deformed Steel Bar Mats for Concrete Reinforcement |
| ASTM A 421/A 421M-2005 | 预应力混凝土用未涂覆的应力消除钢丝的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Uncoated Stress-Relieved Steel Wire for Prestresd Concrete |
| ASTM A 496/A 496M-2005 | 混凝土加筋用变形钢丝的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Deformed, for Concrete Reinforcement |
| ASTM A 497/A 497M-2006 | 混凝土用焊接变形钢丝加筋的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement, Deformed, for Concrete |
| ASTM A 648a-2004 | 预应力混凝土管用冷拉钢丝的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Hard Drawn for Prestressing Concrete Pipe |
| ASTM A 704/A 704M-2006 | 混凝土加筋用焊接普通钢棒或杆的钢筋网的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Welded Steel Plain Bar or Rod Mats for Concrete Reinforcement |
| ASTM A 767/A 767M-2005 | 混凝土加筋用热浸镀锌钢棒材的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement |
| ASTM A 779/A 779M-2005 | 预应力混凝土用应力消除的压塑未涂覆7股钢绞线的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Steel Strand, Seven-Wire, Uncoated, Compacted, Stress-Relieved for Prestresd Concrete |
| ASTM A 82/A 82Ma-2005 | 混凝土加筋用光面钢丝的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement |
| ASTM A 820/A 820M-2006 | 纤维加筋混凝土用钢纤维的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Steel Fibers for Fiber-Reinforced Concrete |
| ASTM A 821/A 821M-2005 | 预应力混凝土水箱用冷拉钢丝的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Hard Drawn for Prestressing Concrete Tanks |
| ASTM A 864/A 864M-1990 | 预应力混凝土轨枕用变形钢丝 | Steel Wire, Deformed for Prestresd Concrete Railroad Ties |
| ASTM A 881/A 881M-2005 | 预应力混凝土铁路轨枕用应力消除或应力低松弛变形钢丝的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Deformed, Stress-Relieved or Low-Relaxation for Prestresd Concrete Railroad Ties |
| ASTM A 886/A 886M-2005 | 预应力混凝土用应力消除的七股刻痕钢丝绳标准规范 | Standard Specification for Steel Strand, Indented, Seven-Wire Stress-Relieved for Prestresd Concrete |
| ASTM A 910/A 910M-2005 | 预应力混凝土用未涂覆、未焊接的2股和3股钢绞线的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Uncoated, Weldless, 2- and 3-Wire Steel Strand for Prestresd Concrete |
| ASTM A 911/A 911M-2005 | 预应力混凝土轨枕用无涂覆应力消除钢棒的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Uncoated, Stress-Relieved Steel Bars for Prestresd Concrete Ties |
| ASTM A 944-2005 | 用梁端试样比较混凝土和钢筋棒粘结强度的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Comparing Bond Strength of Steel Reinforcing Bars to Concrete Using Beam-End Specimens |
| ASTM A 970/A 970M-2006 | 混凝土钢筋用有头钢棒的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Headed Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement |
| ASTM A 979/A 979M-2003 | 现场安装于波纹钢结构件中的混凝土铺面和衬里的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Concrete Pavements and Linings Installed in Corrugated Steel Structures in the Field |
| ASTM C 1017/C 1017M-2003 | 流动混凝土生产用化学混合物的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for U in Producing Flowing Concrete |
| ASTM C 1037-1985 | 公用事业用地下预制混凝土的检验的标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for Inspection of Underground Precast Concrete Utility Structures |
| ASTM C 1040-2005 | 用核法测定硬化和未硬化混凝土(包括辗实混凝土)实体密度的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Methods for In-Place Density of Unhardened and Hardened Concrete, Including Roller Compacted Concrete, By Nuclear Methods |
| ASTM C 1042-1999 | 使用斜剪切法测定同混凝土一起使用的乳胶粘着强度的测试方法 | Test Method for Bond Strength of Latex Systems Ud with Concrete by Slant Shear |
| ASTM C 1059-1999 | 硬化混凝土保持新鲜用乳胶作用剂 | Latex Agents for Bonding Fresh to Hardened Concrete |
| ASTM C 1064/C 1064M-2005 | 新拌水硬水泥混凝土温度的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Temperature of Freshly Mixed Hydraulic-Cement Concrete |
| ASTM C 1074-2004 | 用老化法评估混凝土强度的标准规程 | Standard Practice for Estimating Concrete Strength by the Maturity Method |
| ASTM C 1078-1987 | 测定新搅拌混凝土中水泥含量的试验方法 | Test Methods for Determining the Cement Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete |
| ASTM C 1079-1987 | 测定新搅拌混凝土中水含量的试验方法 | Test Methods for Determining the Water Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete |
| ASTM C 1084-2002 | 硬化水硬水泥混凝土的硅酸盐水泥含量的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Portland-Cement Content of Hardened Hydraulic-Cement Concrete |
| ASTM C 1103-2003 | 已安装的预制混凝土污水管线的接头验收试验的标准规程 | Standard Practice for Joint Acceptance Testing of Installed Precast Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines |
| ASTM C 1103M-2003 | 已安装的预制混凝土污水管线的接头验收标准规程(米制) | Standard Practice for Joint Acceptance Testing of Installed Precast Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines [Metric] |
| ASTM C 1105-2005 | 由于碱金属碳酸盐矿石反应引起混凝土长度变化的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Length Change of Concrete Due to Alkali-Carbonate Rock Reaction |
| ASTM C 1116-2003 | 纤维增强混凝土及喷浆混凝土的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Fiber-Reinforced Concrete and Shotcrete |
| ASTM C 1131-1995 | 混凝土涵洞,雨水沟,排污沟系统的最低成本(使用周期)的标准规范 | Standard Practice for Least Cost (Life Cycle) Analysis of Concrete Culvert, Storm Sewer, and Sanitary Sewer Systems |
| ASTM C 1138M-2005 | 混凝土耐磨性的标准试验方法(水下法) | Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Concrete (Underwater Method) |
| ASTM C 1152/C 1152M-2004 | 灰浆和混凝土中酸溶性氯化物含量的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Acid-Soluble Chloride in Mortar and Concrete |
| ASTM C 1159-1998 | 耐化学腐蚀、硬性含硫混凝土用含硫高聚物水泥的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Sulfur Polymer Cement and Sulfur Modifier for U in Chemical-Resistant, Rigid Sulfur Concrete |
| ASTM C 1176-2005 | 使用振动台在筒模中制作碾实混凝土的标准实施规范 | Standard Practice for Making Roller-Compacted Concrete in Cylinder Molds Using a Vibrating Table |
| ASTM C 118a-2005 | 灌溉或排水用混凝土管道标准规范 | Standard Specification for Concrete Pipe for Irrigation or Drainage |
| ASTM C 118Ma-2005 | 灌溉或排水用混凝土管道标准规范 | Standard Specification for Concrete Pipe for Irrigation or Drainage [Metric] |
| ASTM C 1202-2005 | 混凝土耐氯离子渗透能力的电指示的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Electrical Indication of Concrete’s Ability to Resist Chloride Ion Penetration |
| ASTM C 1209-2005 | 混凝土圬工单位及相关单位的标准术语 | Standard Terminology of Concrete Masonry Units and Related Units |
| ASTM C 1213-1992 | 与预制混凝土制品相关的术语 | Terminology Relating to Precast Concrete Products |
| ASTM C 1214-2002 | 负压(真空)试验法测定混凝土管下水道的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Concrete Pipe Sewerlines by Negative Air Pressure (Vacuum) Test Method |
| ASTM C 1214M-2002 | 负压(真空)试验法测定混凝土管下水道的标准试验方法(米制) | Standard Test Method for Concrete Pipe Sewerlines by Negative Air Pressure (Vacuum) Test Method [Metric] |
| ASTM C 1218/C 1218M-1999 | 砂浆和混凝土中水溶氯化物的试验方法 | Test Method for Water-Soluble Chloride in Mortar and Concrete |
| ASTM C 1227-2005 | 预制混凝土化粪池标准规范 | Standard Specification for Precast Concrete Septic Tanks |
| ASTM C 1228-1996 | 玻璃纤维增强混凝土的挠性及冲洗试验用试样的制备标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for Preparing Coupons for Flexural and Washout Tests on Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete |
| ASTM C 1229-1994 | 玻璃纤维增强混凝土中玻璃纤维含量测定的标准试验方法(冲洗试验) | Standard Test Method for Determination of Glass Fiber Content in Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) (Wash-Out Test) |
| ASTM C 1230-1996 | 雅思英文玻璃纤维增强混凝土焊接区的拉伸性能试验的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Performing Tension Tests on Glass-Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) Bonding Pads |
| ASTM C 1231/C 1231M-2000 | 测定混凝土筒柱压强用不粘合盖板的使用标准规程 | Standard Practice for U of Unbonded Caps in Determination of Compressive Strength of Hardened Concrete Cylinders |
| ASTM C 1244a-2005 | 回填之前利用负压(真空)试验的混凝土污水管检查孔的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Concrete Sewer Manholes by the Negative Air Pressure (Vacuum) Test Prior to Backfill |
| ASTM C 1244Ma-2005 | 预回填负压(真空)试验法测定混凝土下水道人孔的标准试验方法(米制) | Standard Test Method for Concrete Sewer Manholes by the Negative Air Pressure (Vacuum) Test Prior to Backfill [Metric] |
| ASTM C 1262a-2005 | 制造混凝土砌块和相关混凝土构件的冻融耐久性评价的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Freeze-Thaw Durability of Manufactured Concrete Masonry Units and Related Concrete Units |
| ASTM C 129-2005 | 非承重混凝土圬工单位的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Nonloadbearing Concrete Masonry Units |
| ASTM C 1319-2001 | 混凝土格子铺设装置的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Concrete Grid Paving Units |
| ASTM C 1362-2004 | 新拌水凝水泥混凝土流动性的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Flow of Freshly Mixed Hydraulic Cement Concrete |
| ASTM C 1370-2000 | 用于化学稳定的硫聚合物水泥混凝土和化学稳定的其他聚合物混凝土中的集料化学稳定性测定的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Determining the Chemical Resistance of Aggregates for U in Chemical-Resistant Sulfur Polymer Cement Concrete and Other Chemical-Resistant Polymer Concretes |
| ASTM C 138-2001 | 混凝土的单位重量分析、屈服点及空气含量测定(重量计算)的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Unit Weight, Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete |
| ASTM C 138/C 138Ma-2001 | 混凝土的密度(单位重量)、屈服点及空气含量测定(重量计算)的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete |
| ASTM C 1383-2004 | 用冲击回声法测量P波速度和混凝土板的厚度的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Measuring the P-Wave Speed and the Thickness of Concrete Plates Using the Impact-Echo Method |
| ASTM C 1385/C 1385M-1998 | 喷浆混凝土材料取样的标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for Sampling Materials for Shotcrete |
| ASTM C 1386-1998 | 预制蒸养加气混凝土墙建筑部件的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Precast Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (PAAC) Wall Construction Units |
| ASTM C 139-2005 | 建造截留井和人孔用混凝土圬工单位的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Concrete Masonry Units for Construction of Catch Basins and Manholes |
| ASTM C 1398-1998 | 用吉尔摩水泥稠度试验针实验室测定喷浆混凝土用含添加剂的水硬水泥砂浆凝固时间的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Laboratory Determination of the Time Setting of Hydraulic-Cement Mortars Containing Additives for Shotcrete by the U of Gillmore Needles |
| ASTM C 1399-2004 | 纤维增强混凝土平均剩余强度获取的试验方法 | Test Method for Obtaining Average Residual-Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete |
| ASTM C 1404/C 1404M-1998 | 用直接拉力测量与混凝土一起使用的胶粘系统的粘合强度的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Bond Strength of Adhesive Systems Ud with Concrete as Measured by Direct Tension |
| ASTM C 140a-2005 | 取样和检验混凝土圬工装置和相关装置的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units and Related Units |
| ASTM C 1417-2004 | 直接设计的钢筋混凝土污水管、雨水管和涵管的生产标准规范 | Standard Specification for Manufacture of Reinforced Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe for Direct Design |
| ASTM C 1417M-2004 | 直接设计的钢筋混凝土污水管、雨水管和涵管的生产标准规范(米制) | Standard Specification for Manufacture of Reinforced Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe for Direct Design (Metric) |
| ASTM C 143/C 143Ma-2005 | 水凝水泥混凝土坍落度的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete |
| ASTM C 1436-1999 | 喷浆混凝土用材料的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Materials for Shotcrete |
| ASTM C 1438-1999 | 水硬水泥混凝土和灰浆用乳液和粉末状聚合物改性剂的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Latex and Powder Polymer Modifiers for Hydraulic Cement Concrete and Mortar |
| ASTM C 1439-1999 | 聚合物改性的灰浆和混凝土的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Methods for Polymer-Modified Mortar and Concrete |
| ASTM C 1451-2005 | 测定单一来源混凝土配料匀细度的标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for Determining Uniformity of Ingredients of Concrete From a Single Source |
| ASTM C 1452-2000 | 增强的热压处理过的加气混凝土构件的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Elements |
| ASTM C 1478-2006 | 加筋混凝土暴雨排水沟设施、管道和横向排水沟间的排水沟回弹性连接件的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Storm Drain Resilient Connectors Between Reinforced Concrete Storm Sewer Structures, Pipes, and Laterals |
| ASTM C 1478M-2003 | 加筋混凝土排暴雨污水结构、管道和横向排水沟间的暴雨排水沟弹性连接件标准规范 | Standard Specification for Storm Drain Resilient Connectors Between Reinforced Concrete Storm Sewer Structures, Pipes, and Laterals [Metric] |
| ASTM C 1479-2001 | 使用标准设备安装预制混凝土下水道、暴雨下水道和涵管的标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for Installation of Precast Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe Using Standard Installations |
| ASTM C 1480-2000 | 湿或干的喷浆混凝土用封装的干的预拌的组合材料的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Packaged, Pre-Blended, Dry, Combined Materials for U in Wet or Dry Shotcrete Application |
| ASTM C 1491-2003 | 混凝土屋面铺筑材料的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Concrete Roof Pavers |
| ASTM C 1492-2003 | 混凝土屋面瓦的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Concrete Roof Tile |
| ASTM C 14a-2005 | 无钢筋混凝土下水道、暴雨下水道和涵管的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Nonreinforced Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe |
| ASTM C 14Ma-2005 | 无钢筋的混凝土下水道、暴雨下水道和涵管标准规范(米制) | Standard Specification for Nonreinforced Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe [Metric] |
| ASTM C 1504-2004 | 涵洞和雨水管用预制钢筋混凝土三边结构制造的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Manufacture of Precast Reinforced Concrete Three-Sided Structures for Culverts, Storm Drains |
| ASTM C 1504M-2004 | 涵洞和雨水管用预制钢筋混凝土三边结构制造的标准规范(米制) | Standard Specification for Manufacture of Precast Reinforced Concrete Three-Sided Structures for Culverts, Storm Drains (Metric) |
| ASTM C 1542/C 1542M-2002 | 测量混凝土芯长度的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Measuring Length of Concrete Cores |
| ASTM C 1543-2002 | 利用池塘法测定氯化物渗透到混凝土中的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Determining the Penetration of Chloride Ion into Concrete by Ponding |
| ASTM C 1550-2005 | 纤维增强混凝土挠曲韧性的标准试验方法(利用中心负载圆形板) | Standard Test Method for Flexural Toughness of Fiber Reinforced Concrete (Using Centrally Loaded Round Panel) |
| ASTM C 1552a-2003 | 压缩试验用压盖混凝土圬工单位、相关元件和圬工棱柱的标准规程 | Standard Practice for Capping Concrete Masonry Units, Related Units and Masonry Prisms for Compression Testing |
| ASTM C 1555a-2003 | 高压蒸养加气混凝土砖石工程的标准规程 | Standard Practice for Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Masonry |
| ASTM C 156-2005 | 混凝土养护材料保水性的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Water Retention by Concrete Curing Materials |
| ASTM C 1568-2005 | 混凝土和粘土屋面瓦抗风性标准试验方法(机械提升阻力法) | Standard Test Method for Wind Resistance of Concrete and Clay Roof Tiles (Mechanical Uplift Resistance Method) |
| ASTM C 1569-2003 | 混凝土和粘土屋面瓦抗风性的标准试验方法(风洞法) | Standard Test Method for Wind Resistance of Concrete and Clay Roof Tiles (Wind Tunnel Method) |
| ASTM C 1570-2003 | 混凝土和粘土屋面瓦抗风性的标准试验方法(空气渗透率法) | Standard Test Method for Wind Resistance of Concrete and Clay Roof Tiles(Air Permeability Method) |
| ASTM C 1581-2004 | 测定限制收缩下的灰浆和混凝土断裂老化和诱导拉伸应力特性的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Determining Age at Cracking and Induced Tensile Stress Characteristics of Mortar and Concrete under Restrained Shrinkage |
| ASTM C 1582/C 1582M-2004 | 混凝土中钢筋的氯化感应腐蚀抑制用混合料的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Admixtures to Inhibit Chloride-Induced Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel in Concrete |
| ASTM C 1583-2004 | 使用直接拉伸(拔出法)测定混凝土表面抗张强度和混凝土维修和覆盖材料粘结强度或抗张强度的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Tensile Strength of Concrete Surfaces and the Bond Strength or Tensile Strength of Concrete Repair and Overlay Materials by Direct Tension (Pull-off Method) |
| ASTM C 1585-2004 | 用水硬水泥混凝土测量水吸收率的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Measurement of Rate of Absorption of Water by Hydraulic-Cement Concretes |
| ASTM C 1602/C 1602M-2006 | 水硬水泥混凝土生产用拌和水的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Mixing Water Ud in the Production of Hydraulic Cement Concrete |
| ASTM C 1604/C 1604M-2005 | 获取和检测喷浆混凝土钻芯的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores of Shotcrete |
| ASTM C 1609/C 1609M-2005 | 纤维增强混凝土的弯曲性能的标准试验方法(用支梁三点载荷法) | Standard Test Method for Flexural Performance of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (Using Beam With Third-Point Loading) |
| ASTM C 1611/C 1611M-2005 | 自动固结混凝土流动性的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Slump Flow of Self-Consolidating Concrete |
| ASTM C 1618-2005 | 使用负气压(真空)或正气压的混凝土排污管的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Concrete Sanitary Sewer Pipe by Negative (Vacuum) or Positive Air Pressure |
| ASTM C 1618M-2005 | 使用负气压(真空)和正气压的混凝土排污管的标准试验方法(米制) | Standard Test Method for Concrete Sanitary Sewer Pipe by Negative (Vacuum) or Positive Air Pressure [Metric] |
| ASTM C 1619-2005 | 混凝土结构连接用弹性密封件的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Elastomeric Seals for Joining Concrete Structures |
| ASTM C 1623-2005 | 混凝土圬工横楣成品的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Manufactured Concrete Masonry Lintels |
| ASTM C 171-2003 | 养护混凝土用薄板材标准规范 | Standard Specification for Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete |
| ASTM C 172-2004 | 新搅拌混凝土取样的标准操作规程 | Standard Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete |
| ASTM C 173/C 173M-2001 | 用容量分析法测定新浇混合混凝土中空气含量的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method |
| ASTM C 174/C 174M-2006 | 用混凝土钻心估测混凝土元件厚度的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Measuring Thickness of Concrete Elements Using Drilled Concrete Cores |
| ASTM C 215-2002 | 混凝土试样的基本横向、纵向和扭转振动频率的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Fundamental Transver, Longitudinal, and Torsional Frequencies of Concrete Specimens |
| ASTM C 231-2004 | 用压力法测定新搅拌混凝土中空气含量的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method |
| ASTM C 232-2004 | 混凝土泌水现象的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Methods for Bleeding of Concrete |
| ASTM C 233-2004 | 混凝土引气剂的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete |
| ASTM C 267-1997 | 灰浆、薄浆、整块铺面石料和聚脂混凝土耐化学侵蚀性的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Methods for Chemical Resistance of Mortars, Grouts, and Monolithic Surfacings and Polymer Concretes |
| ASTM C 293-2002 | 混凝土抗弯强度的标准测试方法(用中心点荷载简支梁法) | Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam With Center-Point Loading) |
| ASTM C 294-2005 | 混凝土集料成分的标准描述性术语 | Standard Descriptive Nomenclature for Constituents of Concrete Aggregates |
| ASTM C 295-2003 | 混凝土用集料的岩相检验标准指南 | Standard Guide for Petrographic Examination of Aggregates for Concrete |
| ASTM C 311-2005 | 硅酸盐水泥混凝土中使用的飞灰或天然火山灰的取样和试验用标准试验方法 | Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Fly Ash or Natural Pozzolans for U in Portland-Cement Concrete |
| ASTM C 317/C 317M-2000 | 石膏混凝土标准规范 | Standard Specification for Gypsum Concrete |
| ASTM C 33-2003 | 混凝土集料标准规范 | Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates |
| ASTM C 330-2005 | 结构混凝土用轻质集料的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete |
| ASTM C 331-2005 | 混凝土圬工装置用轻质集料的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Lightweight Aggregates for Concrete Masonry Units |
| ASTM C 332-1999 | 隔热混凝土用轻质集料标准规范 | Standard Specification for Lightweight Aggregates for Insulating Concrete |
| ASTM C 360-1992 | 新浇水硬性水泥混凝土中球体贯入的试验方法 | Test Method for Ball Penetration in Freshly Mixed Hydraulic Cement Concrete |
| ASTM C 361-2005 | 钢筋混凝土低水头压力管标准规范 | Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Low-Head Pressure Pipe |
| ASTM C 361M-2005 | 钢筋混凝土低水头压力管的标准规范(米制) | Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Low-Head Pressure Pipe [Metric] |
| ASTM C 39/C 39M-2005 | 圆柱形混凝土试样的抗压强度的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens |
| ASTM C 40-2004 | 混凝土用细集料中有机杂质含量的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregates for Concrete |
| ASTM C 403/C 403M-2005 | 由抗穿透性测定混凝土混合料凝固时间的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Time of Setting of Concrete Mixtures by Penetration Resistance |
| ASTM C 412a-2005 | 混凝土排水瓦管的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Concrete Drain Tile |
| ASTM C 412Ma-2005 | 混凝土排水瓦管的标准规范(米制) | Standard Specification for Concrete Drain Tile [Metric] |
| ASTM C 413-2001 | 耐化学侵蚀的灰浆、薄浆、整块铺面石料和聚酯混凝土吸收性的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Absorption of Chemical-Resistant Mortars, Grouts, and Monolithic Surfacings and Polymer Concretes |
| ASTM C 418-2005 | 用喷砂法测定混凝土抗磨性的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Concrete by Sandblasting |
| ASTM C 42/C 42M-2004 | 获取和测试有孔混凝土和锯切成的混凝土梁的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete |
| ASTM C 426-2005 | 混凝土砌块线性干燥收缩度的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Linear Drying Shrinkage of Concrete Masonry Units |
| ASTM C 441-2005 | 在防止因碱硅石集料反应引起混凝土过度膨胀中火山灰或磨碎高炉渣效能的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Effectiveness of Pozzolans or Ground Blast-Furnace Slag in Preventing Excessive Expansion of Concrete Due to the Alkali-Silica Reaction |
| ASTM C 443a-2005 | 使用橡胶垫圈的混凝土管和人孔用连接件的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Joints for Concrete Pipe and Manholes, Using Rubber Gaskets |
| ASTM C 443Ma-2005 | 使用橡胶垫圈的混凝土管和人孔用连接件的标准规范(米制) | Standard Specification for Joints for Concrete Pipe and Manholes, Using Rubber Gaskets [Metric] |
| ASTM C 444-2003 | 多孔混凝土管标准规范 | Standard Specification for Perforated Concrete Pipe |
| ASTM C 444M-2003 | 多孔混凝土管(米制)标准规范 | Standard Specification for Perforated Concrete Pipe [Metric] |
| ASTM C 457-2006 | 显微法测定硬化混凝土中孔隙系统参数的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Microscopical Determination of Parameters of the Air-Void System in Hardened Concrete |
| ASTM C 469-2002 | 混凝土在压缩中静态弹性模量及泊松比的标准测试方法 | Standard Test Method for Static Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson’s Ratio of Concrete in Compression |
| ASTM C 470/C 470Ma-2002 | 混凝土试验用垂直圆柱体铸模标准规范 | Standard Specification for Molds for Forming Concrete Test Cylinders Vertically |
| ASTM C 472-1999 | 石膏、石膏灰泥和石膏混凝土的标准物理试验方法 | Standard Test Methods for Physical Testing of Gypsum, Gypsum Plasters and Gypsum Concrete |
| ASTM C 490-2004 | 水凝水泥浆、灰泥和混凝土长度变化测量仪器使用的标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for U of Apparatus for the Determination of Length Change of Hardened Cement Paste, Mortar, and Concrete |
| ASTM C 494-1999 | 混凝土用化学添加剂 | Chemical Admixtures for Concrete |
| ASTM C 494/C 494Ma-2005 | 混凝土用化学混合物的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete |
| ASTM C 495a-1999 | 轻质隔热混凝土抗压强度的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Lightweight Insulating Concrete |
| ASTM C 496/C 496M-2004 | 圆柱形混凝土试样的分裂拉伸强度的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens |
| ASTM C 497-2005 | 混凝土管、人孔构件或瓦管的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Methods for Concrete Pipe, Manhole Sections, or Tile |
| ASTM C 497M-2005 | 混凝土管、人孔构件或瓦管的标准试验方法(米制) | Standard Test Methods for Concrete Pipe, Manhole Sections, or Tile [Metric] |
| ASTM C 505a-2005 | 带橡胶垫圈接头的无钢筋混凝土灌溉水管的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Nonreinforced Concrete Irrigation Pipe with Rubber Gasket Joints |
| ASTM C 505Ma-2005 | 带橡胶垫圈接头的无钢筋混凝土灌溉水管标准规范(米制) | Standard Specification for Nonreinforced Concrete Irrigation Pipe With Rubber Gasket Joints [Metric] |
| ASTM C 506a-2005 | 钢筋混凝土制拱形排水管、雨水管和污水管的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe |
| ASTM C 506Ma-2005 | 钢筋混凝土制拱形排水管、雨水管和污水管的标准规范(米制) | Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe [Metric] |
| ASTM C 507a-2005 | 钢筋混凝土制椭圆形排水管、雨水管和污水管的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe |
| ASTM C 507Mb-2005 | 钢筋混凝土制椭圆形排水管、雨水管和污水管的标准规范(米制) | Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe [Metric] |
| ASTM C 511-2005 | 水硬水泥和混凝土试验用搅拌室、湿气箱、湿气室和水贮存罐标准规范 | Standard Specification for Mixing Rooms, Moist Cabinets, Moist Rooms, and Water Storage Tanks Ud in the Testing of Hydraulic Cements and Concretes |
| ASTM C 512-2002 | 压缩过程中混凝土蠕变的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Creep of Concrete in Compression |
| ASTM C 531-2000 | 耐化学腐蚀的灰浆、薄浆、整体面层和聚合物混凝土的热膨胀系数和线收缩性的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Linear Shrinkage and Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Chemical-Resistant Mortars, Grouts, Monolithic Surfacings, and Polymer Concretes |
| ASTM C 55-2003 | 混凝土砖标准规范 | Standard Specification for Concrete Brick |
| ASTM C 567a-2005 | 测定建筑轻质混凝土密度的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Determining Density of Structural Lightweight Concrete |
| ASTM C 579-1996 | 耐化学腐蚀的灰浆、薄浆及整体面层和聚脂混凝土的抗压强度的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Methods for Compressive Strength of Chemical-Resistant Mortars, Grouts, Monolithic Surfacings and Polymer Concretes |
| ASTM C 580-2002 | 耐化学侵蚀的灰浆、簿浆及整体面层和聚脂混凝土的挠性强度和弹性模数的标准测试方法 | Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength and Modulus of Elasticity of Chemical-Resistant Mortars, Grouts, Monolithic Surfacings, and Polymer Concretes |
| ASTM C 586-2005 | 用作混凝土集料的碳酸盐岩石潜在碱活性的标准试验方法(岩石柱法) | Standard Test Method for Potential Alkali Reactivity of Carbonate Rocks as Concrete Aggregates (Rock-Cylinder Method) |
| ASTM C 597-2002 | 对通过混凝土的脉冲速度的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Pul Velocity Through Concrete |
| ASTM C 617-1998 | 压顶圆柱型混凝土试样标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for Capping Cylindrical Concrete Specimens |
| ASTM C 618-2005 | 混凝土中使用的煤飞灰和未处理的或煅烧的天然火山灰的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for U in Concrete |
| ASTM C 637a-1998 | 防辐射混凝土用集料的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Aggregates for Radiation-Shielding Concrete |
| ASTM C 638-1992 | 防辐射混凝土集料组分的标准描述命名法 | Standard Descriptive Nonmenclature of Constituents of Aggregates for Radiation-Shielding Concrete |
| ASTM C 641-1998 | 轻质混凝土集料中着色材料的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Staining Materials in Lightweight Concrete Aggregates |
| ASTM C 654a-2005 | 多孔混凝土管标准规范 | Standard Specification for Porous Concrete Pipe |
| ASTM C 654Ma-2005 | 多孔混凝土管标准规范(米制) | Standard Specification for Porous Concrete Pipe [Metric] |
| ASTM C 655-2004 | 钢筋混凝土D型承重涵管、雨水管和污水管的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe |
| ASTM C 655M-2004 | 钢筋混凝土D型承重涵管、雨水管和污水管的标准规范(米制) | Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe [Metric] |
| ASTM C 666/C 666M-2003 | 混凝土耐快速冻融的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Resistance of Concrete to Rapid Freezing and Thawing |
| ASTM C 672/C 672M-2003 | 暴露于防冻化学药品的混凝土表面抗蚀刻性的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Scaling Resistance of Concrete Surfaces Expod to Deicing Chemicals |
| ASTM C 684-1999 | 混凝土压力试样的制作、快速养护和测试的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Making, Accelerated Curing, and Testing Concrete Compression Test Specimens |
| ASTM C 685/C 685M-2001 | 容积式分批制和连续混合制混凝土标准规范 | Standard Specification for Concrete Made By Volumetric Batching and Continuous Mixing |
| 鸭边腿 ASTM C 744-2005 | 预制混凝土及硅酸钙砌块的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Prefaced Concrete and Calcium Silicate Masonry Units |
| ASTM C 76b-2005 | 钢筋混凝土制下水道、雨水管和物水管的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe |
| 弦国ASTM C 76Mb-2005 | 钢筋混凝土制涵管、雨水管和污水管的标准规范(米制) | Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe [Metric] |
| ASTM C 779/C 779M-2005 | 混凝土水平面耐磨性的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Horizontal Concrete Surfaces |
| ASTM C 78-2002 | 混凝土抗弯强度的标准测试方法(用三点荷载简支梁法) | Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Third-Point Loading) |
| ASTM C 780-2006 | 普通及钢筋混凝土砌块用灰浆的预施工及施工评定标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Preconstruction and Construction Evaluation of Mortars for Plain and Reinforced Unit Masonry |
| ASTM C 796-2004 | 使用预制发泡材料生产泡沫混凝土用发泡剂的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Foaming Agents for U in Producing Cellular Concrete Using Preformed Foam |
桂花树作文 | ASTM C 805-2002 | 硬化混凝土的回弹指数的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Rebound Number of Hardened Concrete |
| ASTM C 811-1998 | 耐化学侵蚀的树脂整体面层用混凝土表面制备的标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for Surface Preparation of Concrete for Application of Chemical-Resistant Resin Monolithic Surfacings |
| ASTM C 822-2006 | 混凝土管道和相关产品的标准术语 | Standard Termninology Relating to Concrete Pipe and Related Products |
| ASTM C 823-2000 | 建筑用硬化混凝土检测和取样的标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for Examination and Sampling of Hardened Concrete in Constructions |
| ASTM C 825-2006 | 预制混凝土栅栏的标准实施规范 | Standard Specification for Precast Concrete Barriers |
| ASTM C 856-2004 | 硬化混凝土的岩相检查的标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for Petrographic Examination of Hardened Concrete |
| ASTM C 857-1995 | 地下预制混凝土公用设施的最低结构设计负荷的标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for Minimum Structural Design Loading for Underground Precast Concrete Utility Structures |
| ASTM C 858-1983 | 地下预制混凝土公用设施的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Underground Precast Concrete Utility Structures |
| ASTM C 862-2002 | 浇铸法制备耐火混凝土样件的标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for Preparing Refractory Concrete Specimens by Casting |
| ASTM C 865-2002 | 耐火混凝土样件燃烧试验的标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for Firing Refractory Concrete Specimens |
| ASTM C 869-1991 | 泡沫混凝土用生产预制泡沫材料用发泡剂 | Foaming Agents Ud in Making Preformed Foam for Cellular Concrete |
| ASTM C 873-2004 | 在圆柱模型中现场浇注混凝土圆柱体的抗压强度标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Concrete Cylinders Cast in Place in Cylindrical Molds |
| ASTM C 876-1991 | 混凝土中未涂覆的预应力钢筋的半电池电势的试验方法 | Test Method for Half-Cell Potentials of Uncoated Reinforcing Steel in Concrete |
| ASTM C 877-2001 | 混凝土管、人孔和预制箱形截面用外部密封带的标准规范 | Standard Specification for External Sealing Bands for Concrete Pipe, Manholes, and Precast Box Sections |
| ASTM C 877M-2001 | 混凝土管、人孔和预制箱形截面用外部密封带的标准规范(米制) | Standard Specification for External Sealing Bands for Concrete Pipe, Manholes, and Precast Box Sections [Metric] |
| ASTM C 878/C 878M-2003 | 收缩补偿混凝土的约束膨胀性的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Restrained Expansion of Shrinkage-Compensating Concrete |
| ASTM C 881/C 881M-2002 | 混凝土用环氧树脂基胶粘系统的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Epoxy-Resin-Ba Bonding Systems for Concrete |
| ASTM C 882-2005 | 斜切法测定混凝土用环氧树脂粘结剂的粘结强度的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Bond Strength of Epoxy-Resin Systems Ud With Concrete By Slant Shear |
| ASTM C 883-1989 | 混凝土用环氧树脂有效收缩性的试验方法 | Test Method for Effective Shrinkage of Epoxy-Resin Systems Ud with Concrete |
| ASTM C 884/C 884M-1998 | 混凝土和环氧树脂涂层间热容性的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Thermal Compatibility Between Concrete and an Epoxy-Resin Overlay |
| ASTM C 890-2006 | 用于设计最小负荷结构的整体或分段预制混凝土贮水和废水管道的标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for Minimum Structural Design Loading for Monolithic or Sectional Precast Concrete Water and Wastewater Structures |
| ASTM C 891-1990 | 地下预制混凝土公用设施装配 | Installation of Underground Precast Concrete Utility Structures |
| ASTM C 900-2001 | 硬化混凝土拔出强度的标准测试方法 | Standard Test Method for Pullout Strength of Hardened Concrete |
| ASTM C 903-1998 | 用冷喷射法制作耐火混凝土样品的标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for Preparing Refractory Castable Specimens by Cold Gunning |
| ASTM C 905-2001 | 耐化学的灰浆、薄浆、整体面层和聚酯混凝土表观密度的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Methods for Apparent Density of Chemical-Resistant Mortars, Grouts, Monolithic Surfacings, and Polymer Concretes |
| ASTM C 913-2002 | 水和污水结构用预制混凝土标准规范 | Standard Specification for Precast Concrete Water and Wastewater Structures |
| ASTM C 915-1979 | 预制钢筋混凝土框架墙构件 | Standard Specification for Precast Reinforced Concrete Crib Wall Members |
| ASTM C 923-2002 | 钢筋混凝土制检查孔、污水管和横向排水沟间弹性接头的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Resilient Connectors Between Reinforced Concrete Manhole Structures, Pipes and Laterals |
| ASTM C 923M-2002 | 钢筋混凝土制检查孔、污水管和横向排水沟间弹性接头的标准规范(米制) | Standard Specification for Resilient Connectors Between Reinforced Concrete Manhole Structures, Pipes, and Laterals [Metric] |
| ASTM C 924-2002 | 低压空气试验法测试混凝土污水管道的标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for Testing Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines by Low-Pressure Air Test Method |
| ASTM C 924M-2002 | 企业执行力培训低压空气试验法测试混凝土污水管道标准实施规程(米制) | 指甲出现白点Standard Practice for Testing Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines by Low-Pressure Air Test Method (Metric) |
| ASTM C 928-2005 | 混凝土修补用包装的、干的、快凝粘结料标准规范 | Standard Specification for Packaged, Dry, Rapid-Hardening Cementitious Materials for Concrete Repairs |
| ASTM C 935-1980 | 预应力混凝土静力铸造杆材 | Prestresd Concrete Poles Statically Cast |
| ASTM C 936-1996 | 铺路用实心混凝土内嵌单元的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Solid Concrete Interlocking Paving Units |
| ASTM C 937-2002 | 预置集料混凝土的灌浆流动机械的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Grout Fluidifier for Preplaced-Aggregate Concrete |
| ASTM C 938-2002 | 预置集料混凝土的灌浆混合物的配比的实施规范 | Standard Practice for Proportioning Grout Mixtures for Preplaced-Aggregate Concrete |
| ASTM C 939-2002 | 预置集料混凝土流浆的标准试验方法(流动锥法) | Standard Test Method for Flow of Grout for Preplaced-Aggregate Concrete (Flow Cone Method) |
| ASTM C 940a-1998 | 在实验室内测定预置集料混凝土用新混合灌浆料膨胀性和泌浆性的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Expansion and Bleeding of Freshly Mixed Grouts for Preplaced-Aggregate Concrete in the Laboratory |
| ASTM C 941-2002 | 在实验室内进行预置集料混凝土灌浆混合料保水性试验的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Water Retentivity of Grout Mixtures for Preplaced-Aggregate Concrete in the Laboratory |
| ASTM C 942-1999 | 在实验室内测定预置集料混凝土的压缩强度的试验方法 | Test Method for Compressive Strength of Grouts for Preplaced-Aggregate Concrete in the Laboratory |
| ASTM C 943-2002 | 在实验室内进行预置集料混凝土的密度和强度试验用圆柱体和棱柱体制作试验的标准规范 | Standard Practice for Making Test Cylinders and Prisms for Determining Strength and Density of Preplaced-Aggregate Concrete in the Laboratory |
| ASTM C 944-1999 | 用旋转切割机法对混凝土或砂浆表面耐磨性的试验方法 | Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Concrete or Mortar Surfaces by the Rotating-Cutter Method |
| ASTM C 947-2003 | 薄剖面玻璃纤维增强混凝土挠曲特性的试验方法(使用1/3跨度点荷载的简支梁) | Standard Test Method for Flexural Properties of Thin-Section Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (Using Simple Beam With Third-Point Loading) |
| ASTM C 948-1981 | 玻璃纤维增强混凝土薄片的干和湿体密度、吸水率和表观孔隙率的试验方法 | Test Method for Dry and Wet Bulk Density, Water Absorption and Apparent Porosity of Thin Sections of Glass-Fiber Reinforced Concrete |
| ASTM C 953-2006 | 实验室内测定预置集料混凝土的灌浆料凝固时间的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Time of Setting of Grouts for Preplaced-Aggregate Concrete in the Laboratory |
| ASTM C 956-2004 | 现场浇注的增强石膏混凝土构件安装的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Installation of Cast-In-Place Reinforced Gypsum Concrete |
| ASTM C 969-2002 | 安装的预制混凝土污水管道的表面渗入和渗出的验收检验的标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for Infiltration and Exfiltration Acceptance Testing of Installed Precast Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines |
| ASTM C 969M-2002 | 安装的预制混凝土污水管道的表面渗入和渗出的验收检验的标准实施规程(米制) | Standard Practice for Infiltration and Exfiltration Acceptance Testing of Installed Precast Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines [Metric] |
| ASTM C 979-2005 | 整体上彩混凝土用颜料的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Pigments for Integrally Colored Concrete |
| ASTM C 985-2004 | 规定强度的无钢筋混凝土涵管、雨水管和污水管的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Nonreinforced Concrete Specified Strength Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe |
| ASTM C 985M-2004 | 规定强度的无钢筋混凝土涵管、雨水管和污水管(米制)的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Nonreinforced Concrete Specified Strength Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe [Metric] |
小虾 | ASTM C 990a-2003 | 使用预制挠性接缝密封胶的混凝土管道、人孔和预制箱形件的接缝的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Joints for Concrete Pipe, Manholes, and Precast Box Sections Using Preformed Flexible Joint Sealants |
| ASTM C 990Ma-2003 | 使用预制挠性接缝密封胶的混凝土管道、人孔和预制箱形件的接缝的标准规范(米制) | Standard Specification for Joints for Concrete Pipe, Manholes, and Precast Box Sections Using Preformed Flexible Joint Sealants [Metric] |
| ASTM C 995-1994 | 通过翻转的坍落度筒测定纤维增强混凝土流动时间的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Time of Flow of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Through Inverted Slump Cone |
| ASTM C924M-1989 | 用低压空气试验法测试混凝土污水管的标准规程 | Standard Practice for Testing Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines by Low-Pressure Air Test Method (Metric) |
| ASTM D 1751-2004 | 混凝土铺面和结构建筑用预制伸缩缝填料的标准规范(非挤压和弹性沥青型) | Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types) |
| ASTM D 1752a-2004 | 混凝土铺面和结构建筑用预制微孔橡胶软木和可回收的PVC膨胀接缝填料的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Preformed Sponge Rubber Cork and Recycled PVC Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction |
| ASTM D 1854-2002 | 热浇注弹性型抗喷气燃料的混凝土接缝密封料的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Jet-Fuel-Resistant Concrete Joint Sealer, Hot-Applied Elastic Type |
| ASTM D 1985-2003 | 接缝和裂纹粘合用密封胶测试用混凝土块制备的标准实施规范 | Standard Practice for Preparing Concrete Blocks for Testing Sealants, for Joints and Cracks |
| ASTM D 2628-1991 | 混凝土路面用预制聚氯丁弹性接缝密封胶的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Preformed Polychloroprene Elastomeric Joint Seals for Concrete Pavements |
| ASTM D 2835-1989 | 混凝土铺面用预制压缩密封物安装用润滑剂的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Lubricant for Installation of Preformed Compression Seals in Concrete Pavements |
| ASTM D 2950-2005 | 用核技术现场测定沥青混凝土密度的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Density of Bituminous Concrete in Place by Nuclear Methods |
| ASTM D 3141-2004 | 底部填封硅酸盐水泥混凝土路面用地沥青标准规范 | Standard Specification for Asphalt for Underaling Portland-Cement Concrete Pavements |
| ASTM D 3406-1995 | 硅酸盐水泥混凝土路面用弹性体型热处理的接缝密封胶标准规范 | Standard Specification for Joint Sealant, Hot-Applied, Elastomeric-Type, for Portland Cement Concrete Pavements |
| ASTM D 3569-1995 | 硅酸盐水泥混凝土路面用抗喷气燃料的弹性型热浇填缝密封料 | Standard Specification for Joint Sealant, Hot-Applied, Elastomeric, Jet-Fuel-Resistant-Type for Portland Cement Concrete Pavements |
| ASTM D 3581-2002 | 硅酸盐水泥混凝土和焦油混凝土路面用抗喷气燃料型热浇填缝密封料标准规范 | Standard Specification for Joint Sealant, Hot-Applied, Jet-Fuel-Resistant Type, for Portland Cement Concrete and Tar-Concrete Pavements |
| 素拓部 ASTM D 4071-1984 | 硅酸盐水泥混凝土桥面防水膜的使用规程 | U of Portland Cement Concrete Bridge Deck Water Barrier Membrane Systems |
| ASTM D 4227-2005 | 混凝土表面涂层涂刷油漆工的资格评定的标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for Qualification of Coating Applicators for Application of Coatings to Concrete Surfaces |
| ASTM D 4258-2005 | 覆层用表面清洁混凝土的标准规程 | Standard Practice for Surface Cleaning Concrete for Coating |
| ASTM D 4259-1988 | 混凝土的磨蚀 | Abrading Concrete |
| ASTM D 4260-2005 | 混凝土液态和加胶酸浸蚀的标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for Liquid and Gelled Acid Etching of Concrete |
| ASTM D 4261-2005 | 混凝土预制件涂覆前表面清洁处理的标准实施规范 | Standard Practice for Surface Cleaning Concrete Unit Masonry for Coating |
| ASTM D 4262-2005 | 化学清洗或侵蚀混凝土表面pH值的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for pH of Chemically Cleaned or Etched Concrete Surfaces |
| ASTM D 4263-1983 | 塑料薄板法标示混凝土湿度的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Indicating Moisture in Concrete by the Plastic Sheet Method |
| ASTM D 4580-2003 | 用测声法测量混凝土桥面分层剥离性的标准实施规范 | Standard Practice for Measuring Delaminations in Concrete Bridge Decks by Sounding |
| ASTM D 4787-1993 | 对混凝土底层使用的液体或薄板衬垫的连续验正 | Continuity Verification of Liquid or Sheet Linings Applied to Concrete Substrates |
| ASTM D 4867/D 4867M-2004 | 潮湿对沥青混凝土铺面混合料影响的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Effect of Moisture on Asphalt Concrete Paving Mixtures |
| ASTM D 5078-1995 | 沥青混凝土和普通水泥凝固敷设路面用加热粉碎填充料的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Crack Filler, Hot-Applied, for Asphalt Concrete and Portland Cement Concrete Pavements |
| ASTM D 5249-1995 | 硅酸盐水泥混凝土和地沥青接头加热和制冷接缝密封胶衬垫材料的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Backer Material for U with Cold- and Hot-Applied Joint Sealants in Portland-Cement Concrete and Asphalt Joints |
| ASTM D 5295-2000 | 用水密材料粘结薄膜制备混凝土表面的标准指南 | Standard Guide for Preparation of Concrete Surfaces for Adhered (Bonded) Membrane Waterproofing Systems |
| ASTM D 5329-2004 | 沥青及硅酸盐水泥混凝土路面上接缝与裂纹用热铺密封料和填充料的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Methods for Sealants and Fillers, Hot-Applied, for Joints and Cracks in Asphaltic and Portland Cement Concrete Pavements |
| ASTM D 545-1999 | 混凝土结构用预制膨胀接缝填料的试验方法(非挤压和弹性型) | Test Methods for Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Types) |
| ASTM D 5893-2004 | 硅酸盐水泥混凝土路面用冷铺的单一成分、化学固化硅酮接缝密封剂的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Cold Applied, Single Component, Chemically Curing Silicone Joint Sealant for Portland Cement Concrete Pavements |
| ASTM D 5982-2002 | 新鲜混制的土壤-混凝土的混凝土含量测定的标准试验方法(中热法) | Standard Test Method for Determining Cement Content of Fresh Soil-Cement (Heat of Neutralization Method) |
| ASTM D 6087-2005 | 使用地面穿透雷达评价沥青覆盖混凝土船桥甲板的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Evaluating Asphalt-Covered Concrete Bridge Decks Using Ground Penetrating Radar |
| ASTM D 6237-2003 | 涂漆检查员用标准指南(混凝土和砖石基质) | Standard Guide for Painting Inspectors (Concrete and Masonry Substrates) |
| ASTM D 6449-1999 | 织物成形混凝土用细集料混凝土流量的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Flow of Fine Aggregate Concrete for Fabric Formed Concrete (Flow Cone Method) |
| ASTM D 6489-1999 | 防水涂料处理过的硬化混凝土的吸水性测定的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Determining the Water Absorption of Hardened Concrete Treated With a Water Repellent Coating |
| ASTM D 6638-2001 | 土工合成加筋和分段式混凝土构件间的连接强度的测定的标准试验方法(模数化混凝土块) | Standard Test Method for Determining Connection Strength Between Geosynthetic Reinforcement and Segmental Concrete Units (Modular Concrete Blocks) |
| ASTM D 6684-2004 | 活节混凝土块(ACB)铺面系统的材料和生产标准规范 | Standard Specification for Materials and Manufacture of Articulating Concrete Block (ACB) Revetment Systems |
| ASTM D 6685-2001 | 纤维制混凝土用织物的试验方法的选择的标准指南 | Standard Guide for the Selection of Test Methods for Fabrics Ud for Fabric Formed Concrete |
| ASTM D 6690-2006 | 沥青铺路和混凝土热应用连接和裂纹密封剂的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Joint and Crack Sealants, Hot Applied, for Concrete and Asphalt Pavements |
| ASTM D 6760-2002 | 用超声波孔间试验测试混凝土深地基完整性的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Integrity Testing of Concrete Deep Foundations by Ultrasonic Crosshole Testing |
| ASTM D 6783-2005 | 聚合物混凝土管的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Polymer Concrete Pipe |
| ASTM D 6884-2003 | 活节混凝土块护坡系统安装的标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for Installation of Articulating Concrete Block (ACB) Revetment Systems |
| ASTM D 7116-2005 | 硅酸盐水泥混凝土铺面用抗喷射燃料的热浇接缝密胶的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Joint Sealants, Hot Applied, Jet Fuel Resistant Types, for Portland Cement Concrete Pavements |
| ASTM D 7174-2005 | 混凝土面层和结构建造用预制闭孔聚烯烃伸缩接头填充料的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Preformed Clod-Cell Polyolefin Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction |
| ASTM D 7234-2005 | 用便携脱开式粘附力测定仪测定混凝土覆层脱粘强度的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Adhesion Strength of Coatings on Concrete Using Portable Pull-Off Adhesion Testers |
| ASTM D 994-1998 | 混凝土用预制膨胀接缝填充料(沥青型)的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete (Bituminous Type) |
| ASTM E 154-1999 | 混凝土板、墙或土壤覆层的与地面接触的水气隔层的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Retarders Ud in Contact with Earth Under Concrete Slabs, on Walls, or as Ground Cover |
| ASTM E 1643-1998 | 与混凝土板下土壤或粒状填料接触用水蒸汽阻滞剂的安放标准实施规范 | Standard Practice for Installation of Water Vapor Retarders Ud in Contact with Earth or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs |
| ASTM E 1745-1997 | 混凝土板下土壤或粒状填料接触的水蒸气缓凝剂用标准规范 | Standard Specification for Water Vapor Retarders Ud in Contact with Soil or Granular Fill under Concrete Slabs |
| ASTM E 1857-1997 | 砂浆、混凝土和拉毛粉刷面清洁技术选择的标准指南 | Standard Guide for Selection of Cleaning Techniques for Masonry, Concrete, and Stucco Surfaces |
| ASTM E 1993-1998 | 与混凝土板下土壤或粒状填料接触用沥青水蒸汽阻滞剂的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Bituminous Water Vapor Retarders Ud in Contact with Soil or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs |
| ASTM E 2179-2003 | 地板覆盖物在降低穿过混凝土地面传播的碰撞声音效果的实验室测量的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of the Effectiveness of Floor Coverings in Reducing Impact Sound Transmission Through Concrete Floors |
| ASTM E 2216-2002 | 核设施退役区混凝土处理方案的评估标准指南 | Standard Guide for Evaluating Disposal Options for Concrete from Nuclear Facility Decommissioning |
| ASTM E 488-1996 | 混凝土及砌块构件中锚定强度的试验方法 | Standard Test Methods for Strength of Anchors in Concrete and Masonry Elements |
| ASTM E 835/E 835M-1993 | 粘土和混凝土砖石构件的尺寸配合的标准指南 | Standard Guide for Modular Coordination of Clay and Concrete Masonry Units |
| ASTM F 1869-2004 | 用无水氯化钙测量混凝土底层地板湿气发散率的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Measuring Moisture Vapor Emission Rate of Concrete Subfloor Using Anhydrous Calcium Chloride |
| ASTM F 1987-2001 | 水硬水泥混凝土和灰浆用乳状和粉末聚合物改良剂的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Multilayer Pipe Type 2 , Compression Fittings, and Compression Joints for Hydronic Heating Systems |
| ASTM F 2419-2005 | 浓浆石膏混凝土衬底的安装以及承受弹性楼面的表面的制备的标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for Installation of Thick Poured Gypsum Concrete Underlayments and Preparation of the Surface to Receive Resilient Flooring |
| ASTM F 2420-2005 | 用相对湿度探针测量法和绝缘盖测定混凝土地板表面相对湿度的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Determining Relative Humidity on the Surface of Concrete Floor Slabs Using Relative Humidity Probe Measurement and Insulated Hood |
| ASTM F 2471-2005 | 厚浇注轻质多孔混凝土垫层的安装和承载弹性地板表面的制备的标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for Installation of Thick Poured Lightweight Cellular Concrete Underlayments and Preparation of the Surface to Receive Resilient Flooring |
| ASTM F 710-2005 | 弹性地板铺设前混凝土楼板准备的标准规程 | Standard Practice for Preparing Concrete Floors to Receive Resilient Flooring |
| ASTM G 109a-1999 | 混凝土暴露于氯化物环境时确定化学混合物对埋置钢筋腐蚀作用的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Determining the Effects of Chemical Admixtures on the Corrosion of Embedded Steel Reinforcement in Concrete Expod to Chloride Environments |
| ASTM G 180-2004 | 混凝土中钢用腐蚀抑制混合料的初始筛分的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Initial Screening of Corrosion Inhibiting Admixtures for Steel in Concrete |
| IEEE 1025-1993 | 混凝土电线杆结构组装和竖立安装 | (Asmbly and erection of concrete pole structures) |
| UL 618-1995 | 混凝土砖石工程设备 | (Concrete masonry units ) |
| UL 745-2-12-1995 | 混凝土振捣器特殊要求 | (Particular requirements for concrete vibrators ) |
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