How to evaluate leadership skills Andrea Cavicchioli
•The deep nature of the leadership concept
•How to evaluate if I’m a leader: instruments and other uful suggestions(the same when I evaluate someone different from me)
from me)
单细胞藻类• A brief exemplary history
The deep nature of the leadership concept
Too much asons about this issues?
•Too much“asons”about this issues?
•Too much “speaking of leadership” instead of “practice desirable leadership?
马桶>招生要求desirable leadership”?
•To “be” a leader vs to “do” the leader and/or to “have” some skills?
•How could we transfer our normal manner to consider a person in an “olistic” way in the field of “leadership?孔雀公母区别
Too much “asons” about this issues?
•The “Great Man theory” (why not great women?) -(Thomas Carlyle) –“Born to be a leader….”
T it Th f P lit(t f L d hi)(G d •Trait Theory of Personality (not of Leadership….) (Gordon Allport, Raymond Cattell, Hans Eynck)
Some personality traits are mandatory to be a Leader
再给我两分钟Contingency Theories (Joan Woodward, Gareth Morgan, Fred Fielder, William Richard Scott)
Fielder William Richard Scott)
“The best way to organize depends on the nature of the environment to which the organization must relate”
environment to which the organization must relate”
in other words
……. in other words…..
it is difficult to imagine that a polar bear can live well in the “it is difficult to imagine that a polar bear can live well in the dert or an alligator at the north pole”