Estimation and decomposition of productivity change when production is not efficient: a
paneldata approach
期刊名称: Econometric Reviews
作者: Kumbhakar, Subal C., Denny, M., Fuss, M.
给父母的信>四年级上册应用题种子发芽图片年份: 2000年
翅成语期号: 第4期
关键词: total factor productivity;technical change;returns to scale;scale忽视的英文
effects;technical inefficiency;allocative inefficiency;production function;cost
function;profit function
摘要:This paper address estimation and decomposition of productivity change, which is mostly iden
tified as technical change under constant (unitary) returns to scale (CRS). If the CRS assumption is not made, productivity change is decompod into technical change and scale effects.Furthermore, if inefficiency exists, it also contributes to productivity change. Here we decompo productivity change into efficiency change, technical change, and scale effects. Three alternative approaches using parametric production, cost, and profit functions, which differ in terms of behavioral assumptions on the producers and data requirements, are considered.姓的拼音