Six Sigma the "Breakthrough Management
期刊名称: Economic Quality Control
作者: Denk, Wolfgang
团支书竞选ppt年份: 2005年
期号: 第2期
关键词: Binocular rivalry;Multi-stable perception;Temporal
perception;Psychophysical dynamics
摘要:In the past years many companies in the US and Europe have embraced a quality management initiative bad on the concept and metrics of Six Sigma. Developed as an internal company strategy at Motorola, it was put into action as a quality management program at General Electric and other big c
湖南旅游ompanies and nowadays Six Sigma is often being hailed as the new standard in quality for world class business. The creators of the approach call it The Breakthrough Management Strategy Revolutionizing the World''s Top Corporations. However, a clor look at the rationale behind Six Sigma as prented in the original publications reveals that Six Sigma cannot keep its promi.