regular hours 正常工作时间 flexible hours 弹性工作时间
hot-desking 办公桌轮用 making contacts 建立人脉关系
an impressive job title 一个显要的职衔 a pension 养老金
a good salary 可观的收入 plan for disast有备无患
work experience 工作经验 project manager 项目经理
working environment 工作氛围 brainstorming rooms 头脑风暴室
sales and marketing 销售和市场营销部 globai rvices 环球服务部
developing markets 市场开发部 career goal 职业目标
reward and recognition scheme嘉奖制度 t your limits规定限
get organid 安排有序 parental leave 父母假,育儿假,照顾新生儿女假
put pen to paper 签订协议 two become one 合二为一
find the perfect partner 理想搭档 don’t feel guilty 勿感内疚
Be prepared to communicate and share credit and blame.要能够相互沟通,功过与共.
trade fair event 商品交易会 Training and staff development培训和员工发展
Flexible working hours 弹性工作时间 Opportunities to travel 旅游机会
发烧的英语Opportunities for promotion升职提拔的机会 Days off 几天短假
Company car 公司配给的汽车 Incumbent progamme 岗位培训课程
Grow and maintain customer relationship发展和维持客户关系
Rearch and development and manufacturing研发和生产
solo trader独立法人,独立经销店 partnership 合伙经营
franchi 连锁店 特许经营 start a business 创办企业
ask for permission 获得准许 complain about a mistake 投诉一个错误
confirm something is OK 确认某事 request information 索要信息
offer information 提供信息 cancel arrangements 取消安排
request help 求助 change a booking 改变预定
empioyment news 就业新闻 give notice 预先通知
take voluntary redundancy 自愿接受裁退
make redundant 裁员 employment issue 就业问题
good communication 良好沟通 potential problem 潜在的问题
reasonable period 合理期限 reasonable grounds 合理的理由
verbal warning 口头警告 written warning 书面警告
disciplinary procedure 纪律程序 unglamorous image乏味的形象
door-to-door work and cold calling挨家挨户的推销和进行不期而至的拜访
commercial director 销售总监 email confirmation form 电子邮件确认表
build trust建立信任 ask clever questions 问恰当的问题
know your stuff了解你的产品 be prepared to fail做好失败的准备
scheduling and technical provision to clients
exceptional interpersonal skill 超强人际交往力 open your mind 敞开心扉
sales executive 销售总监 sales and advertising team 销售和总监能力
元宵节在几月几日sales argument 销售赔款 commercial targets 商业目标
marketing reprentative 营销代表 finance manager 财会经理
benefits and incentives 福利和奖励 freelance 自由职业
1、To you, networking might mean attending a conference or trade fair event or meet new clients or partners. 对人们而言,建立关系网络也许不仅仅意味着通过参加会议或商品交易会等活动认识新客户或合作伙伴.
2、I'd got to a reasonably nior level and I wanted to help other people to maximi their potential. 我身处高管职位,希望能够帮助其他女性充分发挥她们的潜能
3、I saw your advert for the post of client rvices executive in yesterday’s newspaper and I would like to apply for the position.我昨天在报纸上看见你们客服服务主管职位的招牌广告,我想申请这个职位。
4、Following recent feedback on working hours,the head of human resources will give a prentation on Thursday 2 July at 4.30pm in the conference room.
5、I’m coming to the event next week called Lanuching your business online.下周我将参加“创办网上公司”的活动。
6、We've reviewed your sales figures and they're not really up to the level we need.我们
7、No one at his old factory was available to comment on how they would be replacing the six workers.就如何接管这六个员工的工作,厂方尚未作出任何评论。
茂盛的近义词是什么8、The aim of this report is to asss whether Ms chuhova was unfairly dismisd and if the correct procedure was followed by her line manager.这报告的目的是评估察哈娃女士是否被不合理解聘以及她的部门经理是否遵循;额正确的程序。
9、Working type up their every thought and nd off emails with tremendous inaccuracy or complete pointlessness .。员工们把每个想法打好字,要么错误百出,要么完全不考虑礼节。
10、Now I speak to customers every day in the buzz of a target-driven environment.it’s fantastic.
11、Don’t misunderstand the customers.不要误解顾客的意思
12、Don’t overload people with details.
13、Salespeople are not necessarily born.销售人员不是天生的