Chapter 1
Orator 猫爪草胶囊功效与作用A person with special skills in public speaking
Rhetoric The art of effective communication between a speaker (or writer) and an audience
Intercultural communicative competence The ability to respect diversity and to communicate effectively in cross-cultural situations
Critical thinking Focud, organized thinking about such things as the logical relationships among ideals, the soundness of evidence, and the differences between fact and opinion
Speaker The person who is prenting an oral message to a listener
Message Whatever a speaker communicates to someone el
Channel The means by which a message is communicated
Listener The person who receives the speaker’s message
Frame of reference民用工业 The sum of a person’s knowledge, experience, goals, values, and attitudes
Feedback 礼仪课The messages, usually nonverbal, nt from a listener to a speaker
学风建设心得体会Interference Anything that impedes the communication of a message
Situation The time and place in which speech communication occurs
Chapter 2
Stage fright Anxiety over the prospect of giving a speech in front of an audience
Adrenaline A hormone relead into the bloodstream in respon to physical or mental stress
Positive nervousness Controlled nervousness that helps energize a speaker for his or her prentation
Visualization Mental imaging in which a speaker vividly pictures himlf or herlf giving a successful prentation
Ethics The branch of philosophy that deals with issues of right and wrong in human affairs
Plagiarism Prenting another person's language or ideals as one's own
Global plagiarism 人体艺木摄影Stealing a speech entirely from a single source and passing it off as one's own沈易直
Patchwork plagiarism Stealing ideals or language from two or three sources and passing them off as one's own
Incremental plagiarism Failing to give credit for particular parts of a speech that are borrowed from other people
Paraphra To restate or summarize an author's ideals in one's own words
Chapter 3
Preview statement A statement in the introduction of a speech that identifies the main points to be discusd in the body
Chronological order A method of speech organization in which the main points follow a time pattern
Topical order A method of speech organization in which the main points divide the topic into logical and consistent subtopics
Transition A word or phra that indicates when the speaker has finished one thought and is moving on to another
Extemporaneous delivery
A method of delivery in which the speech is carefully prepared and reheard but is prented from a brief t of notes
Chapter 4
Topic The subject of a speech
Brainstorming A method of generating ideals for speech topics by free association of words and ideas
General purpo The broad goal of a speech
Specific purpo A single infinitive phra that states precily what a speaker hopes to accomplish in his or her speech
Central idea A one-ntence statement that sums up or encapsulates the major ideas of a speech Residual message What a speaker wants the audience to remember after it has forgotten everything el in a speech
Chapter 5
Audience-centeredness Keeping the audience foremost in mind at every step of speech
preparation and prentation
Egocentrism The tendency of people to be concerned above all with their own value, beliefs, and well-being
Demographic traits Audience characteristics such as age, gender, education, economic standing, cultural background, and the like.
Attitude A frame of mind in favor of or oppod to a person, policy, belief, institution, etc
Fixed-alternative questions Questions that offer a fixed choice between two or more alternatives
Scale questions Questions that require respons at fixed intervals along a scale of answer
Open-ended questions Questions that allow respondents to answer however they want
Chapter 6
Supporting materials The materials ud to support a speaker's ideas. The three major kinds of supporting materials are examples, statistics, and testimony
Example A specific ca ud to illustrate or to reprent a group of people, ideas, conditions, experiences, or the like
Brief example A specific ca referred to in passing to illustrate a point
Extended example A story, narrative, or anecdote developed at some length to illustrate a point